The following is a transcript for the 2022 American live-action/2D/3D computer traditional animated fantasy romantic black slapstick comedy film, Who Framed Roger Rabbit 2: Rise In The Crossover,
Part 1: Maroon Cartoon[]
(Shows Disney (Jungle Book/Lion King (2016/2019) Variant) Logo)
(Shows Walt Disney Animation Studios Logo)
Shows Disneytoon Studios Logo)
(Shows Pixar Animation Studios Logo)
(Shows Amblin Entertainment Logo)
(Shows 20th Century Studios Logo)
(Shows Marvel Studios Logo)
(Shows Walden Media Logo)
(Shows Reliance Entertainment Logo)
(Shows Sycamore Pictures Logo)
(Shows Tencent Pictures Logo)
(Shows Wanda Pictures Logo)
(Shows MRC Logo)
(Shows Imagemovers Logo)
(Shows T-Street Logo)
(Shows Shondaland Logo)
(Shows Bluegrass Films Logo)
(Shows Pascal Pictures Logo)
(Shows Bautista Lojo Movies Logo)
(A opening titles and a title card of a Maroon Cartoon)
Documentary Narrator: The temperate, pristine and shallow seas of the Tropics. A place of unparalleled beauty and fecundity. Here we are in Toontown. And this is the day when everyone likes to have fun. Life in this metropolis thrives among the twists, turns and alleys. And near the edge, the varied and colorful terrain gives way to...
Mrs. Herman: Aw... Aren't they so cute? (to Roger Rabbit) And you Roger, you're going to take care of them, even Baby Herman, if you don't... (points yelling angrily at Roger) You will go to military school, got it?!
Roger Rabbit: Please, Don't Worry, I got it all co-....
Roger Rabbit: (screaming) I'LL SAVE YOU KID!!!!
(Roger makes a desperate leap across the kitchen for the kid. But Baby Herman swings the door to the freezer open and Roger disappears inside. Baby Herman grabs a thing and swings back, shutting the door. He climbs down and crawls out of the kitchen. After a beat, the freezer door opens. a block of ice falls out and hits the floor. The block SHATTERS into ice cubes. Roger looks around, dazed. as he took this opportunity to crawl out the window. Roger races to the window. His eyes pop out of his head at what he sees. Baby Herman is crawling along the sidewalk under the shadow of a safe being hoisted into a second floor window by the Acme Safe Moving Company. The rope holding the safe is fraying down to a slender thread. He gasps and rockets out the window toward Baby Herman. The rope snaps. The safe falls. Roger arrives just in time to pluck the Baby out of harm's way. But not in time to save himself. The safe CRUNCHES down on his head, burying Roger into the sidewalk. After a beat, Roger's hand appears and spins the tumbler. The safe door opens. Inside, we see the dazed rabbit with little TWEETING BIRDS circling his head.)
Raoul: Cut, cut, cut, cut, CUT!
(Text appears "Characterville Before Toontown")
(The cartoon action stops abruptly, but the goofy CARTOON MUSIC PLAYS ON. We begin a slow PULL BACK TO REVEAL that this cartoon is being filmed LIVE ON A SOUNDSTAGE. The title card sits on an easel. The female legs are paper mache' props manipulated by two HUMAN CREW MEMBERS. Wearily, they lean the legs up against the stage wall. Raoul J. Raoul (played by Ash Brannon), wearing a tweed jacket and baggy pleated pants, steps onto the set. From the equipment and the dress of the crew, we can tell it's the 1940's. Baby Herman throws his cookie down in disgust. He talks in a gravelly voice an octave lower than Wallace Beery's.)
Baby Herman: Again?!
Raoul: Yeah, Could you make the Playback please?!
Roger: Please, Raoul. I can give you stars, I know I can. Just drop the safe on my head one more time.
Raoul: I've already dropped it on you twenty-three times.
Courtney: I used to be a real C.I.T.
Roger: Don't worry about me. I can take it.
Raoul: I'm not worried about you. I'm worried about the safe.
Max: Time to evil!
Part 2: At Toontown/At Ink & Paint Club/Meeting Daniel Valiant[]
(We zoom over the background orange sky with clouds and reveals a full map of Toontown)
(Text appears "Disney, Amblin Entertainment, 20th Century Studios and Reliance Entertainment present", "In association with Walden Media, Media Rights Capital and Sycamore Pictures", "In association with Tencent Pictures and Wanda Pictures", "Toontown, 2009" "after Cartoon All-Stars to The Rescue")
(Text Logo "Who Framed Roger Rabbit 2: Rise In The Crossover")
(a Character flies with a cup of coffee, he puts sugar and a worm eats it with filling and he drinks it)
Br'er Bear: Mm. Those are good worms right there.
Hyacinth Hippo: Hey, Hi! How's the commute treating you?
Br'er Bear: Hey, I can't complain.
Duchess: That never stopped him before. Right?
(Hyacinth and Duchess laughing.)
Hyacinth Hippo: Well, we made good time today.
Baby Piggy: Roger was one of my students.
Foghorn Leghorn: Hmm...
Baby Piggy: (points at the billboard with Eddie doing the floss) Nevertheless, I am not sure about doing the Floss.
(As they reach their destination)
(The viewer had a food fight against Robot Electro Jones from Whatever Happened to… Robot Jones)
Announcer: You Win.
Robot Electro Jones: I lost.
(The viewer had a food fight against Chowder from Chowder)
Announcer: You Win.
Chowder: I lost. (eats an apple)
(The viewer had a food fight with Bloo from Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends)
Announcer: You Win.
Bloo: I lost.
Kids: (Cheering)
Eddie (Kurt Russell): (sighs happily) Toons. (to Dolores) Don't you like living at ToonTown, Dolores?
Dolores (Goldie Hawn): Yes we are, honey.
Eddie: Yeah, that'd be a riot.
Lt. Satino: Eddie, I came here from Hollywood, it's been a long time since we've seen each other.
Eddie: (chuckles) Only there's no business like this one, no business that I know of.
(at WACKY radio station)
Person #1: I can't do this act two scene.
Person #2: This is terrible! It's just unmotivated...
Ted Holt: Calm down, guys. You're quite right.
Dr. Rivera: Now, the problem as I see it is this...
Vladja: To kill him in the first act. We'll have one more try.
Bridget: Has anyone seen the General?
Dr. Rivera and Robert Watts: (in unison) On the stage!
General Zhong: Come on, men. No time for idleness. 30 minutes to combat. Breast out, shoulders back. A little more drool on that shine.
Bridget: Excuse me, General, sir, you are wanted in your office.
General Zhong: You can't lead the troopers from the rear. It's all about the script, it's Mr. King. Carry on, gentlemen. Our sponsor wants to give us a well-deserved slap on the back.
Bernie King: The most revolting, moronic and insipid trash I've ever read in my life. Those scripts stink! They're not funny.
General Zhong: Calm Down Bernie!
Bernie King: We're open to suggestions. Damn right you are. And here are mine.
(At the Ink and Paint Club at ToonTown)
Eddie: This is your first time living in this club.
Lt. Santino: Okay.
Betty: Eddie and Santino! Jeez, it's great to see you guys. We missed you in Toontown. But I still got it, Eddie... (sings) 'Boop boop be-doop'.
Lt. Santino: That's right, Betty.
General Zhong: Ladies and Gentleman, I will give you a new network, WACKY!.
(Audience clapping and Dexter, the radio announcer is heard.)
Dexter: Clear the airwaves! Clear the airwaves! Hello everyone, I hope you are having as much fun as I am. I have a little announcement to make. There is a disapproving roar from the men in the crowd and they shower it with debris. (snickers) I was merely kidding. Without further ado... America means that WACKY Broadcasting Network at VegaCity says, Hello America! Please welcome the Rick Rochester Band with The Dead Tones and the lovely Miller Sisters. But first, gather the kids and the caboodle and stay with us until 12 o'clock, for an evening of everything but the kitchen sink.
(Makes sounds and laughs)
Eddie: Big on the musical comedy, huh?
Betty: Yeah. Sounds like you ve never seen her, Eddie.
(My Way by Frank Sinatra playing)
(Cheering and applauding)
Ava: Rock on.
Dexter: (music stops) Not Really, Believe you me, folks, we've got a night full of surprises.
Distorted Sinister Voice: "Dig and dig to find some dirt. Dig too deep and you'll get hurt".
Eddie: Must have been an open mike.
Darcy: Wow, Rafo. It's a night full of surprises.
Nico: Did you see that, Mr. Snuggles, Foofy, Cubby, Tiny, Wigglewoo, and Gary? It's a night full of any other interesting surprises.
Lightning: Sha-bam!
Chip: We weren't all scared, Potato.
Lt. Santino: No no no, I only have one pot open.
Hop: Lt. Santino only has one pot open, don't you think, Sprout?
Sprout: Yeah!
Dexter: Before that cause, just 92 miles away, standing after Toontown, stands for the great city called "Characterville". This is Characterville, The place that served as the home of many cartoon characters. There are many districts that you may like including... Characterville Central, a town's downtown. City of Architectures, The city's most famous area. Uptown, The city's neighbor residents. Cybercity, A area in the city where there is high-tech stuff and high-tech sports. Aerocity, A city located in the skies with a waterfall-like ramp that leads to Characterville. Superhero Ultrapolis, Where various superheroes and superheroines live, like Batman, Superman and all others. Enchantment Under the Sea, A underwater district where marine creatures, mermaids and sea monsters live on. Sweet Kingdom, A district with giant candies, cakes and other sweet treats. Labyrinth, A labyrinth with houses and buildings, and many more. There are Herigate and monuments, Cultural activities and entertainment, Museums and Libraries, Music, Newspapers, Sports, Recreation, etc. You name it, the possibility will first join together in peace..., at Characterville, they will declared that "Anyone can Be Anything"
(cheering and clapping)
Directors: Cue the band. Cue the band.
(Love is on the Air Tonight from Radioland Murders composed by Joel McNeely playing and text appears ""A Imagemovers/T-Street/Shondaland/Bluegrass Films/Pascal Pictures Production" "A Allison Shearmur/Kennedy/Marshall Production" "Who Framed Roger Rabbit 2", after the whole song: Ruffles holds a trumpet note and he collapses)
Rick: Get him off!
Eddie: I never saw that band Santino, don't ya think?
Lt. Santino: Yeah.
Directors: close the curtain, Cue Commercial
Zoltan: He's dead!
Mae: (Cherry Drop Medicine Commercial plays, start singing) Body Tired, Run down and sagging, throat so sore!
Phil: Is this my script coming in yet?
Eddie: Yeah.
Daniel: (enters) Hey, dad!
Eddie: Hi, Dan.
Daniel: Hey Dad!
Eddie: I never know you found you, how long
Daniel: Well... I could hold my breath for more than 35 seconds!
Eddie: Really?
Daniel: Yes.
Dolores: Hey, Daniel!
Daniel: Hey, Mom?
Dolores: I've never seen you before, Daniel.
Eddie: Hold on honey, I gotta go to my room okay.
Dolores: Okay Eddie.
Daniel: So I'm going home mom.
Dolores: Let's go home dan.
Daniel: Okay, mom.
Part 3: A Beginning of the Adventure/Maroon Entertainment Studio[]
Narrator: Many Years Later...
(Screen showing a townhouse just off downtown Los Angeles)
Daniel: I'm off to see R.K. Maroon.
Dolores: Well, son. Have a good day with R.K. Maroon.
(Daniel leaves his house)
Daniel: (sighs)
(Pennies from Heaven by Louis Prima playing)
(Daniel visits the Maroon Entertainment Studio)
Daniel: Hi, i'm over here. Hello, R.K.? (laughs when the shoes are shined)
(He looks around at the studio and he went to R.K.'s Office)
Daniel: R.K.?
C.B.: I'm not R.K. Maroon. It's me, C.B. Maroon, R.K.'s brother.
Daniel: Oh, okay.
C.B.: But get it out of my face. Like So what? It's already put me three weeks behind on my shooting schedule! Look, Valiant, I'm borrowing it from Disney. They have the entire cast of Fantasia 2000. (Opens the blinds) The best part is... they work for peanuts!
Daniel: (chuckles)
C.B.: So... When will I hear from you?
Daniel: No idea. But you may hear from me.
C.B.: Really?
Daniel: Yes.
C.B.: Splendid! Now you can leave.
Daniel: Very well then.
(Hit Me with Your Best Shot by Pat Benatar playing)
Pat Benatar (singing): Well you're the real tough cookie with a long history for breakin' little hearts like the one in me. That's ok, let's see how you do it Put up your dukes, let's get down to it Hit me with your best shot Why don't ya hit me with you best shot.
Part 4: Valiant and Valiant/Office Building/I Wanna Go To the Place Called Characterville Musical Number[]
Valiant and Valiant[]
Daniel: (sighs) Dad.
Eddie: Yes, Dan?
Daniel: I'm going to office building.
Eddie: Well, you go well.
Roger: Hey, Eddie!
Eddie: Hey, Roger! Long time no see! (hugs him)
Roger: Hold on, Eddie. Who the dickens is that?
Daniel: My name is Daniel Valiant. And you are?
Roger: Well, to be pretty honest, my name is Roger Rabbit, and I'm a cartoon rabbit.
Daniel: Wow, I've never met a cartoon character before.
Roger: I know, Daniel. But I hear you're going to the office building.
Daniel: Yeah Yeah, Roger. But I'm going now! Bye.
Roger: Farewell!
Eddie: Bye son! Have a great day at the office building!
Daniel: Thanks Dad!
Office Building[]
(at the office building)
Mr. Walters: Attention everyone! It's 9:02. Staff meeting! Staff meeting!
(all gasping, murmuring)
Mr. Walters: Look alive, everyone! First I'd like to welcome aboard our newest member of the family, Jim McFlinnagan!
Jim McFinnigan: Mr. Humberfloob, I wanted to thank you...
(all gasping)
Mr. Walters: Fired.
Jim McFinnigan: I beg your pardon?
Mr. Walters: Fired.
Jim McFinnigan: B-But I...
Mr. Walters: FIRRRRRRRRE-duh! (he sanitizes his hands) One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten! As you know, tonight is our bimonthly "meet and greet" party. Tonight's host is Daniel Valiant. This is where people can meet our real estate agents in an informal, yet hygienic setting.
I Wanna Go To the Place Called Characterville Musical Number[]
Men: Unhappy...unhappy..very unhappy Unhappy...unhappy... Very very very very very Very very unhappy
Black accountant: Oh, I debits all duh mornin' An' I credits all duh eb'nin Until dem ledgers be right
Daniel and Men: Until them ledgers be right
Daniel: I spend my life accounting With figures, and such
Men: Unhappy
Daniel: To what is my life amounting It figures, not much
Men: Unhappy
Daniel: ♩I have a secret desire Hiding deep in my soul It sets my heart afire To see me in this role I wanna go to the place called Characterville With a hit show on Broadway I wanna go to the place called Characterville Lunch at Sardi's every day I wanna go to the place called Characterville Sport a top hat and a cane I wanna go to the place called Characterville And drive those chorus girls insane! I wanna go to the place called Characterville And sleep until half-past two I wanna go to the place called Characterville And say, "You, you, you, not you" I wanna go to the place called Characterville Wear a tux on op'ning nights! I wanna go to the place called Characterville And see my name "Leo Bloom" in lights!♩
Chorus Girls: ♩He wants go to the place called Characterville.♩
Daniel: Sell it, girls!
