Zoey McMullen: You Go, Girl! is an American animated streaming television series produced by Disney Television Animation which is a revival of the 2009-2012 Disney XD/Disney Channel animated series, Zoey McMullen. The series is developed by Lauren Faust, since her husband, Craig McCracken, who created the original Zoey McMullen, was busy working on the Netflix series, Kid Cosmic. All of the main cast members from the previous show, except for the late Mary Tyler Moore, who is taken over by Katie Crown, reprised their roles.
It premiered on the streaming service, Disney+, on May 6, 2022.
Set 4 years after the original series, this series continues the adventures of the 10-year old Zoey McMullen and her friends, Jackie Jackalope, Melissa Trumpets, Conrad Howlington and Cindy Cabbitson as they reside in the animal-populated town of Theodore Street.
Main characters[]
- Zoey McMullen (voiced by Selena Gomez): The main protagonist of the series, just like she was in the original. She is now 10 years old and wears a blue jacket over her usual dark blue t-shirt, denim jeans and crimson sneakers.
- Jackie Jackalope (voiced by Benjamin Diskin): Zoey's 20-year old jackalope best friend.
- Melissa Trumpets (voiced by Katie Crown): A 40-year old African elephant.
- Conrad Howlington (voiced by Dee Bradley Baker): A 29-year old coyote.
- Cindy Cabbitson (voiced by Janice Kawaye) A 17-year old cabbit and Jackie's girlfriend.
Supporting characters[]
- Dr. Slithers (voiced by Tom Kenny): A scatterbrained rattlesnake scientist who works at the Theodore Laboratories.
- Mr. Nutmeg (voiced by Jeff Bennett): A squirrel who works as the news anchorman of Theodore Street.
- Annieconda Slithers (voiced by Tara Strong): Dr. Slithers' anaconda wife.
Minor characters[]
- Mr. and Mrs. McMullen (voiced by Diedrich Bader and Lori Alan respectively): Zoey's unseen and unmentioned parents who finally make an appearance in the Season 1 episode of the same name, visiting their daughter to spend some lost time with her. While they dearly love Zoey, they seem to disapprove of the fact that her friends are animals, though they soon come to see them as decent individuals who care for Zoey as much as they do.
- Cobby Slithers (voiced by Colleen O'Shaughnessey): Dr. and Annieconda Slithers' 5-year old son who was previously shown as an unnamed baby in the original series' episode "Babyslither". He has since mellowed out into a fairly well-behaved kid, but is also curious and easily distracted by certain objects.
See Lis : Dr. and Annieconda Slithers' 5-year old son who was previously seen as a baby in the of Zoey McMullen: You Go, Girl! episodes