Wish II is an upcoming American computer animated musical fantasy film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. It is the sequel to Wish was directed by Chris Buck and Fawn Veerasunthorn and written by Jennifer Lee and Allison Moore. The film stars the voices of Ariana DeBose, Chris Pine, Alan Tudyk, Angelique Cabral, Victor Garber, Natasha Rothwell, Jennifer Kumiyama, Harvey Guillén, Evan Peters, Ramy Youssef, and Jon Rudnitsky reprising their roles from the first film with newcomers Kensington Tallman, John Goodman and Gabriella Baldacchino
Voice Cast[]
- Ariana DeBose as Asha
- Chris Pine as King Magnifico
- Alan Tudyk as Valentino
- Angelique Cabral as Queen Amaya
- Victor Garber as Sabino
- Natasha Rothwell as Sakina
- Jennifer Kumiyama as Dahlia
- Evan Peters as Simon
- Harvey Guillén as Gabo
- Ramy Youssef as Safi
- Niko Vargas as Hal
- Della Saba as Bazeema
- Jon Rudnitsky as Dario