Chorus Girls: ♩Of a great big Broadway smash.♩
Daniel: Don't forget the balcony!
Chorus Girls: ♩He wants go to the place called Characterville. Ev'ry pocket stuffed with cash He wants to be a producer Pinch our cheeks 'til we cry♩
Chorus Girl #1: Ouch!
Chorus Girl #2: (shrieks)
Chorus Girl #3: Ooh!
Chorus Girl #4: Oh!
Chorus Girl #5: Ahh!
Chorus Girl #6: Yes!
Chorus Girl #7: No!
Chorus Girls: ♩He wants to be a producer With a great big casting couch!♩
Daniel: ♩I wanna go to...♩
Chorus Girls: ♩He wants go to...♩
Daniel: ♩I wanna go to...♩
Chorus Girls: ♩He wants go to...♩
Daniel: ♩I wanna go to the greatest, grandest And most fabulous place in the world called Characterville.♩
Chorus Girls: ♩He wants Go To the Place Called Characterville He wants to dine with a duchess and a duke♩
Daniel: ♩I just gonna Go To the Place Called Characterville Drink champagne until i puke♩
Chorus Girls: ♩Drink champagne until he'll puke.♩
Daniel: ♩I Wanna Go To the Place Called Characterville Show the world just what I've got I'm gonna put on shows That will enthrall 'em.♩
Chorus Girls and Daniel: ♩Read my name in Winchell's column!♩
Daniel: ♩I Wanna Go To the Place Called Characterville 'Cause it's everything I am n♩-AAAAHHHHHHH (the music stops)
Part 5: Meeting Lucius DeGeraldson/Toon Patrol 2/Toontown Disaster[]
Lucius Arrival[]
Daniel: Oh. Who are you?
Lucius: My name is Lucius DeGeraldson. And you?
Daniel: I'm Daniel. Daniel Valiant. Anyways, it's a pleasure to meet you...
(Lucius snaps to Daniel's hand)
Daniel: (groans) Ouch! Why did you do that?
Lucius: (laughing)
Roger Rabbit: Hey, who the heck are you?
Lucius: (Facepalms) I'm Lucius DeGeraldson, you twit! Anyway, I'm about to take down Toontown because it's all going to be mine.
Roger Rabbit: Oh yeah? You and what army?
Lucius: This army!
(Lucius DeGeraldson reveals the Toon Patrol 2.)
Roger Rabbit: (gasps)
Phil Phillips: Did someone called the Toon Patrol Two?
Lucius: Yes.
Weasels, Aliens, Rabbids and Monsters: (cheering)
Phil Philips: Quiet, You Stupid Sack of Hammers!
Daniel: Really? Weasels?
Lucius: They're not just weasels, but they're aliens, rabbids and monsters.
Phil Phillips: Okay boss, i brought back the weasels, but now, i will introduce you to the new weasels. (He introduces the new weasels)
Muscleslayer: Now you're gonna get it! You messed with the "Macho Man" Muscleslayer Savage! I'm gonna get you! Yeah!
Phil Phillips: Guys, shut up already!
Daniel: Oh, now i get it.
Lucius: Okay, I have a surprise for you.
Daniel: A surprise? Really? I love surprises! What's it going to be?
Lucius: Uh.... I'm not going to tell you, it's a secret.
Daniel: Okay, now I have to go home. (runs home)
Toontown Disaster[]
(Back at the Valiant's house, Daniel walks back to his home)
Daniel: Mom, dad, i'm home.
Dolores: That's great, son. Open up!
(Daniel opens the door)
Eddie: How long will it last, kid? Do you really this is supposed to be happening Or Me and Dolores are on my honeymoon? Well, there's nothing to do about it. It's your choice, son. You can go back. Or you can stay with us and last for good. You'll be adored by children for generations.
Distorted Sinister Voice: "Hardly time to say a single sentence, before we move on the air!"
Daniel: Well, uhh....
(A loud banging sound coming out of the sky, tornado sirens heard)
Dolores: What the huh?
Daniel: (gasps) Oh my goodness!
Kent Brockman: (On TV) Good afternoon! It is in the center of the circle in L.A. County, moving northward. The Disaster warning that was slammed and continues now and has been officially extended. I gave you this earlier. It has spread all the way to Toontown. They're calling the entire county right now.
Dolores: Jo...
Jo: What is it, Mommy?
Dolores: Come on son, let's get up. Come on, Easy. (She lifts Jo out of bed and down stairs. Toby is left on the bed.)
(Dialogue tight together.)
Eddie: We need to get down to the storm cellar right away.
Daniel: Yes, dad.
Jo: Toby?
Daniel: Come on, let's get Jo and get out of here!
Jo: Toby!
Dolores: Okay, come on, honey.
Jo: Mommy?
Eddie: Come on, honey! Hurry up!
Dolores: I'm on it! (to Jo) Don't be afraid, Jo. Mommy's got you, Mommy's got you.
Daniel: The TV says it's big. It could be a Disaster 5.
Dolores: Okay, let's go to the car now!.
Jo: Toby? Toby! TOBY!!!!
(Toby barks)
Jo: Toby? Toby! TOBY!!!!
(They run out of the house, things exploding and falling all around them.)
Roger: Let's get out of here!
Eddie: Hurry, we have to move! Pass it to me! Let's go and move!!!
(The mother gives Jo to the father, they keep running. They get to the storm cellar, a door in the ground. Camera on Scrat from Ice Age rides on Toby, He runs downstairs and out of the house. Then we hear on the TV the weather man)
Meteorologist: You never herd of it, if you don't have a cellar or a basement, go to the center part of your house.
Dolores: (Watching things explode) (cries out) We're almost there!
Eddie: Take him, quick!
Lucius: Haha! Daniel, this is your surprise!
Daniel: Lucius? Why did you do this?!
Lucius: Listen, Daniel! I had to do this. I had no choice.
(Jessica saws Roscoe (from Babysitter's Guide for Monster Hunting) and he capture her)
Jessica: (shrieks)
Jo: Jessica!
Roger: (gasps) Blimey! Jessica!
Eddie: Everybody, get to Characterville!
(Daniel saws a thing in a blanket, and the blanket reveals Snaggle as he growls and scares him when he gets in)
Jo: Daddy, daddy, Toby's still outside!
Eddie: Come on boy! Come on, Toby! Come on, boy! (He opens door again, Toby jumps inside and he closes the car door.)
Jo: Easy, Toby., It's okay, Toby.
Jo: Daddy!
Lucius: Roscoe, get Him!
Daniel: Grab Jo, Mom! Take Jo! (Roscoe caughts him) I can't hold it!!!!! DEAR GOD!!!!! (He tries harder. The strain is becoming painful.) OH NO!! I CAN'T HOLD IT DOWN!!!!!!!!!!! (screaming)
(Suddenly, he releases and Roger sents to Characterville Tunnel screaming and he disappears into the twister)
Jo: DANNY!!! (9x)
Part 6: Welcome to Characterville/Getting The Team Together/Characterville's Super Legion[]
Welcome to Characterville[]
Daniel: (opens his eyes) (gasps) (stammering) W-W-What the heck happened?
Taco (II): Don't act like you’re so surprised, I have been dragging you along for a while now. Who are you?
Daniel: Oh, my name is Daniel Valiant. And you?
Taco (II): I'm Taco.
Daniel: Okay. Uh... Taco, I have a question.
Taco (II): Yes?
Daniel: Could you please tell me where am I?
Taco (II): Well, then you've come to the right place. Daniel, you're in Characterville!
Daniel: (gasps) Wow!
(Juice by Lizzo playing)
Italian Street Seller: Coffee pots! Get your coffee pots right here!
Daniel: I can't believe this place is awesome! (looks at the right, which is Pirate Town. Jack Sparrow from The Pirates of the Carribean and Selkirk from 7 Sea Pirates having a swordfight. Then looks at the left, which is Metro City)
Daniel: No Way!
Taco (II): This is Royal Woods from The Loud House. This is Great Lakes City from The Casagrandes. This is Bikini Bottom from SpongeBob SquarePants. This is Planet Irk from Invader Zim. This is Ghost Zone from Danny Phantom. This is Retroville from The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius. This is Four Nations from Avatar: The Last Airbender. This is Swellview from Henry Danger, The Adventures of Kid Danger, and Danger Force.
(people chattering)
Daniel: Unbelieveable!
Gazelle: You're not in heaven. Welcome to Characterville.
Roger Rabbit: Wow!
(TTG Robin enters)
Robin: Hi, guys!
Daniel: Huh? Who are you? Are you Batman's son?
Robin: Batman's son? No! I'm Robin, from the Teen Titans, Anyways, wanna go to my tower?
Roger Rabbit: Sure.
Getting The Team Together[]
(At the Titans Tower from Teen Titans Go!, Blossom and Starfire were playing arm wrestling on the rug, and Beast Boy, Cyborg, Raven, Bumblebee, Terra, and DC Superhero Girls were playing a video game on the couch.)
Robin: All right Daniel, welcome to the Tower of Titans.
Daniel: Wow, it's beautiful.
Roger Rabbit: Are you kidding? It's super duper beautiful.
Starfire: And where are you from?
Daniel: We're from L.A, they took everyone there! For some reason they didn't take me. There was even a disaster in Toontown because of Lucius DeGeraldson and the weasels.
Cyborg: (gasps) Lucius DeGeraldson.
Daniel: Yes.
Raven: Lucius DeGeraldson
Roger Rabbit: Yes?
Bumblebee: Lucius DeGeraldson! I knew he was behind all this!
Terra: We have to stop him!
Diana Prince: I know! We can get our partners to help us! We know a shortcut through some places.
Daniel: Wait, so one of the citizens of Toontown can help us, too?
Starfire: Yup!
Robin: Come on guys! Let's go find our homies and take down Lucius DeGeraldson!
Daniel: Let's go!
(At Loud Family's House)
Lincoln Loud: Oh hey Daniel. Come on in!
Daniel: Hey Lincoln.
(At Casagrandes Apartment)
Ronnie Anne: Wait Guys, so Lucius DeGeraldson is coming.
Bobby: Yes
(At Unikingdom)
Unikitty: You mean you've been living there? The pack of baddies came here first and then went the way you came but in the opposite direction and got to L.A.! Besides, didn't they catch both of you?
Daniel: Yeah, i know.
Puppycorn: And what happened next?
Dr Fox: Wow.
French Narrator: 9 hours Later....
(At Camp Halohead)
Clemmie: With a combination of over 30 silk, wire and cotton-based threads spun together, I now present to you... Super String!
(All the mandarins looking)
Unknown Adult Mandarin #1: Dude, pick the line!
Clemmie: Alright! Ahem. I said, "It's Super String!"
Unknown Adult Mandarin #2: More like "Stupid String."
Clemmie: I know what you're thinking, Mike. You're like, "What's so super about it?" () Great question, Mike. Well, how about that it's very easily able to withstand the pull of 18,000 more kilos than any other string known to...
(bell rings)
Tango: Snooze alert.
Bud: Known to mandarin-kind! Or man-kind, for that matter.
Clemmie: (sighs)
Daniel: (they arrived) Hey Mandarins!
Clemmie: (gasps) Daniel! Is that really you?
Daniel: Yes that's me!
Bud: (sacrastially says yeah) Yeah!
Both: I'm so happy to... It's really... Great to... Jinx, jinx.
Daniel: Jinx!
Clemmie: Jinx. One, two, three. I win! You can't speak until someone says your name. Hello? You in here?
Daniel: Could you unjixed me?
Clemmie: Sorry. But anyways, This is one of my best buddies, Tango.
Tango: Hi Guys!
Clemmie: And Bud.
Bud: Hey!
Clemmie: We're the guys.
Daniel: You know, I don't think this is gonna work. It's just that I'm not sure you're gonna be compatible with the team. (chuckles)
Clemmie: Oh, wow, it is such a pleasure to meet not you, but you! I've never met a toon before. Your technological achievements are amazing, May i shake your hand?
Cyborg: Why, thank you. Heh Heh. I like her.
Bud: And this has to be Sisu.
Sisu: Whoa! How'd you know that?
Bud: Because you have a beautiful hair in your head. Oh, so cool!, I have my beautiful hair right now!
("Summer Song" by Kenny G playing while Bud sways his hair)
Sisu: (chuckles)
Lotta: (off-screen) Oh! Backflip.
Lincoln Loud: So I, um... I hear you're some kind of engineering wizard or whatever.
Clemmie: Oh, heh. I mean, I don't like to brag, but... (pops with Bud's achievement awards) Wait. Who's that? And why is he all over these achievement awards?
Liam: (to Lincoln) The kid's amazing, right?
Bud: Not a kid anymore, Liam.
Zach: Toot toot! Tickle Train arriving at Sister Station!
Bud: Zach, no. I am a serious rocker. (laughing) I am a serious... (laughs)
Lincoln Loud and Ronnie Annie: Heh.
Byron: Oh, look how cute this is.
Puppycorn: What's going on out there?
Unikitty: Is it a per...? Is it a head?
Puppycorn: What is that?
Dr. Fox: Oh, look. It seems like it's some kind of note.
Richard: What if it's a love note?
Blossom (voice-over): Dear Super LegionSyspocalypstarians, we wish to come to your hometown as "emergency newcomers." May we talk? Love, Blossom, XOXO.
Emmet: Newcomers? That's not possible.
(Another note arrives, and reads it.)
Buttercup (voice-over): P.S., it IS possible, because we're doing something that will blow your mind.
(Who's Got The Power by Tacocat playing when The Powerpuff Girls arrives and did the same poses)
Robin: Wait... The Powerpuff Girls?
Blossom: You guys again? I thought this city looked familiar.
Robin: What's going on, Blossom?
Blossom: Nothing. But Mojo Jojo released gremlins into Townsville and some managed to escape from that Gateway.
Bubbles: You nice super heroes will gather up the rest of them, won't you?
Buttercup: Based on our last team up, I wouldn't count on it.
Cyborg: Wait! Are you saying that thing can take us into movies from the '80s?
Blossom: Yeah, they can take you to all sorts of worlds but shouldn't we...?
(Cuts to the Secret Museum)
Yadina: Look out below!
Xavier: Woo-hoo!
Xavier: Hi Berby!
Yadina: Hi Berby!
Berby: Hi Brad!
Brad: Hi Berby! Oof.
Berby: Woo!
Xavier: (humming) We're getting something!
Distorted Sinister Voice: There is no turning back now!
Robin: Huh? What was that?
Distorted Sinister Voice: They will held you back, When it's too late to see us, you will live for lives......
Xavier: And that's what we need help!
Bud: Who are you guys?
Xavier: The name's Xavier!
Yadina: And i'm Yadina!
Brad: And I'm Brad.
Robin: And where are you guys from?
Xavier: We're from Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum.
Robin: Oh, okay.
Berby: (robot noises, Dolphin chirp)
All: (gasp)
Xavier: What did you say at us?!
Brad: We heard a bad word from you.
Robin: Uh... I think that Berby said it.
Yadina: (facepalms) Berby, don't said that word, okay?
Brad: Yeah!
Berby: (robot noises)
Xavier: It's okay.
Yadina: So, what did we say...
Distorted Sinister Voice: I'LL BE BACK, AND YOU CAN BET ON IT!
Characterville's Super Legion[]
Daniel: All right, that's it! We're going on an adventure to find out what Toontown is missing. Who's with me?
Lincoln Loud: We are!
Roger Rabbit: But what are you guys dressed up as?! This is not a costume contest.
Daniel: You must be Guardians of the Galaxy!
Unikitty: No, that's a different universe.
Daniel: Uh, Justice League!
Characterville Super Legion: No!
TTG Beast Boy: Yo, Cy. Those two people don't know who we are.
TTG Cyborg: Oh, really? Then I think it's time we tell them.
Robin: (sighs) Okay everyone... (looks at Jade Wilson's soundstage) Let's go to Mrs. Wilson's soundstage!
All: Yeah!
Part 7: Jade Wilson's Soundstage/Meeting Scarlett[]
(buzzer sounds)
Jade Wilson: All right. Quiet on the set. Lights! Cameras! No moving around. Closed set, please. Are there any more of those chocolate-covered peanuts at the craft service table? Could someone bring me some, okay, okay, (to herself) Come on Jade, you can do this, just have fun with it. I am not supposed to use your real names, Follow your instincts. Magic.
(organ playing, horses galloping)
Black Whip: They call me the Black Whip. Well, it looks like we've lost the evil Freeman gang.
Jade Wilson: Okay, let's ride the DBs on this whip crack.
Black Whip: I don't like it, Honey. It's too quiet out there. Listen, there's only crickets.
Happy Whip: Watch out for that rattlesnake, Black Whip!
Black Whip: Hand me my whip, Happy.
Jade Wilson: All righty!
Happy Whip: You got it, Black Whip. (horse galloping) (gasps) Oh, no! The Crazy Gulch gang!
Jade Wilson: Here they come. They're shooting at us! (guns shooting)
Black Whip: C'mon guys let's strike those guys
Jade Wilson: Cut! that was amazing!, I did great and i did great at acting, (laughs) Relax. It's not a big deal. Everybody knows. - Let's run it again in five.
(buzzer sounds)
Robin (TTG): Hey Mrs Wilson, Long time No See!
Beast Boy: S'up, Girl?
Jade Wilson: Hi, guys. So nice to meet you. What do you want?
Robin: Well..
Daniel: it's an emergency!
Jade Wilson: What emergency?
Daniel: We've discovered that there's a third island and they're plotting to destroy us all.
Jade Wilson: Oh dear!
Beast Boy (TTG): So we're going to do like an ambush.
Bumblebee (TTG): And we also need to join you.
Raven (TTG): So, you wanna come?
Jade Wilson: I'll come with you guys! (strikes a pose the text appears "The Superhero Director")
Robin: Oh Alright!
Jade Wilson: Ok, guys! Let's do this!
(Scarlett Valiant appears)
Jade Wilson: Oh boy, someone's here.
Daniel: Hi, miss. What's your name?
Scarlett: I'm Scarlett. And you?
Daniel: Daniel Valiant.
Scarlet: Oh Daniel nice to meet you
Jade Wilson: Okay okay, i have a talk.
Daniel: Yes?
Jade Wilson: All right, as I was saying, we decided to put a guest on the stage.
Daniel: And who is it really?
Jade Wilson: Well, I don't know, but it's a surprise.
Daniel: Oh well, but it better not be one of those scary surprises like what happened in Toontown.
Jade Wilson: No need to worry, it's going to be good this time, okay?
Daniel: Okay.
Jade Wilson: Alright. I'll tell you a story about those bad guys. (clears throat) Okay, a long time ago, TBA
(after Jade tolds them)
Bumblebee (DCSHG (2019)):
Jade Wilson: So.... I would like to bring the assistant director, Tom McCallum!
Tom McCallum: Hey guys!
Daniel: Well Scarlett. I guess Lucius DeGeraldson working with. Wacky Doom Jr.
Scarlett: Oh blimey!
Part 8: Meanwhile with Lucius DeGeraldson/Wacky Doom Jr./Hanging Out with Scarlett/"With Great Chocolate Comes Great Responsibility"[]
Meanwhile with Lucius DeGeraldson/Wacky Doom Jr.[]
Master Doom (Unikitty): Look at me! i'm barefooting!
Cartoon Drunken: Sir, i would like to have 2 beers for me please
Waiter: Sure, Coming right up.
(And then zooms into the inside of the bar. A montage of them playing Pin the Tail on the Donkey, singing drunken, The Women taking selfies, The Men playing cards, Playing Spin The Bottle and dancing together. While all this happens, the song Underground by Tom Waits plays.)
Muscleslayer: We go up there and the Characterville's Super Legion starts showing up, we're gonna get our butts kicked. OOOH YEAAHHH!!!!.
Strongy: Don't even say that! You know what? You're making a lot of sense. I mean, why take the risk? You should tell Lucius DeGeraldson. CAN YOU FEEL THEM DUDE! CAN YOU FEEL THEM?
Olly: Ooh la la! That's a good idea. But, you know, it's not really our place. I mean, you're his brother. That makes you, like... the vice president of the gang.
Greasy: It's something like that, isn't it? Okay, I'll tell him. (gets up from chair) Boy, I should talk to you guys more often.
Muscleslayer: What if Lucius DeGeraldson doesn't like it?
Crazy: Then at least the genie will get a slap in the face and not us.
Greasy: Vice president Greasy. (laughs and then runs to the Lucius' lair)
Annoyingy: Hey Guys! Look Out!
All: Huh?
Annoyingy: (laughs)
Synonomess Botch: It's me the Sinister Distorted Voice behind the speakers.
Raven King: (laughs)
Packrat (Super Spy Ryan): Good one!
(Lucius DeGeraldson is counting the wealthy success from Toontown)
Lucius: Toontown is completely MINE!!! (laughing evilly)
Dick Dastardly: Besides, Lucius, We have good news. A sidekick who is the son of Judge Doom, will be joining us.
Lucius: Nice.
Greasy: Hello there, Lucius!
Lucius: Go away.
Greasy: Okay, I guess I won't tell you my idea.
Lucius: Fine.
Greasy: I'll tell you anyway. You know, I've been doing a lot of thinking lately and this is just a thought. Why go to Characterville? I mean it's between us and you pretend it doesn't exist.
Morag: Fine!
Lucius: (angry) WHAT?!
Lucius: (gasps, Shan Yu looks at him) Shan! I can't now, daughter. Daddy is working. (to Greasy angrily)
Greasy: Woah there! No need to be pushy. After all, it's not my idea at all. It was the weasels! I thought that you would understand!
Lucius: (his angry mood turns calm) Wacky Doom Jr.?
Wacky Doom Jr: (enters) Yes, Mister?
Lucius: I want you to share a little something with our bar.
(cuts to parts of the bar and then the music stops when Lucius and Wacky Doom Jr. appear.)
Lucius: Ladies and gentlemen, order up another round cause we're staying here!
(cue applause)
Lucius: What were we thinking destroying all the Characterville districts? I mean we've only destroyed one. And we don't have any other worlds that can destroy us, do we? But... there is a man who is very much like the people of Characterville.
Muscleslayer: Yes, but we could forget about that!
Dizzy: He's only one man!
Lucius: You're right! He's just a little man! Let's pretend this little soda can is a human. (shakes a soda can and sprays one of the people.) Did that hurt?
Muscleslayer: (stares at him angrier and yells in a Ultimate Warrior impression) NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Lucius : How about this? (shakes a bottle of soda and sprays three people.)
Crazy: Are you kidding?
(At this point, the crowd is already laughing. Lucius DeGeraldson is now holding a large can of soda that is half the size of the bar.)
Lucius: Well then, how's this?!
(Lucius DeGeraldson opens up the soda can and the bar explodes, sending various people flying into buildings and the ground. Lucius DeGeraldson and Wacky Doom Jr. are unharmed by the explosion.)
Wacky Doom Jr.: You'd think we don't know? Their minds overwhelm us! And if these people are going to ever figure this out, there goes our circle of life! That's why we're all going to the Characterville together! Who's with us?
(Everyone brings out their weapons and they prepare for battle.)
Lucius: Okay then... ROLL OUT EVERYONE!
(Various spaceships fly around and away.)
Hanging Out with Scarlett[]
(at the office)
Daniel: Okay, Boss Baby. I just do my bestie Scarlett?
Scarlett: Yes, but I just about this.
Boss Baby: Well I guess. about his, for a good.
Daniel: Thank you, boss
Boss Baby: You're welcome. Now go.
"With Great Chocolate Comes Great Responsibility"[]
Dexter: We now return to, the legendary, John Payne!
(audience applauding)
Dexter: We continue as John Payne and his wife sented to Sweet Kingdom, where did they come from next?
John: Well, to be quite honest,
Judy: Okay what is about great chocolate.
Sweet King: It is I, The Sweet King
John: Wow!
Sweet King: Among the kingdom, it is our great pleasure to
Sweet King:
Sweet King:
Sweet King:
Judy: What if there will be danger?
Sweet King: Don't worry, it only come to save the candies, With Great Chocolate Comes Great Responsibility
Victor Van Dort: Okay.
Part 9: Daffy Chase/Bugs Bunny meets The Nerdlucks[]
Daffy Chase[]
Daffy Duck: You can't get me daniel.
Daniel: Come back here, you twerp!
Daffy Duck: Come Follow me!
Daniel: Whoa! (screams)
Hollywood Director: That's Not right! Cut CUT!
Daniel: OOF!
Daffy Duck: That's lunch everybody!
Roger: Oh blimey! Daniel, are you okay?!
Daniel Valiant: Yes i am.
Cabin Fever[]
Hollywood Director: Oh MY GOD! You got!
Various Toons: CABIN FEVER! I got cabin fever it's burning in my brain. I've got cabin fever it's driving me insane. We got cabin fever, we're flipping our bandanas. Been stuck at sea so long we have simply gone bananas Ariba! Chica chica boom A chica chica boom boom chic Chica chica boom A chica chica boom boom chic We got cabin fever we've lost what sense we had We got cabin fever, we're all going mad Grab your partner by the ears Lash him to the wheel Do-si-do step on his toe Listen to him squeal Allemande left, allemande right It's time to sail or sink Swing your partner over the side Drop him in the drink We got cabin fever No ifs, ands or buts We're disoriented And demented And a little nuts Ach du lieber Volkswagen car (Yodel-lay-ee-hoo) Sauerbraten, wienerschnitzel Und wunderbar (Yodel-lay-ee-hoo)
Men: We were sailing, sailing the wind was on our side
Real Old Tom: And then it died
Various Toons: I've got cabin fever I think I've lost my grip I'd like to get my hands on Whoever wrote this script Si! I was floating 'neath a tropic moon And dreaming of a blue lagoon- Now I'm crazy as a loon
Everyone: Cabin fever has ravaged all aboard This once proud vessel has become a floating psycho ward We were sailing, sailing headed who knows where And now though we're all hereWe're not all there Cabin fever! (All scream)
Bugs Bunny meets The Nerdlucks[]
Elmer Fudd: All right, you pesky wabbit. I've got you now! (He's about to shoot Bugs, a metal ramp comes down on him and crushes him) Ouch!
Bugs Bunny: (Looks at the spaceship) Hmm. (The spaceship door opens and the Nerdlucks come out)
Pound: One small step for Moi!
Nerdlucks: Moi!
Bang: (Pulling out a flag) One giant leap for Moron Mountain!
(Bang hits Pound in the foot with his flag and Pound screams in pain. Bugs looks at Elmer and sees that Elmer is seeing stars and groaning in pain.)
Bugs Bunny: And one whopper headache for Elmer Fudd. (He sees the Nerdlucks coming down from the ramp and the Nerdlucks look up at Bugs) Diminutive, ain't they?
Bang: Greetings Earthlings, We are The NERDLUCKS!
Beast Boy: I have never seen one of these hamsters before.
Raven: Meh.
Bupkus: First of all, don't call us tender. We are aliens who want to defeat the earth somehow eh?
Bumblebee: Ooooooohhhh... I get it
Bugs Bunny: You know, maybe there is no Intelligent life out there in the universe after all!
Bang: Hold on there Mister!.
Bupkus: Hey, what do you think we are, stupid? (The Nerdlucks hold their laser guns and pointing them at them)
Buffus: Don't move a muscle.
Pound: Okay You Plats, gather up your tune pals. We're taking you for a ride. (Leaning in to camera, smiling and chuckling evilly)
Nawt: Move it mister.
(Pound sees Blanko acting dumb)
Blanko: Are we there yet?
Part 10: Special Forces Meeting[]
Daniel: Alright everyone, We have A Special Forces Meeting Today!
All: (cheering)
Clemmie: So, What's The Plan?
Tango (Camp Halohead): Yeah!
Daniel: Glad you ask!
(all murmuring)
Daniel: All right, everyone, here's the plan. The last gem piece is in Fang, the most heavily guarded of the five lands. Now, they’re protected by an artificial canal that separates them from the rest of the world. The only way in or out is by water. Luckily for us, we have a magic water dragon. Now, the palace will be swarmingwith Fang soldiers. To sneak past them, we’ll need to…
Miles Morales: I got this, guys. I’ll take care of the first wave. (grunts) Hulk will follow up with his giant axe of bad-axery.
(Hulk exclaiming)
Miles Morales: And then come Knife and that crazy gang…
(Knife exclaiming)
Baseball (II): Honestly,
Star Butterfly: Okay.
Miles Morales: …who will toss the gem to the Mighty Sisudatu. (mimicking)
Sisu: (growling) You do know how to get right to the chase, right girls?
Raya: Yeah!
Aki The Ninja Girl: Mm hmm.
Miles Morales: And then, bye-bye, Toon Patrol.
(Miles Morales mimicking explosions)
Miles Morales: Super flow plan, am I right?
(Lily Loud clapping)
Daniel: Uh, no. Yeah, that’s not flow. That’s a clog.
Roger: I agr-ow.
Sisu: Here’s my plan. We infiltrate Toon Patrol World, confront Lucius, and offer her something nice and go… "Hey! Wanna help us save the world? Because all it takes is one gem piece." (Roger speaking as Lucius) Yes! I’ve been waiting for someone to ask me! Here you go! Best friends forever!
(Everyone look shocked and confused)
Nikki: Alright.
Sameer: Who's with us.
Starfire: Yeah, I think I’d rather go with Miles' plan. Hehehehehe
Liam: Me too.
Zach: Me three.
Stella: Me four.
Byron: Me five.
Rusty: Me six.
Roger: What?
Miles Morales: Yes!
Roger: What, why?
Golf Ball: Because it’s Toon Patrol World.
Tennis Ball (BFDI): Their blades are specially designed for the stabbing of backs.
Baseball (II): I agree.
Nickel (II): Me too.
Gumball: If it weren’t for them, none of this would have happened. They’re the worst.
Lily Loud: (mumbles in agreement)
Sisu: If we're honest with him, deep down I have a feeling he wants to fix the world as much as we do.
Daniel: You weren’t there when Lucius betrayed me. We’re sticking with my plan.
(Sisu chuckled)
(Aki grabs a videotape.)
Aki The Ninja Girl: Now this video will have the Toon Patrol telling you about what they're plan is. Enjoy.
(Aki puts the tape on the TV and Weasel Instructor instead of Lucius DeGeraldson was on the screen.)
Enid: A Weasel Instructor? How could he get there?!
Daniel: Shh! Shut up and watch the video!
Weasel Instructor (with a PAL Bot head): (clears his throat) Hello and Welcome, You'll be happy to know that You're in one of our global fleet of seven 128 story rockets, And we'll create a new and better world without everything except weasels, These rockets will be equipped with ZERO STOCK EXITS! Their flight will last FOREVER. And their final destination IS A BLACK VOID OF DISTANT SPACE! But we also have free wifi and his lair, and thank you for flying with us TO HIS LAIR! (Master Doom (Unikitty), Lord Dominator and Raven King starts beating up Weasel Instructor and the Daniel, Roger and the Characterville Super Legion all look confused) Hey hey hey! What are you doing?! Stop that! Knock it off! Cut it out!
Master Doom: Get outta here, it's my time! Sorry about that. Hello, maggots. We just destroyed Toontown. (As he said that The Characterville Super Legion all looked scared, except for Daniel and Roger who look on in anger.) And here is how my plan goes.
(Aki turns off)
Aki: That's awful!
Bumblebee: Oh no.
Enid: This is terrible.
Jade Wilson: (to herself) Listen Weasels, it is bunch of phony baloney it is all pretend...... (yells in frustration) OH MY GOD YOU PEOPLE ARE IDIOTS! (screams angrily)
Robin: Chill out, Jade! It's going to be OK.
Distorted Sinister Voice: When you have to achieve their survival, all you need to do is divide and conquer!
Bumblebee: What?!,
Jade Wilson: That's impossible!
Winnie Coyle: How can we achieve OUR survival?
Lola and Lana: We don't know!
Vanellope: Ralph, we have to find out.
Ralph: Oh man here we go at last Vanellope.
Part 11: Emergency Exit[]
(The giant ice ball is coming)
Daniel: What the heck?
Roger Rabbit: (gasps)
Bud (Camp Halohead): Is that a....?
Tango (Camp Halohead): A GIANT ICE BALL!!!
(all screaming, except for Daniel Valiant and Roger Rabbit)
Daniel: All right all right! Everyone calm down!
(Inside Daniel's forehead)
Joy: I think those guys are continuing to scream.
Fear: What are we going to do now?
Joy: I got it! We need to tell them to calm down.
Anger: Good idea! (When his Head Ignites, He flips the control as his head blows out fire)
Daniel: (breathing, yells) EVERYONE JUST SHUT UUUUUUUUUUP!!! (echoes)
(Everyone stop screaming)
Daniel: Wait a minute. Is my echo broken? Oh, well, the Toon Patrol 2 are our enemies! But I heard they stole the Toontown single.
Roger: You're right, Daniel! We use it to call the citizens of Toontown when Toon Patrol 2 causes us trouble. While Lucius sleeps, let's get the bachelor to use it and save Toontown.
Unikitty: Great idea, Roger.
Sonic the Hedgehog: You can count on us!
Aki: But don't wake him up!
Peni Parker: Oh, yeah!
Spider-Man Noir: Now let's pose.
Spider-Ham: Dracula, why don't you pose?
Dracula: Because i'm getting too old for this.
(The gang are posing.)
Scarlett Valiant: Okay, everybody, let's save Toontown and its bachelor! But first, make sure Lucius is asleep.
Jade Wilson: Okay!
French Narrator: One Mission Impossible sequence later...
Bumblebee: Charlie, what are you doing?
Charlie Brown: I'm just practicing for the battle tomorrow.
Peppermint Patty: That's awesome. Look, Lola and Nick are here.
(Lola and Mr. Knack enter the throne.)
Mr. Knack: Did somebody call me Nick? Shut up, all of you!
Peppermint Patty: Oh, Crap Marcie.
Marcie: I just went to take care of the killer.
All: WHAT?!
Francine (A&C/HunterRisesAgain): Hey Guys!
Daniel: (gasp) Francine, What are you doing here?
Francine (A&C/HunterRisesAgain): I lived in Springtown from the Korea slapstick show and they designed my new look, and I think this is the entrance. And this is a big door!
(Daniel, Scarlett, Roger Rabbit and the Characterville Super Legion enter a huge door.)
Francine (A&C/HunterRisesAgain): Okay, which things should you do for the guards?
(Two guard pigs are standing by the door.)
Guard Pig 1: What's the password?
Bud (Camp Halohead): Come on guys, I know the password. The bad piggies plot revenge and steal all the water balloons from the world and destroy the water balloons factory so you have to repair the water balloons factories and kill the bad piggies to get all the water balloons back and be happy again.
(Record scratches sound)
(Cricket chirping)
All: Ummmmmmm......
Bud (Camp Halohead): Trust me guys!, We got to figure out a way to get into that (in slow motion) roooooo-
(Tango does stuff like flipping a coin, as he chuckles as the guards water pink, more like so much plunger and holding his gavel. "Fart Face". A clock beeps punches, launch him, The tackle the on the left, camera shutters)
Bud (Camp Halohead): -m (normal voice and whispers) Anyone have any bright ideas?
(The piggies a pink, and water splashes. A more like plunger pops)
Guard Pig 2: uhhhhh.
Guard Pig 3: You are gonna pay for that!
(Guard Pigs are chasing the 2nd guard)
Lightbulb: Excellent!
(The door opens and Daniel, Scarlett, Roger Rabbit and the Characterville Super Legion enter the room.)
Puppycorn: Here, We, Are......?
Xavier: well, they used us to say... "If anything is scary to you, just tell your friends".
Unikitty: Jeepers! Look up there!
(A pack of Noibat are flying around the room.)
Puppycorn: Come on, Sis, Get over it!
(The Toontown citizens are trapped in a cage.)
Star Butterfly: Oh no!
Marco Díaz: What are are we gonna Do?
Judy Hopps: Can someone get you guys out?
Dominic Toretto: Is anyone here?
Amy Rose: Please, Sonic please!
Moxy: I hope someone will get us out of this prison., Babo do you the keys to unlock this thing?
Babo: (grabs everything from his body pockets from the movie) I got nothing!
Luke Skywalker: Don't worry, everyone, I'll use my lightsaber to get us out.
(Luke Skywalker is about to use his lightsaber but he hears a noise.)
(The Giant's huge stomps are heard.)
Glinda the Good Witch: What's that?
Jesus: It's a giant!
(Daniel, Scarlett, Roger Rabbit and the Characterville Super Legion arrive and look at the cage.)
Roger Rabbit: We did it! We found the Toontown citizens!
Everyone: (Cheering)
Daniel: Oh boy! It's Toretto's crew! Don't worry. We're gonna get you out!
Pony Head: Can someone get the Toontown citizens?
Yadina: Sure. (She holds a screwdriver.) Me and Dr. Zoom got my Turny Turny twisty twisty all the way down thing to get you out!
Marcie: You mean a screwdriver?
Yadina: Sorry, I can't remember what it was.
(Yadina uses her screwdriver to get the Toontown citizens out of the cage.)
(The cage opens and the Toontown citizens are free.)
SpongeBob: Victory screech!
(everyone does the Gangsta's Paradise choir)
Distorted Sinister Voice: Before we Getting on the shelf, you better go on, through disasters!
Frida Puga: Aah! Somebody said disasters?!
Fan: Shut up everybody! Please, Test Tube what did we got?
Test Tube: Uh, let's see...
Dendy: Is there K.O. here?
(Kids cheering sound)
K.O.: Yes i am.
Dendy: K.O.!
K.O.: Dendy!
Dendy: Where were you?
K.O.: I don't know.
Lola: That was fun! Lets do it again!
*heard exploding*
Yadina: Or not!
Patty: That really made my ears numb!
Marcie: Same to mines.
Part 12: Abstract Thought/Submarine/Opera[]
Abstract Thought[]
Raven: What is this place? it looks weird
K.O.: So Weird!
Aki The Ninja Girl: mm hmm
Sinister Distorted Voice: You know Where your thoughts that when you feeling abstract, even your weird minds!
Raven: Woah, That voice is weird and scary like a demon from Azarath
Daniel: What's happening?
Robin: Jeepers! They turned it on.
Starfire: (scoffs) Never seen this before.
(all scream)
Starfire: (touching his abstract shaped face) My face! My beautiful face!
Daniel: What is going on?
K.O.: We’re abstracting! There are four stages. This is the first. Non-objective fragmentation!, Just like the voice coming out of the speakers!
Robin: Alright, do not panic. What is important is that we all stay together. [suddenly his abstract arm falls off]
Daniel: Oh! [Everyone start falling apart too]
Roger Rabbit: We’re in the second stage, we’re deconstructing! [as Bing Bong falls to pieces]
Cyborg: I can’t feel my legs! [picks one leg up] Oh, there they are.
Daniel: Come here, me!
(they start putting their abstract pieces of body back together)
Beast Boy: We gotta get out of here! Before we’re not even shape and color! We’ll get stuck here forever, Yo!
Daniel: Beast, why did we come in here?
Beast Boy: I told you! It’s a shortcut!
Daniel: The exit!
(as they start making their way towards the exit door they turn 2 dimensional)
Jade Wilson: Oh, jeepers. We’re two dimensional. That’s stage three!
Daniel: We’re getting nowhere!
Unikitty: Depth! I’m lacking depth!
(as she tries to get her 2D body through the exit door)
Daniel: We can’t fit!
(they suddenly change into figurative shapes)
Lincoln Loud: (screams)
Clyde: What the heck is this?
Liam: I'm figurative shape!
Zach, Rusty, Byron, Cici and Stella: And so do we.
Bumblebee: Oh, gosh! We’re not figurative! This is the last stage!
Robin: We’re not gonna make it!
(they change shape again)
Bumblebee: Wait, we’re two dimensional! Fall on your face!
Daniel: We're Gonna make it! (changes back)
Starfire: We're trying!
Jade Wilson: That's it! I thought you said that was a shortcut!
Cyborg: We did, but wow, we should NOT have gone in there. That was dangerous! They really should put up a sign.
(All the characters gathering)
Daniel: Alright guys, do not worry! We got this! Daniel and the Super Legion is got your back! In your front and your sides.
(all cheering)
The Rich Texan: Yee Haw! (fires two pistols in the air)
Starfire: Woo hoo!
Robin: So are you 100 percent sure we shouldn't evacuate?
Abraham Simpson: No, Daniel's gonna take care of us. Right, Daniel?
Daniel: Yes! Everybody, please, just stay calm.
Butters: Great news! Thank you!
Skeleton Guy: Hey, y'all, We're gonna be okay. Daniel's here.
Kid 1: We love you, Daniel!
Kid 2: We need you, Daniel!
Daniel: Oh, thank you. Your support means the world to me. Okay, Leonard, so where's our ride?
(Submarine squeaks)
Bomb: Aw. It's so cute.
Red: Wow. Okay. And how are we all supposed to fit in...?
Leonard: Oh, I think we'll manage. Boop.
(boat beeps)
Mime: (on the megaphone) OH MY GOD!
Jade Wilson: Whoa!
Bumblebee: Double whoa!
Captain: All aboard!
(Man whistles)
Surly: Whoa!
Russell Ferguson: Anyone want to grab their own bag or anything?
Rich Texan: Don't screw this up, Daniel!
Mr. Nosey: If we die, it's kind of your fault.
Daniel: (inhales and exhales deeply) I got this.
(Robin, Starfire and Jade Wilson sings Opera from The Angry Birds Movie 2 by Heitor Pereira)
Part 13: Meeting Agent Phil Coulson and Garry/Thwart this Neptunian Lava Monster[]
Meeting Phil Coulson and Garry[]
Leonard: (imites horn) Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to introduce you to our S.H.I.E.L.D. master, Phil Coulson and our master of gadgetry.
Leonard and Courtney: Phil Coulson and Garry!
(As he looks at Them)
Phil Coulson: This is it? This is the amazing team I've been working tirelessly for?
Robin: Working with what we have.
Garry: Well, that's disappointing.
Bud: Oh. I get it.
Phil Coulson: This is the part where you get up and follow me!
Bud (Camp Halohead): I've never sung this in my entire life!
Clemmie: What?
Cyborg: It doesn't look like anyone's been here in a while.
Bud (Camp Halohead): (singing) "The Phantom of the Opera is there, Inside your mind"
Clemmie: (slaps him) Stop singing, you moron.
Bud (Camp Halohead): Okay, I won't
Frida Puga: Awwwww! I herd you've bee n sang so long that was just so awful. (she hugs Jade Wilson and she starts crying for joy)
Jade Wilson: Ruffles is dead?
Daniel: (nods his head)
Thwart this Neptunian Lava Monster[]
(Later, At WBN)
Biff: This is no time to give up. We're all wearing our Molecular Thermal Transmometer suits. They should protect us in our quest to thwart the Neptunian lava monster.
Betty: Biff, it's getting closer!
Jimmy: Jumpin' jiminy gee whiz, Biff!
Biff: Quiet, Jimmy. No time for that now. Betty, let me check your tubes.
Betty: Check whatever you want, Biff. After all, the future of the universe depends on you.
Biff: (gasps) There it is! The Neptunian lava monster. pick up those intergalactic weapons!
Vladja: I think it's like a command sound for that thing.
Ted Holt: (sniffs) I can't take it. I CAN'T TAKE IT!!
Dr. Rivera: So, What's Going on?
Ted Holt: Nothing.
Dr. Rivera: Nothing?
(Carl elbows Ted)
Carl: Dude, shut up.
Ted Holt: Sorry.
Vladja: They should have The Gork Son of fire scripts
Ted Holt: So what?
Robert Watts: So we need some big help.
Dr. Rivera: A big help? Huh? Okay, I'll do it., standby Polka minute!
(polka music playing on the accordians)
Part 14: Dr. Mary Lou Larue's Gadgetry/Arrival[]
Dr. Mary Lou Larue's Gadgetry[]
(Frida Puga still crying and hugging Jade Wilson, Daniel does not, he's acting neutral)
Frida: (cries) Why?!
Jade Wilson: (facepalms)
Daniel: Garry, would you please shut her up already?
Garry: Dr. Mary Lou, open up!
Dr Mary Lou Larue: Ugh! What took you so long? Alright, you can open up now!
Garry: Oh okay, welcome to her gadget lab! Everywhere you look, you'll see inventions being tested by my team of guinea pigs.
Lincoln Loud: Oh. This is so cool.
Phil Coulson: I know. Right?
Cyborg: Awesome Man!
Beast Boy: That's What's Up!
Raven: Whatever!
Garry: All the gadgets have been designed specifically with your current mission in mind. The first bein' Invisa-Spray. Need to go undetected in plain sight? Invisa-Spray does exactly that.
Tester #1: Wow, I'm invisible!
Everyone: Woah!
Garry: "Whoa," indeed.
Roger Rabbit: That's amazing.
Tester #1: How long does the invisibility last for?
Garry: Forever.
Jade Wilson: Wait. What?
Bumblebee: Garry, what's this?
Garry: This is Hair Grower, this stuff will make your hair grow bigger!
Francine (A&C/HunterRisesAgain): I'll Try it!
(Francine tries the hair grower, and her multicolored (blue-pink-orange) afro grows big)
(I Second That Emotion by Smokey Robinson and the Miracles playing)
Fee (Harvey Beaks): Whoa!
Cleo (Clifford/HunterRisesAgain): This is beautiful.
Francine (A&C/HunterRisesAgain): (snickers)
Luna Loud: Nice Hair Dude!
Sam Sharp: When you have your boyfriend look like in your dream?
Francine (A&C/HunterRisesAgain): Uhhh...
(shows a dream between Francine (Angus and Cheryl/HunterRisesAgain) and Angus (Angus and Cheryl)
Angus: Woo-hoo! Look at you!
Francine: (looks at her hair) (laughter)
(Escape (The Piña Colada Song by Rupert Holmes playing)
Garry: Okay?
Jade Wilson: Hmmm...
Bud (Camp Halohead): And what does the next gadget do? Bury us alive?
Garry: What? That would be ridiculous. (whispers) Ix-nay the shovel-ay. And moving right along.
Byron: (laughing)
Phil Coulson: What are you doing?
Tango (Camp Halohead): (rubbing green stuff on his body) This is so fun!
Byron: Oh, It's so squishy! What is this stuff?
Garry: Well, that is a special type of flame retardant we call Green Snout!
Daniel: Why do you call it...? You know what? Never mind.
Byron: Ugh. (grimacing) (all grown)
Zach: Yeah Lick it!
Byron: (gags, he puts his clothes except grey jeans in the washing machine and he wears his white tank shirt)
Garry: Now, everyone, prepare yourselves 'cause this next one is really something special.
Vinnie Terrio: Whoa. So shiny.
Garry: Yes, my friend. Bold yet sleek. Simple while complex. This device can detect an eagle anywhere within a 100-foot radius.
Lincoln: Well, how does it work?
Garry: Simply push this button, and it does the rest.
Everyone: Whoa!
Annoying Voice: There's an eagle nearby. There's an eagle nearby. There's an eagle nearby.
(All groan)
Xavier: Yep, that voice is annoying.
Yadina: I know, right?
Garry: Why, yes. Clearly, there is.
Gumball: Okay, you got me, guys.
Garry: This clever thing will... no doubt prove to be... crucial during your mission.
Darwin: Wonderful. That's amazing! Can you turn it off?
Garry: It'll turn itself off.
Finn: (sighs) Oh, thank goodness.
Garry: One hour after it doesn't detect any more eagles.
Jake: What?!
Steven: There.
Garnet: Oh, thank you. Okay, guys, these gadgets are terri...
Amethyst: Hey, hey, Garnet, can we chat for a sec? I can tell you're used to running the show. That's great and all. But maybe since we're all a team here, a team you put together, maybe you can try to be more supportive. The results might surprise you, huh?
Garnet: Fine. Fine, fine, fine.
Bumblebee: Garry. Woo. Unbelievable. Really, really good stuff. You know what? I'm sure I can figure out a plan to... You know, to use all this... This awesomeness that you've...
Babs Gordon: Beast Boy!
Beast Boy: Hi Babs!
Babo: Hello.
Wage: Enough Babo?
Red Crewmate: Oh my god.
(As they arrived at VegaCity)
(Ain't Gotta Kick in The Head by Dean Martin playing)
Daniel: Okay, let's split up. If you see Lucius, come and find me. If anything goes wrong, we'll signal each other.
Roger Rabbit: What kind of signal do you want?
Lincoln: Hmmm...
Byron: You want something kind of subtle, like...? (garbled mumbling) Or...? (barking like a seal), (chirping like a dolphin) Oh, how about this? (screeches) Caw-caw! Caw-caw! R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R.... Ricola...!, or like... (yells)
Zach: (laughs)
Rusty: Oh my G-(laughs)
Liam: (laughs and snorts) It looks like a good subtle to me!
Stella: Oh that so funny!
Clyde: Ha, agree
Lincoln: Me Too!
Sisu: Ha! Amateur!
Liam: oooo i gotta text! *sees text messages while there's a text message from Krissa, the opening notes of I've Just Died in Your Arms playing and stops)
Lincoln: (facepalms)
Daniel: Subtle. Let's get to work.
(As they open the SHIELD deployer, the Super Legion are posing)
(Gangsta Gangsta by Lil Scrappy and Lil Jon playing)
(Daniel slips)
Daniel: Ow! That hurra.
Roger: You okay?
Daniel: Yeah, I'm Fine.
(all tumbled down)
French Narrator: Later...
Announcer: Welcome to the radio station named....
Singers: "W, A, C, K, Y, 186.1, Coast to Coast!"
General Zhong: Hello my fellows visitors! You guys are going to work at the radio station?
Yadina: Yes we do.
Part 15: Break Into the Super Weapon/Carl, Jerry and Kira[]
Break Into the Super Weapon[]
Narrator: Step 2, Break Into the Super Weapon.
Daniel: Get to the top of the super-weapon. Check! (sighs)
Jade Wilson: You did it. (drinking coffee) Okay, so how's it looking down there?
Roger Rabbit: Ooh, ooh, ooh. Do you see that?
Clemmie: (gasps) Oh, it's the super-weapon.
Robin: No, the power supply to the super-weapon. All we gotta do is get down there and cut it.
Bud (Camp Halohead): Okay, assuming we don't get electrocuted, there are guards there, there and there. And we don't have enough rope to...
Robin: Watch and learn.
Raven: What? What are you doing? (gasps) He's not clipped in. Guys, are you nuts?
Xavier: No we are not.
Yadina: Are you guys sure it will work?
Daniel: Trust me. I know what I'm do... (grunts)
Dendy: Oh no! Your hat! The guards! Watch out.
K.O.: Dendy, what are you doing?
Dendy: (sighs in relief) Oh, no. Where's Daniel?
Daniel: Hey. Check it out. This is how a hero saves the world. Ha, ha. (cuts the power cord)
Tango (Camp Halohead): Oh, come on! Nothing works around here!
Valentino: Yeah Boy!
Bumblebee (TTG): What do we do now?
Daniel: Now we escape!
(Alarm beeping)
Officials: (gun cocks)
Police Official: You two are coming with me.
Daniel: Nice abs.
Carl, Jerry and Kira[]
Carl: Come on guys, you know there's no snacking while we're on duty!
Jerry: oh sorry about that, i had a really small breakfast
Part 16: Break Dancing/Who Framed Many Hits Mashup[]
Break Dancing[]
Axel: Dance Fight!
Clyde: What? What's happenin'?
Lincoln: I think he's challenging us to a break-dance battle?
("Barbie Girl" playing) ("I Like to Move It" playing) ("Livin on a Prayer" playing) ("Loca" playing) ("Can't Believe It" Playing) ("Sexy And I Know It" Playing)
Axel: Oh It's On!
Coming soon...
Who Framed Many Hits Mashup[]
Poppy: First things first, these guys need some serious cheering up, and we're gonna have to go top-shelf.
Zach: Ooh!
Robin: Now, when you say "top-shelf," - y-you don't mean...
Poppy: That's right. We need to sing them the most important songs in the history of music.
Cyborg: Yes, but which ones?
Poppy: (breathes) All of them.
Raven: And when you say "all of them..."
Guard #1: Freeze!,
("Rhythm Nation" playing)
("Wannabe" playing)
("Party Rock" playing)
("Who Let The Dogs Out" playing)
("" playing)
("" Playing)
("" Playing)
Part 17: The Monstars and Mega Toadies[]
(Snaggle's POV is showed hunting for something and he saw a...)
Buffus: Did you saw that thing?
(Snaggle agrees)
Bang: Let's take a look, shall we?
Nawt: Okay.
Jimmy: (snarls)
Coming soon...
Part 18: The Up-Late Tonight Show with Jade Wilson[]
Dexter: And now, Live from Walen Broadcasting Network at VegaCity, it's The Up-Late Tonight Show with Jade Wilson!, Featuring....., and now ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for the biggest superhero movie director in the world, Jade Wilson!
(All applauding)
Jade Wilson: Whoo! Thank you! Thank you everyone! (chuckles)
Coming soon...
Part 19: Buster's K-Pop Gang[]
Buster's K-Pop Gang[]
Buster Moon: (sighs) Alright, let's see....
(Then mysterious footsteps are heard)
Buster Moon: What was that?
BTS Members: Hi there, Koala.
Buster Moon: Whoa! Who are you guys?
BTS Member #1: We are the BTS.
Part 20: Mayor Phlegmming's Office/Meeting Krissa/Diving Belle Taking a Plunge/Realm Evacuation/Leaf it to Kathy[]
Mayor Phlegmming's Office[]
Mayor Phlegmming: (sighs heavily) Well... When I was young teenager... (flashback starts) (I'm Still Standing, Nikita, Rocket Man and Never Too Late playing in the flashback) I'm kinda look like Elton John
Coming soon...
Meeting Krissa and Carla[]
Dendy: So, according to my sensitive, we gotta find a person named Krissa.
All (except Dendy): Krissa?
Dendy: (shushes) She's there.
Krissa: C'mon, Guys... (people on the tour gathering)
K.O.: Okay... (walks up to Krissa) Hello, Krissa...
Dendy: (grabs K.O.) (shushes) Don't make a fool out of yourself...
Krissa: Uh.... let’s get this tour on the road, shall we?
(crowd murmuring)
Krissa: Okay, This is our decorative break room. And on your left are some offices.
(Liam's hand raises up)
Krissa: (gasps) A living Pow Card logo...
(fist bumps)
Krissa: (giggles) I'll add this to th...
(Liam's other hand raises up)
Krissa: (yells) INTRUDER!!!
Liam: (in zombie impression) (yells)
Krissa: Everybody in this tour, get out of here there's an intruder coming!
(everybody in the tour screams)
Rosemary: It's the intruder!
Rosemary's Assistant: we gotta get out of here Madam!
Distorted Sinister Voice: You need to WATCH OUT!!!!!
(she lands on the ground)
Distorted Sinister Voice: I mean, look at yourself. I created the murders to give the world someone to believe in. I control is the truth.
Krissa: Hmmm... (gasp) How about a tour express will get him away? (she get's on, but Liam's hand raises up) (gasps)
Liam: (in zombie impression) MANUUUURRREEE!!!!
Krissa: (screams, scurries, look at Tony Stark's gravestone)
Distorted Sinister Voice: If you were good enough... (in normal voice) maybe Tony would still be alive.
(Liam's hand bursts out of the ground, trying to grab Krissa, who scurries back in fear. Liam crawls out)
Krissa: Get Away from my...!
(Liam holding Krissa's hand).
Liam: Oh my...
("I Just Died In Your Arms" plays on top of hallucination)
Voiceover: Oh I, I just died in your arms tonight It must have been something you said I just died in your arms tonight.
Krissa: (In confusion) Uh... you okay?
(hallucination and song ends)
Liam: Yeah... (chuckles, then faints)
Clyde: Oooooh. He got caught by the lovebug.
Lincoln: (punches Clyde)
Clyde: Ow!
Lincoln: Don't say that about that.
Nikki: (gasps) Wait a second! This can only mean one thing… (Liam and Krissa look at each other, sweating) Liam has a big fat crush on Krissa!
Ronnie Anne, Sid Chang, Carlino, Casey and Sameer: Ooooooooooooh!
Liam: Who the heck are you?
Krissa: I'm Krissa.
Liam: Krissa, Huh?
Krissa: Yeah.
Xavier: Did you see that, Yandina?
Yadina: Oh yeah, I see that Krissa is in love with Liam.
Byron: Ooooh! He's in Love!
Zach: Ooh la la!
Carla: (voice over) Did someone say.... (reveals herself) Ooh La La?
Rusty: (gasps)
("Total Eclipse of My Heart" plays on top of hallucination)
Carla: Uh....
(hallucination and song ends)
Nikki: Oh my gosh, Rusty has a crush on Carla!
Clyde, Zach, Byron, Stella, Ronnie Anne, Sid Chang, Carlino, Casey and Sameer: Ooooooooooooh
Rusty: Yes! That's it, you caught me old Romeo here
Liam: Uh... Shall we continue? Anyways, where do you work, and what is this place?
Krissa: I'm a Tour guide of Pow Card Industries!
Liam: I get it.
Krissa: Liam?
Liam: Yes?
Krissa: Oh and you Liam?
Liam: Eh... Yeah?
(Love's Theme by Love Unlimited Orchestra playing)
Krissa (whispers) I love you even more!
Liam: (blushes) (sighs happily) (We go into Liam's fantasy)
(Liam and Krissa run along a beach together hand in hand. Liam and Krissa have a romantic picnic together. They toast each other with champagne. Liam drinks from the bottle., Liam and Krissa sit on the railing of a moonlit footbridge. Both firecrackers into the air to create fireworks and are about to kiss when--)
Lincoln: Listen. We need your help.
Krissa: With what? Popularity? That's normal!
Lincoln: No. We have to stop a killer.
Krissa: Okay. but, w-what!
Carla: Wait, who's the killer?
Lincoln: We'll explain it on the trip.
Krissa: ooooo
Diving Belle Taking a Plunge[]
Felicity (RBUK): Hello?... Anyone...
Voice #1: There is an evil that lurks in the highlands,
Felicity (RBUK): Hello?
Voice #1: Is it your shadow, or is it the Mind Bender? or the eerie voice coming after you
(eerie voice occurs)
Felicity (RBUK): (gasps)
Voice #1: Fred Smith, an ordinary man not unlike you or me, walks home on a fog-shrouded night.
Voice #2: This is the night when he will reach deep inside himself and discover the Mind Bender.
Felicity (RBUK): Worth a shot?
Voice #3: (yells), It's the Loch Ness Monster, It's here!, It's ripping the skin off my body!
Felicity (RBUK): Huh?
Voice #4: Help me, Reginald, please!
(it reveals Diving Belle from OK K.O.)
Felicity (RBUK): (shrieks)
Diving Belle: (gasps)
Felicity (RBUK): (screams)
Diving Belle: (screams)
Felicity (RBUK) and Diving Belle: (both screaming)
(Then they both hide)
Diving Belle: (whimpers) Who are you?
Felicity (RBUK): Me? I'm Felicity. And you are....
Diving Belle: Diving Belle, local inventor and swimming enthusiast! Oof, you almost gave me a heart attack.
Felicity (RBUK): Me too. Lucky you're not a monster.
Diving Belle: I'm not a monster.
Felicity (RBUK): Sorry. Anyways... Uh... Why are you here?
Diving Belle: Well...
Felicity (RBUK):
Diving Belle:
Felicity (RBUK):
Diving Belle: And by the way... I'll join in!
Felicity (RBUK): Okay!
(You're My Best Friend by Queen playing)
Diving Belle and Felicity (RBUK): (both laughing)
(we see a friendship montage Diving Belle and Felicity (RBUK))
Felicity (RBUK):
Diving Belle:
Zach: What's all of th- (gasps) Oh my...
("Making Love Out of Nothing at All" by Air Supply plays on top of hallucination)
Voiceover: I know just how to whisper, And I know just how to cry, I know just where to find the answers, And I know just how to lie.
Rusty: Zach, Zach, are you okay?
Zach: I've been caught by a lovebug.....
Diving Belle:
Diving Belle:
Coming soon...
Realm Evacuation[]
(The realm secured)
Lucius: How come we are now in the evil side, Raven King?
Raven King: Because since those stupid cartoons invite them, we're going to capture them.
Muscleslayer: Plus they're going to learn how to PARTY! Right, guys?!
Everyone: (Sinister laughing)
Strongy: Yeah, right!
Scary: Oh! Here they come! Quick! Put on your costumes!
(The Evil Characters put on disguises)
Chef: Why hello there! What brings you to Characterville?
Blitzo, Moxxie, Millie and Loona: Uh....
SlobbyRat: Well, We're looking for somewhere to buy some food because we're starving!
Chef: How about you can eat at McDonald's?
Shannon, Darrell and Raymond: Okay!
Lucius: Alright, here goes everything. (Sinister laughing)
Dick Dastardly: Literally!
Lucius: Let's see what on the monitors all alone!
(The monitors are on, "Red Red Wine", "Escape (The Pina Colada Song)", "2 Bad (Refugee Camp Mix)", Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely, "The Wonderful Ways to Say No", "Rhythm Nation (Cinderella 2021)/Second Chances (Jonah A VeggieTales Movie)", "One Way or Another", "Takin' Care of Business", "Ain't Too Proud To Beg", The Super Squad Theme Song playing on the monitors, but he muted except one)
Lucius: What and Idiot!
Part 21: Puppycorn's Trike[]
Puppycorn: Okay sis, what I'd you got!
Unikitty: well I obviously give this trike, with upgrades!
(The Show Must Go On by Queen playing)
Puppycorn: WHOA!!! Thank you Thank you Thank you! You're the best!
Unikitty: You're welcome Little bro.
Puppycorn: (laughing) What's this thing does, sis?
Unikitty: Hmmm...
(Take On Me by A-Ha playing)
(His trike moves all around the building)
Puppycorn (whopping)
Part 22: Charles Dastardly/At Prison[]
Charles Dastardly[]
Jade Wilson: What the heck is the meaning of this?! And who are you?
Charles Dastardly: Oh, my name is Charles Dastardly.
Jade Wilson: Aha. And...?
Bumblebee (TTG): Who is he, Raven?
Raven (TTG): Doesn't ring a bell of who he is.
(Up Where We Belong by Joe Cocker and Jennifer Wanres playing)
Jade Wilson: Hey hey hey! Have you lost your mind? What's the matter with you now?
Charles Dastardly: I'm trying to kiss you, in the mouth.
Jade Wilson: WHAT?!
Frank: What the?
Charlie Brown: Good grief!
Peppermint Patty: Heavens to Bootsy!
Charles: Just go!
Jade Wilson: Nooooooo!!!
(Gary's Song by Kenny G playing)
(Puppycorn's mouth drops)
Kermit The Frog: Uh... something's wrong in here, Scooter
Scooter: I know right?
Flower: Oh, God no!
Marcie: Don't Look, sir!
Pearl: Oh My god!
Amethyst: Oh no, Molly! Don't look!
Bomb: Oh, God! Here it comes!
Xavier: Don't look, Yadina!
Yadina: Sorry.
Minions: (speaking Minion language)
Garnet: I'm not seeing this! I'm not!
Gelatin: Lollipop, cover your eyes!
Gumball: Okay, okay! Not seeing this whole ball sucking thing huh?
Punch Squireel: (punches Kenny)
Stan Marsh: Oh my God, they punch Kenny!
Kyle: You moron!
Meg Griffin: Oh, my God! Cover your eyes, you guys! (Meg and her friends cover their eyes)
Spider-Man: My spider sense is tingling!
Edith: Can I be the last to say "Ew"?
Charles Dastardly: Everyone, shut up! I'm trying to kiss her in the mouth. But you all are just watching this whole thing!
Jade Wilson: Knock it off! I'm not gonna kiss him on the mouth.
Charles Dastardly: Oh yeah? Well, Heavens to Bootsy!
Clyde: Uh-oh, guys, this is gonna get really gross.
Liam: Yuck!
Zach: Yuck!
Stella: Yuck!
Byron: Yuck!
Rusty: Yuck!
(Liam and Krissa kisses)
Charles Dastardly: Idiots.
Jade Wilson: Okay, I'll kiss him.
(Before Jade Wilson kisses Charles Dastardly, Daniel halts them)
Daniel: Look, can you two hold it together? Now look, nobody, I mean NOBODY, is going to kiss each other on the mouth. Understand?
Jade Wilson: Yes, Daniel.
Hunnicutt Industries Model[]
(at the empty office)
Krissa: Thanks for taking me to the empty space Liam!
Liam: You bet ya hon! ha (snorts)
Lincoln: Wow!
Byron: Cool!
Rusty: Awesome!
Zach: Cool!
Krissa: (breathes) It smells so beautiful from up here!
Liam: I know it is darlin! *giggles and snorts*
Liam: Let me show you guys my project (narrates)
At Prison[]
Great Guignol: I'm in compliance.
Police Officer: Touchdown!
(Great Guignol gives hands up like touchdown and he got cuffed)
Slade (TTGTTM): Oh, Yes! Finally, some action down here! Boy, it was getting boring. You know, Dick, I hate to tell you, but you're going down, my friend.
Great Guignol: You'll do well to keep your butt kicked together!
Slade: (sniffs) What is that smell? Hey, fellas, I think Doctor Guignol did a little doo-doo. Did Dokey do a little doo-doo?
Great Guignol: Perhaps, when I'm out of here, I'll teach you some manners. And accept your lucky foot as payment.
Slade: Oh, this lucky foot? Don't worry about it, Doc. 'Cause both of my lucky feet are gonna be tap dancing on your grave when my guy's done with you. Taking bets over here. In the right corner, wearing golden stripes with a sparkling record of 872 kills, Barry 'The Butcher' Burnstein.
Barry "The Butcher" Burnstein: Remember me? Your worst nightmare?.
Raven King: No.
Packrat: Not a clue.
Robo Combo: Me neither.
Barry "The Butcher" Burnstein: No? Well then... How's this?!, All i hear them, day after day, Oh Barry!,
The Grand Guignol:
Barry "The Butcher" Burnstein:
Slade: Oh No No
Part 23: This Means War/That Old Black Magic/RV Chase/Movie Theater[]
This Means War[]
Player: One page?
Player: Sorry?
(The next act from Ben Butter's Ameteur Hour, Ben Butter's Black Pig oinking Old MacDonald)
Dexter: (sighs) This is pitiful!
Distorted Sinister Voice: Beginnings and Endings are easy, But your Words are twisted and Wheezy!
Daniel: What are those things? There's been three or four of them tonight. Only three of them. Right before each of the murders.
Carl: I remember them, Mr. V. I remember them all, word for word. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. What are you talking about?
Daniel: Well, when it comes to radio, I'm kind of a Mr. Memory. You know,
Carl: I even remember the first thing I ever heard on radio. It was Kay Kornwall's Kollege of Musical Komedy. Kid!
Daniel: Just give me the first one, will you?
Carl: Oh, right. "Dig and dig to find some dirt "Dig too deep and you'll get hurt" "Dig and dig to find some dirt"
Daniel: That could be Ruffles, right?
Carl: Then was, um, "Hardly time to say a single sentence, before we move on the air!"
Daniel: Air. Heir! Heir. That could actually be "heir" as the H-E-I-R.
Carl: The General's heir, right?
Dexter: And now, here's another thrilling episode of Johnny Ace, Hard-Boiled Dick.
Unknow Person: I've gone through this once already. But it's not any...
Unknow Person: Get their butts out there.
TBD: Who do they think we are? Go! Go!
TBD: They only have the one page of the script I wrote for them.
TBD: Better one than none.
Johnny: Just another day in the life of Johnny Ace, Hard-Boiled Dick, Except today was not an ordinary day. I'll say.
Wife: Good morning, Johnny. So, what's the latest?
Johnny: Well, looks like we're in mid-case without a parachute, toots.
TBD: What? That's it?
TBD: That... Oh, this will be good.
Wife: What should we do now, Johnny?
Johnny: It's hard to say. A situation like this can fool you. I mean, you step up to the plate expecting a high, hard one. I mean, just when you think you know who the killer is, I mean, just who you think it was, wasn't.
TBD: Katzenback! Katzenback! Claudette's the falling star he caught having an affair.
Daniel: Keep it coming.
Carl: Okay uh, "Beginnings and endings are easy "But your... words are twisted and wheezy"
Daniel: Words, words... Twisted and wheezy. That's smoking? Coughing? The...
Daniel and Carl: (in unison) Dexter!
Daniel: What's Dexter got to do with it?
Carl: One minute, you're walking on water, and before you know it, you're all wet.
Daniel: Oh, this is so sad.
Carl: Pathetic.
Kira: Dexter and everybody who left here in a hearse used to work with my dad back at WOWA in Peoria.
Carl: Till the FCC scandal broke it up.
Daniel: Scandal.
Carl: Yeah, and their bathrooms was just as dirty.
French Narrator: A Few Moments Later...
Shannon: Hmm, what's this?
(Looks at Characterville tourist guide, she opens up and she is so scared)
Shannon: (screams; looks at the restaurants, etc.) No. No way. No No No no no.
(She showed the picture of Daniel and Roger)
Shannon: (screams) I gotta show them! (reboots herself)
Raymond: Shannon!
Darrell: You're Back! You're still, work for toons?
Smoke: Yes, tell a truth girl?
Distroted Sinister Voice: You need to see to worth of wisdom, through your words and minds of the months of them!
Shannon: Work toons, and Love, Rad?, Eww that's disgusting, Robots don't love them, Robots des-TROY those losers, This Means, WAR!! (laughs)
That Old Black Magic[]
Jade Wilson: So tonight, please welcome our rococo Romeo of ridiculous and mischievous antics and rhapsodies, Rick Rochester and the Rascals of Rhythm!
(audience cheering, band playing opening, "That Old Black Magic" by Joel McNeely playing)
Bill: Thank you Thank you!
Distorted Sinister Voice: You haven't to clue or what to do?, When you caught your falling star!
Lincoln: (sees Shannon, Raymond and Darrell) Who are those people?
Zach: I don't know. Come on!
Byron: Let's see.
(Daniel, Scarlett, Roger Rabbit and the Super Legion leave on their chairs and see the Shannon, Raymond, Darrell and the weasels running.)
Shannon: Huh? (screams)
Darrell, Raymond and the Weasels: (screaming)
Everyone: (Joins in screaming with the Shannon, Raymond, Darrell and the weasels)
Krissa: Oh no! It's them!
K.O.: Guys, what are you doing here?
Shannon: Oh. Um. We were just going for a walk.
Cyborg: Run!
(Super Legion runs off)
Shannon: They're getting away!
Raymond: Well that's unfortunate!
Shannon: You got a better one?
Bill: (singing) "Same old witchcraft when you eyes meet mine"
Dr. Rivera: Check for open mikes.
Golf Ball and Tennis Ball: You got it!
Goo (Inanimate Insanity Invitational): I think there has to be an open mic.
Blossom (PPG): Like they don't have one.
(Suddenly the round stage goes around)
Ted Holt: What the heck is wrong with this stage?
Dendy: This can't be happening. Not to my baby K.O.!
Dr. Rivera: Looks like your baby needs a good whack in the axle.
Ted Holt: Don't you touch that show!
Raymond: Here they are!
Dr. Rivera: Somebody better do something about your big idea stage, 'cause the band's a-going 'round again.
Daniel: I got it!
Jerry (Danny Skinner): It is contagious?
Daniel: No! I just found a murder!
Roger: Cheese and crackers, Daniel!
Judy Hopps: I gotta talk to you, Nick!
Nick Wilde: Yes?
Kara Danvers: Zee, do you have any ideas?
Zee Zatara: Uh... No.
Jessica Cruz: Well, anyways, there's some way to find the murder.
Karen Beecher: Sure there is. But I don't know who we can call them.
Bumblebee (TTG): Me neither.
Xavier: Same with me.
Yadina: Agreed.
Carl (Ethan Slater): Oh, wait a minute, Mrs. H, I think the cops want you upstairs
Bill: "And down i go!"
(A man dunks down)
Raymond: (gasps)
Test Tube: Gangway!
Bill: "All Around that goes, In a spin, I'm loving the spin I'm in, Under that old black magic called love"
(audience applauding, Daniel look though others while a man pulling man's face with a plunger while snorting)
Luna: (laughs)
Sam Sharp: Look that man!
Krissa and Liam: (both chuckle)
Stella Zhau: (laughs)
Xavier: That man needs to learn his lesson.
Yadina: I agree
Felicity (RBUK) and Diving Belle: Us too!
(Miguel spots Raymond, Darrell, Shannon and the Weasels)
Miguel (RBUK): (gasps) Uh-oh. Guys, we have a problem.
Ralph (Twice Upon A Time): Let me see. (spots Raymond, Darrell, Shannon and the Weasels) Oh no! They're Raymond, Darrell, Shannon and the Weasels!
Branch: What should we do?
Baseball (II): Run!
(Daniel, Roger, Scarlett, Jade Wilson and the Characterville Super Legion run away from the show. Raymond, Darrell, Shannon and the Weasels follow them.)
Darrell: There they is! Round them up, partners!
RV Chase[]
(Sabre Dance (Spike Jones Version) playing)
Everyone: (panting)
Lincoln Loud: I see a....
Byron: A car!
(Everyone heads inside the car. But unfortunately, they are all squished together)
Everyone: (groans)
K.O.: That car is too small for us to fit in.
Daniel: I have an idea! Everybody get in that RV!
Radicles: Okay!
Enid: Worth a shot!
Lenny The RV: (sighs) That's better! I was there crossing me from the sidewalk
Daniel: (gasps) This gives me an idea! (then grabs one of the gang's car keys) Thank you!
Muscleslayer: He stole my keys!
Daniel: (presses the button on the keys which then cause a car to make a honking noise and flashing lights) There's one of the cars!
Puppycorn: Are you sure this is safe, Mr. Rivera?
Dr. Rivera: I don't know, bro. I'll put all of you in the back row's seat. (then he opens the door for the back of the car, and he puts everyone in it) You guys will be safe here. (then he goes to the front seat)
Vladja: Hold on, guys! (then puts a seatbelt around everyone)
Jade Wilson: C'mon, Dan. Start this thing!
Daniel: Sure thing! (then starts driving away from the weasels)
Greasy: (to the other gang members) Get to your cars, now.
Stupid: Sure thing.
Olly: As you wish.
Lenny The RV: I'll drive, watch it guys!
(then the gang went to their cars and start driving them, resulting in a RV chase with Daniel)
Lenny The RV: (imitting like a police siren)
Shaggy: (spots the mean gang driving in their RVs and chasing Daniel) Guys, we got company!
Pinkie Pie: Uh-oh.
Daniel: (to everyone) C'mon, guys, give me directions!
Unikitty: Hmm... Okay! Oh! Turn left!
Daniel: (turns left)
Beast Boy and Bumblebee: Try going straight!
(inside daniel's head)
Sadness: What did he say?
Disgust: He said "Try going straight".
Joy: Yeah, but I don't see where he can go straight.
Anger: (gets an idea) I know!
Daniel: (drives straight)
Diana Prince: (spots the Toon Patrol continuing chasing Daniel) Guys, they're still gaining on us!
Sonic the Hedgehog: We're doomed!
Lenny: Drive faster!
Edward Yamashita: We're trying!
Vera Kebaya: Hold on tight!
Ninalene Jewel: Whoa!
Francine (A&C/HunterRisesAgain): That was close.
Liam: Hold on Honey, I gotta throw the manure (throws it at them and wipes out)
Krissa: (screaming uncontrollably) WE'RE SCREWED!!!!!
Monstar Buffus: Snaggle, you what to do?.
Snaggle: (speaking monsterese)
Carlos: (gasp)
Frida Puga: Oh my gosh!
Gobi: We're gonna die!
Fei Fei: Oh no!
Chin: We're Doomed!
Yi: Daniel, drive faster!
Daniel: I can't, that's speeding!
Luna: I'll take care of this.
Sam Sharp: Guys, hold on!
Stella: Whoa!
Mazzy: Aaaahh!!
Lenny The RV: (cries out)
Police Officer #1: Oh my word!
Police Officer #2: They're speeding!
Police Officer #3: Not only that, but they were chasing another RV!
Police Officer #2: Call the other officers!
Police Officer #1: Okay! (then turns on his phone, and calls the other policemen) Guys, there are mean weasels chasing a man and speeding!
Policeman on Phone: Okay, I'll get backup!
(cuts to Daniel, who is still driving away from the Toon Patrol)
Bumblebee: (spots the police) Oh, no! It's the police!
(she spotted The Grand Guignol)
The Grand Guignol: German engineering could never be ruined by American pipe.
(cuts to a man sneezing with the music at the stage, then, Spike Jones' rendition of Flight of The Bumblebee playing)
Francine (A&C/HunterRisesAgain): Oh my God, The Sixers and More of them, Somebody Do such a thing!
Roger Rabbit: Quick! Hide!
(Daniel drives the RV and the police cars zooms by)
Robin: Phew.
Beast Boy: Na-na, you missed us, now, you're gonna kiss us!
Police Officers: Huh?
Police Officer #2: Go, go, go!
Beast Boy and Cyborg: Na-na, you missed us!
Lincoln Loud: Guys?
Beast Boy: Yeah?
Robin: Oh, dear.
Daniel: (looks back) I think they're trying to get the weasels to stop chasing us!
Roger Rabbit: I hope they don't arrest us!
K.O.: I'll handle this! Rad?
Radicles: Okay, (he tried to use a voodoo power to used Smart Tuckus and rotating the stage just like a voodoo doll)
Daniel: Trust me, we won't get arrested.
Roger Rabbit: (to Daniel) Don't worry, Dan.
Robin: Oh. But what about the weasels?
(cuts to the weasels, who are still chasing Daniel)
Greasy: (laughs) Once we get that man and his cartoons, we'll-- (spots the police cars) Huh?
Olly: We've got company!
Police Officer #1: We've got you surrounded!
Muscleslayer: Oh no.
Scummy: We're gonna get arrested!
Fearless: Why?
Police Officer #3: All 12 of you baddies are speeding, which is against the law.
Muscleslayer: And?.... (screams in pain)
Police Officer #4: And for chasing another car!
(then the police stop gang Muscleslayer, Scummy, Greasy and Fearless)
Police Officer #2: (handcuffs each of the weasels) You're under arrest.
(then the policemen put the four gang members in their cars)
Muscleslayer: No!
Greasy: I want my mommy!
(then the police cars continue chasing the rest of the weasels)
Stupid: Leader, continue speeding up away from the cops!
Flasher: Okay! (then he speeds up and tries to get Daniel) You're mine!
The Floor: (appears on the ground) Hey guys, Sorry I'm Late
(Weasels screaming)
Daniel: (spots the gang leader) Oh no, you don't! (then he speeds up to get away from the gang leader)
Aki The Ninja Girl: (looks back at the weasels) I hope you can't catch us!
Goo (III): We hope so, Hey, What are you doing?
Aki The Ninja Girl: HI-YA! (throws a ninja star at them)
Goo (III): (screams)
Dennis: Yeah!
Mavis: See ya.
Cyborg: Wouldn't wanna be ya, suckers.
Daniel: (begins having a seizure) Oh, no...
Roger Rabbit: (referring to Daniel) Oh no! He's having a seizure!
Diana Prince: C'mon, park somewhere!
Daniel: (spots a wall near a river) Huh!
Sonic the Hedgehog: Uh-oh!
Shaggy: Aah, death is coming!
Bugs Bunny: Oh no, since it appears this is the end, I don't know what to say.
Daniel: Oh no, we don't! (then presses the brake)
Everyone in the RV even Lenny: (screaming)
(then the car crashes harmlessly into a wall near the river at low speed)
Sonic the Hedgehog: Phew, we made it!
Babs Gordon: Yay!
Lincoln Loud: Woohoo!
Clemmie: We're gonna live!
Daniel: (in pain due to his seizure) Oh... (then gets out of the car and grabs everyone out of the car) You know, guys.
Lightbulb: What is it, Daniel?
Spider-Ham: Is he going to betray us?
Pikachu: No, he won't, Spider-Ham!
Dracula: Stop it, Spider-Ham!
Murray: Yeah!
Raven: You're so annoying!
Spider-Ham: Sorry, guys.
Clyde McBride: We now accept your apology.
Tango: Me too!
Peter Parker: Thanks guys!
(then cuts to the police, who are near the wall and arrest the rest of the gang)
Police Officer #2: You three are under arrest.
Stupid: Why?
Flasher: What did we do?
Police Officer #3: For chasing an innocent man. (then puts the mean gang in his police car)
Stupid: Please, no! I'm sorry! (then gets put in the car)
(Muscleslayer (Macho Man Weasel) spots at them. All weasels screamed, gets back in and they chasing us, turns right)
Movie Theater[]
(screen shows Goofy Gymnastics)
Voice: (sighs) Now that wasn't so bad, was it?
(audience laughs)
Roger: (whopping, laughing) (eats his popcorn) Boy, did you see that? Nobody takes a wallop like Goofy! What timing! What finess! What a genius! (whopps)
Sisu: My goodness, Goofy should be taking gymnastics classes very well.
Raya: Well at least unless Goofy tries to exercise.
Jade Wilson: I know.
Bud (Camp Halohead):
Francine (A&C/HunterRisesAgain):
Cleo (Clifford/HunterRisesAgain):
Miles: Maybe he should be so strong with that barbell. But then a fly comes to Goofy and he kind of collapses and falls down.
Peter Parker: My favorite part is when Goofy goes to the stationary bar to exercise. When he finishes, the bar hits Goofy!
Puppycorn: (laughs)
Unikitty: These cartoons are a lot of fun.
Daniel: I agree. (chuckles)
(Moonlighting (TV Show) on the screen appears)
Part 24: The Big Market/The Waffles Song/The Subconscious Basement[]
The Big Market[]
(The RV parks and super leigon crosswalked and enters)
Daniel: You know what? We're going to get a hold-up, cover more ground, if we split up. MOVE OUT!
Coming soon...
The Waffles Song[]
Beast Boy and Cyborg:
Daniel: Alright! Knock it off with the waffles!
(The Waffles song stoped)
Coming soon...
The Subconscious[]
Daniel: (Opens his eyes, and he was in the cage along with his friends) Oh, What just happen? Roger?
Roger Rabbit: (Groggily) Daniel, I'm here.
Robin: Guys? Where are you?
Cyborg: (Dazed) Robin, I'm right here buddy.
Unikitty: Alex where are we? And why are we in the cage?
Daniel: I don't know, but everything's gonna be okay as long as we stay toge-.
(Door slamming)
Tango (Camp Halohead): Aah! What was that?!
Yoshi (Dolittle): I don't know. But I think we're trapped.
Distorted Sinister Voice: You are in The Subconscious, When you feeling Confused!
Miles Morales: Oh great! Now how are we going to get out of here?
Jade Wilson: Maybe there's got to be a way out.
Francine (A&C/HunterRisesAgain): Hmmm...
(a loud banging sound)
(all gasp)
Raven: What was that?!
Dab-Dab: This place gives me goosebumps!
Firey: When are we getting out?
Leafy: Now.
Firey: Why now? Why on all days does this have to happen today? I just wanna go to bed!
Profily: Okay, we need ideas now, folks, or else everyone will forget me- I mean, us, again! NOOOO!
Baseball: Okay Okay! We needed a Volunteer!
Golf Ball: You can count on us, we'll back you up.
Bugs Bunny: I agree. And FYI, do you mind if you can get us out of here?
Sailor Moon: Of course.
Krissa: So Liam,
Krissa: (imitating Wheezie from Dragon Tales) LOOOOOVE IT LIAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMM
Liam: (staring at her) You are so weird!
Krissa: Alright, I'll keep it EEEEEEEE!!!
(people gasp)
Kristopher: What's that noise coming from?
(people stares a them, Liam and Krissa walks)
Rosemary: Those kids were fun! (people left)
Krissa: Phew, That was close!
Liam: You know, that Sounds is pretty way there
(Kristopher yelling when he saw a scary shadow)
Krissa: Sounded like a squeal of delight to me. (giggles)
Rosemary (echoes down at the distance) I'll go check if see it was there?
(woman screaming sound effect)
Liam: Someone is fooling with an open mike on 13.
Krissa: Look, I just wanted to say that I...
Liam: Come here.
(both hugging)
Krissa: (giggles)
Liam: All right. Bad timing. Look, you think after the show we could get a cup of java or something?
Krissa: (mumbling, shuttering) R.....Ro......
Liam: Liam. Keep trying, it'll come back to you.
Krissa: Dead Man!
Liam: Where? (He looks at something and Krissa looks at Marvin Acme's dead body) Aah!
(At WBN-like theater, audience laughed)
Sherwood: Strange eating habits, indeed. Well, Maynard, tell us, which part of this Buick did you eat first?
Maynard: With a little deviled egg, the lug nuts make wonderful appetizers.
General Zhong: Lugnuts, Ha!, Well, gentlemen, when you see the rest of the firepower that we have marshaled for you this evening, I'm gonna expect you to do your duty and run out and enlist in my war against the other three networks.
Maynard: My girlfriend and I...
Sherwood: Girlfriend! Hey!
Maynard: We're thinking about eating a bus together.
Sherwood: Won't that be scrumptious! We'll do our best to check in with you then.
General Zhong: Call the police.
Part 25: Meet Harmony/Escaping the Subconscious[]
(Daniel follows the Super Legion)
Distorted Sinister Voice: The living is a disembowelment, that will grow dignity, survivals, and something report to you, it's....... (reveals Harmony) ME!!!
Everyone: (frightened shout)
Harmony: (real voice, laughs) You just got trolled! Get that eh?
Luan and Harmony: (laughs)
Raven: Who the heck are you?
Harmony: My name is Harmony. You know, the voice that was coming out of the speakers at the radio station!
Everyone: Whoa!
Harmony: So what brings me here?
Gumball: Well...
Lincoln: We need your help.
Charlie Brown: And it's important!
Harmony: Let's see. What kind of help?
Clyde: Well, you see, There is a evil that lurks us.
Liam: And he wants us to be mashed.
Jade Wilson:
Dexter: And Now.. The Girl with a Vaa Vaa Vaa Voom voice, Harmony Katzenback!
Part 26: Back to Lucius' Lair/Reappearing Dip[]
Back to Lucius' Lair[]
Lt. Mallard Cross: All right, lads and gents. At 7:15 this evening, I saw that a mysterious figure was in the lair of the subconscious.
General Zhong: Acme didn't have enough courage to commit suicide. It was murder!
Lt. Mallard Cross: Maybe suicide, maybe murder. Either way, I'm missing my dinner.
General Zhong: It was murder, and I brought you here to find the killer. And I don't want you to leave until you've done that. Do you understand me, Lieutenant? Get my people out of here as soon as possible. I've got a network to run.
Lt. Mallard Cross: Now, which of you...
Harmony: You sent for me?
Lt. Mallard Cross: Maybe. Who are you?
Harmony: I'm Harmony, the Va-Va-Va-Voom Girl with the va-va-va-voom voice. Anyways, I'm here investigating an Acme's death.
Lt. Mallard Cross:
Harmony: Acme? Dead? No. Why didn't anybody tell me? Not that I actually knew the man. I didn't, wasn't he?
Lt. Mallard Cross: I could play poker with you someday!......
(I'll be Glad When you're Dead You Rascal You playing)
Part 27: Aki's Karate Force[]
Dexter: We now return to The Departed Predator!
(audience applauding, organ playing)
Mark: I have been spotted a predator for a hour
(audience laughed)
Freddie: I Know that this will be humped
Aki The Ninja Girl (P+C/HunterRisesAgain): (karate yells) Did you see anything bro?
Dennis (HunterRisesAgain): uh, kinda sis!
Aki The Ninja Girl (P+C/HunterRisesAgain): (giggles) Now let's do this again.
Dennis (HunterRisesAgain): Go for it!
(her karate yell came out of the speakers)
Audience: Whoa!
Mark (voiceover): Well, it looks like she had a strong Karate force.
Freddie (voiceover): Now let's see how his friends react
Dennis (HunterRisesAgain): Wow, sis! You did it!
Amanda: Kaaaa!
Dennis (HunterRisesAgain): What is that sis?
Mark: (looked at Vanessa)
Vanessa: Hi Mark and Freddie, sorry I'm late.
Mark: It's Okay.
Freddie: You just arrived very well
(monster roar)
Mark: (gasps) What was that roar? (then hides behind Freddie)
Freddie: Well, i don't know.
Mark: Me neither
Aki The Ninja Girl (P+C/HunterRisesAgain): (gasps) that nemesis, HI- (came out of the speakers) YA!
Dennis (HunterRisesAgain):
Aki The Ninja Girl (P+C/HunterRisesAgain):
Dennis (HunterRisesAgain):
Aki The Ninja Girl (P+C/HunterRisesAgain):
Part 28: Dick Dastarly the Kidnapper[]
Dick Dastarly the Kidnapper[]
(Java Jive playing)
Lincoln: Over there. Let's go in that door.
Lincoln, Clyde, Zach, Liam, Rusty, Byron and Stella: It's locked!
Dexter: I'd like to take this opportunity to talk about Sunrise Surprise Coffee. That rich, aromatic, flavorful way to start the day. mmmmmmm... Just one sip, and you see what I mean when I say... (Dick electrocuted and kidnapped him, Lincoln's gang are scared)
Captain America: Superheroes, let's practice our battle with the evil characters.
Superheroes: Yes, Captain America.
Hulk: Hulk Smash!
(The superheroes use their super powers together.)
Lincoln: Thanks guys!
Captain America: Anytime! But... Where's Dexter?
Byron: (pointed at him) He's kidnapped!
Daniel: Oh jeez. Beginnings and endings are easy, and you words are twisted and wheezy. And that's you, Dexter!
Charles: So what's your problem girl?
Jade Wilson: Nothing.
Charles: How about another kiss?
Jade Wilson: No! I'm not willing to kiss again, after what you've done to me!
Charles: It's no big deal.
Jade Wilson: Big deal?! What's the big deal?!
(Jade and Charles stares at it)
Charles: Believe me, if anything happens to me, you’re in deep, deep— (he trusts a fist and she caught the fist)
Jade Wilson: What is in this mask?
Charles: No No! What are you do....? (Jade grabs Charles and Suddenly he rises to his feet. He freezes for a moment. He reaches down and hurls it at the living room wall.)
Jade Wilson: Wait a second....
(Aki hears at the doorway, while Snorky looks at her)
Part 29: Lily Loud's Crying[]
French Narator: A few miles later...
Lily Loud: (Crying)
Byron: Please stop crying! I've Seen you wrestle a Wolverine!
Sisu: Uh...
Dr Rivera: What is going on out here?
Raven: Lily's crying, and we can't even take it anymore.
Lincoln: Relax, I'm a excellent at singing lullabies (singing Rock a bye, baby)
Liam: Don't do that, Maybe someone else got her.
Lincoln Loud: Oh, I'm sorry. Can someone else help him.
Jade Wilson: Make this thing stop!
Dr. Rivera: I don't like that sound of that baby!
Scarlett: I've got this!
Roger Rabbit: Scarlette, Look!
(Lily Loud is finally sleeping)
Lily Loud: (Snoring)
(A moment of silence)
(at the stage)
Actor #1: Hey, uh, I got an idea. We can play a game to pass the time. Er, I'll make the sound of a barnyard animal, and, er, you all try to guess what it is. Ahem. (Makes some unidentifiable noise)
Actor #2: It's a bird?
Actor #3: It's a cow, man.
Actress #1: It's a pony.
Krusty the Clown: No, it's a goat. You know, one of them lady goats.
(audience laughed)
Actor #1: Clowns (crying)
Actor #4: You're gonna talk if i have to wring it out of you about your fear of clowns!
Actor #1: No!, I can't take it anymore!
Dick (disguises at Dexter): (sighs) Sorry i'm late!
Lori Loud: This is literally the worst guessing game ever.
Part 30: Well, You See..../Meanwhile with Toon Patrol 2.0[]
Well, You See....[]
Applejack: You okay?, What Happened?
Twilight Sparkle: There's another murder!
Pinkie Pie: WHAT?!
Twilight Sparkle: It had to be postponed because the bad guys had ruin the script from Home is Where the Heart Aches.
Pinkie Pie: Who is it?!
Twilight Sparkle: But the Gork, Son of Fire has to happen tonight.
Pinkie Pie: Wha–! (Applejack shuts Pinkie Pie's mouth)
Twilight Sparkle: (sighs) You see...
Pinkie Pie: You're from an alternate world and you're a pony princess there and the crown actually has a magical element embedded in it that helps power up other magical elements, and without it, they don't work anymore, and you need them to help protect your magical world, and if you don't get the crown tonight, you'll be stuck in this world and you won't be able to get back for, like, a really, really long time! (squee)
Lt. Mallard Cross: Will see.....
Tom McCallum: And now, celebrating his 100th year in show business, Milt Lackey.
General Zhong: Here we go, Bernie. The crown jewel.
Milt Lackey: Thank you. Thank you.
Unknown Person #1: Open up! I gotta go to the bathroom!
Milt Lackey: I get up in the morning, and I read the obituary column, My name isn't in it, I have breakfast, The day I see my name in it, I'll still have breakfast. I'm not leaving on an empty stomach.
(audience laughed and applaud)
Daniel: General, I...
Lt. Mallard Cross: Hey, hey, hey. Excuse me, General, I'd like you to let two of my men accompany you to your office., There's a
Carl: Strong Propability!
Lt. Mallard Cross: There's a remote possibility, that you be the next target
General Zhong: ME?, Bull Twadle, I'm standing right here, on the front line.......
Lt. Mallard Cross: You know General, Being the law in all, i got the authority to shut the three-watt circus down......, Humor me!,
Milt Lackey:
Edward: You think his parents beat him when he laughed?
(the laughing gas starts smoking, Bernie snickers and looks)
Scarlett: Edward....... Was that a smile?.........
(Bernie finally laughs shortly)
Dr. Rivera: Oh My Goodness!
(Bernie laughs so hard)
Coming soon...
Meanwhile with Toon Patrol 2.0.[]
(Trumpet fanfare)
Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome the ruler of Sugar Rush, King Candy!
(The Toon Patrol 2.0 enter on their throne with Lucius DeGeraldson being bounced by minion pigs. Indominus Rex and Harvester Queen with her bio-suit on appears.)
(Cheers and applause from the audience.)
King Candy/Turbo: Hello, my royal subjects! Have some candy! (throws candy at the audience) What a wonderful audience. Now as you all know, the Imagination War is today. So here is the competition guide: Everyone gets to fight for the imagination. And I have the score board up to see who wins. (Rabbid puts the score board on a video screen.) And if our sides fight for the imagination, we'll win! Is everyone ready to start the war?
Dr. Neo Cortex: I knew it. I knew it was foolish to get our hopes up.
Svengeance: Maybe it would have been better if she had never come at all.
Rabbid (Eric Bauza): I agree.
Nunchuck: Could it be?
Minion Pig: Is it she?
Master Doom: I don't know.
Raven King: Well, I guess it wouldn't be foolish to get your hopes up.
Packrat: That's right.
Chester V: What do we do now?
Rabbid (Josh Cooley): Bill, do you have an idea?
Bill Cipher: I do. Soon the whole world will know the genius of my plan. And wait a minute.... (stammering and shouts) JEWEL, SHE'S GET MARRIED?
Rabbid (Bill Fagerbakke): To a scorpion named Dylan.
Rabbid (Scott Menville): Sorry, boy scout, I guess Sheila's into bad boys now.
(Rabbids laughing)
Bill Cipher: Encroachers! Warn the boss. If it's a fight they want, we'll be ready for them. Who's with me?
Lucius DeGeraldson: Leave me in peace. At least something bad is gonna happen to them. Well they've got a show coming and you're wearing THEIR MERCHANDISES?!!!
Minion Pig: But sir, we have company! What shall we do, Boss?
Lucius DeGeraldson: It doesn't matter now. Just let them come.
Part 31: Let's Face The Music and Dance!/That Old Feeling/Rusty Marries Carla/The Big Day[]
Krissa: Liam!
Rosemary: Okay, folks, let’s get this show moving!
Rosemary's Assistant: Okay, Mad'am!
Krissa: Liam!
Liam: Yeah?
Krissa: Oh, I'm so glad i found you.
Liam: Me too.
Liam: Sure!
Krissa: Ha ha ha! Now you're talking about!
(Meanwhile, with the Teen Titans Go)
TTG Starfire: I wonder why Robin is taking so long?
(TTG Robin opens the Door)
TTG Robin: Guys, We're going to see an epic battle!
TTG Starfire: I know, right?
TTG Cyborg and TTG Beast Boy: This is the moment we've been waiting for!
TTG: Raven: Yeah!
Bumblebee: I hope it's going to be epic.
Jade Wilson: I agree.
Kenny Loggins: Is that him?
Julie Andrews: Are those the little sweeties?
Jacob Jeffries: Yeah!
Lin-Manuel Miranda:
Rebecca St. James:
Man dressed as a Penguin mascot From the commercial: Hello!
Elton John: Do you think he's a little shy?
Fred Penner: His friends are on stage too you know?
Tracey Ulman: I adore your hairstyle!
Britney Spears: Is he gonna say something?
Chance the Rapper: What, Sorry?
Muscleslayer: Sorry! I'm the Cream of the Crop! And i'm looking for these goofy eyeballs!
(Meanwhile with the Characterville Super Legion)
Lincoln: Okay, that's enough. We have a way to get rid of the Toon Patrol. Anybody have any ideas?
All: (stay silent)
(cricket chirping)
Cricket: Sorry. Wait. Wait. Uh... I... I live this way.
Clyde: (raises his hand) Um... Yes. But actually.... I don't get it.
Ronnie Anne: Hmm...
Sid Chang: Oh, come on! Just give us a better shot.
Nikki: Well, I guess this is the plan. Okay, to get rid of the Toon Patrol, is that we're going to make a trap. First, we're going to give them food as a trail.
Sameer: Food? What a treat!
Liam: Not for you, idiot. It's for the Toon Patrol. So pipe down.
Zach: Alright, that's it! If we don't do this as a team, the Toon Patrol 2 will burn us alive.
Stella: Anyhow, does anyone know how to stop the Toon Patrol 2?
(Everyone stay silent)
Stella: Anyone?
Byron: (coughs)
Rusty: (Finds a laptop with a video player, and then finds a commercial.) Look at that commercial, guys!
Carla: Oooh!
(shows a Liberty Mutual commercial)
Carla: Cool.
Liam: Well, i think that will be the lovely commercial for you, Krissa.
Krissa: Yeah, i think so.
(Shows a Bubble Bath commercial)
Bubble Bath Announcer: Where you can pop, pop, pop your troubles away. Slide in, relax. And remember, even a busy modern gal needs to be squeaky clean for her man.
Liam: (chuckles)
Krissa: Aww... That was lovely!
Sam Sharp:
Luna Loud:
Sam Sharp:
Dexter: And now, in honor of the anniversary of the movie "King's Row" and the person Irving Berlin, we would like to bring the main title score and face the music, Ladies and Gentlemen, The Seattle Symphony Orchestra with the conductor Rick Rochester, and the music required by a special guest conductor please welcome, Leonard Slackton!
(audience applauding)
(Rick and Leonard starts conducting)
Liam: C'mon, Krissa!
(Yellow curtains comes down, Liam and Krissa enters the stage)
(Liam starts to dance just like the scene from Radioland Murders, Main Theme from King's Row plays)
(At the main office)
(Both starts dancing at the stage just like Radioland Murders, Let's Face the Music and Dance by Irving Berlin playing)
Morris: We don't rewrite the scripts!
(cuts to Liam and Krissa dancing)
Morris, Zoltan and Slater: King's Dead! (laughing, whooping, dancing)
- 6 Minutes later*
Dexter: Ahhh, love is in the air, i walk in the the Pow Card industries and when i saw the relationship, between Liam Hunnicutt, a country boy who lived in the house and a barn, and Krissa, a tour guide from the industries, here's a lovely tune for you
Dr. Rivera: Alright cue Rosemary!
(Carla shows a letter said "Meet me upstairs on top, Rusty")
Carl: You know, I heard that they have orders to shoot Mr. H on sight.
That's crazy.
Can you live without me for a few minutes, Max?
Sure. Penny, be careful.
Remember, there's a killer loose out there.
Dr. Rivera: Carl?.
(Rosemary starts singing That Old Feeling, while Liam and Krissa dance slowly, when the next scene where Carla goes on top)
- later*
Deep Calm Voice: I would walk to the end of the street and over the prairie with the clickety grasshoppers bunging in arcs ahead of me, Standing there with the total thrust of prairie sun on my vulnerable head, I guess I learned – at a very young age – that I was mortal.
(Rosemary starts singing the Love Actually version of "Both Sides Now" along with Brittany Howard and Herbie Hancock (on the piano), while they dance slowly)
Dr Rivera: are you all right?
Ninalene: Everything's falling apart, Max. People dying. I just can't believe it. I mean, the second I met him, it was like he'd been there my whole life. Right from the start. It's like, I don't know... An old sweater or something. You know? Warm and comfortable and familiar. We met for lunch, and we were best friends before they could take our order. It was like we had so much in common. We laughed at the same things. We thought about the same things. I don't know what to think. I thought I knew him. I couldn't have been that wrong about him. Could I?
Dr. Rivera: You want a straight answer?
Ninalene :No. Yes.
Dr. Rivera:
(at Lucius Lair he hears a song that he is Eddie's grandfather and he cries completely just like the scene from Love Actually)
Part 32: The Wall/Gork, Son of Fire/The Killer Is...[]
The Wall[]
Dexter: And now, NBC's The Wall!
(The Wall (2016 show) Theme Song plays)
Chris: Hello everybody, Welcome to the Wall!
(audience appluading)
French Narrator: 12 Minutes Later...
Gordan: Well.. I gotta tell you
Linda: Yes?
Gordan: That one left without a wall will be 0!
(both hugging)
Chris: I'm so sorry, you have 0 dollars, The Wall was very unkind, they had alot of bad bounces.
Linda: Oh we had each other.
Chris: We do have each other, you guys are true academics.
Gordan: Well, would you at least, give more money Chris?
Chris: yeah, you probably right...... or...
Dick Dastardly: (reveals) ARE YOU?!
(Linda screams)
Dick Dastardly: That's right! It is Too late! You guys are completely bankrupt!
Linda: Seriously?!
Dick Dastardly: And what do we have here! (reveals that the real Chris was kidnapped)
Jade Wilson: Excuse me Guys!, I'm here because my boyfriend lost his voice.
Charles: (clears throat on his mouth) Oh, sorry, I just said that!
Jade Wilson: Oh. But he asked me to tell you to welcome to the stage all the way from China father and a superfan, Shan Yu.
(audience applauding, until Shan pull a gun)
Eddie: That girl just pulled a gun on him!
Jo: Cause she probably paid to see this!
Shan Yu: That's Not him! And he didn't even use lubricant. Commence collusion... (weasels, rabbids and bad guys arrives) Is it not as clear as vodka? I'm not teenager from China. (reveals herself as a secret agent) I am secret agent from Russia!
Robin: One of them was wearing a cat suit.
Shan Yu: Exactly!
(Robin smiles and then hears Linda's outcry)
Linda: He's! Been! Taken!!!
Shan Yu: (shocked) What?!
Linda: Chris' been taken by Charles Dastardly, and took him through the portal to the lair!
(All gasp in utter shock)
Bart Simpson: Ay, caramba!
Mario and Luigi: Mamma mia!
Muscle Man: Oh, no bro!
Jeffy: Are they freaking high?
Kirby: Poyo!
Lori Loud: Oh, my gosh! What are we going to do?!
Peter Griffin: There's only one thing we can do: Quick! To the Peterocket! (He goes to the Peterocket, takes off, and crashes) Okay, that was a bad idea.
Daniel Valiant: We gotta get him back!
Roger Rabbit: But how? We'll never catch up!
Glenn Quagmire: And we got no way to defeat those guys!
Joe Swanson: Without any help at all!
Zach: Yeah! What are we going to do?
Liam: Exaclty!
(The Toontown citizens appear.)
Blaze: I've got the best idea ever!
Nick Fury: Looks like you're gonna get the help you needed and that's us!
Shadow: Hmph!
Leni Loud: O-M-Gosh! It's the Toontown-
Lisa Loud: Citizens.
Leni Loud: Citizens!
Luke Skywalker: Yes we are!
(Toretto's Crew appear in their cars)
Popeye: We heard that Butters is captured by The Toon Patrol, So we came all the way to help you guys rescue him.
Dora: Why weren't you guys in the big battle?
Glinda the Good Witch: We were watching you guys on TV.
All: Ahh.
Tempest Shadow: Now don't get too excited. They're talking about us.
The Kids and All Good Characters: (Groans)
Squabbles: (Squacks)
Maggie Muckswell: What should we do?
Hegdish: I agree with Maggie. What should we do?
Daniel Valiant: I've got a plan! We'll take the RV to the Lucius' Lair to battle the Toon Patrol 2 and save Chris.
Lori Loud: That is literally the best plan ever!
Everyone: (Agreeing)
Roger Rabbit: We're coming, Linda!
Lily Loud: Poo Poo.
The Killer Is...[]
Gork: Oh, what's this? (Yelling)
Gork actor #2: Odd metallic object in cave.
Gork: Not rock. Cold, shiny.
Gork Actor #2: It have place to sit. Gork sit.
Dexter: It's a time machine, and Gork has accidentally activated it. The caveman is transported through centuries, hurtling through eons of time. Until he at last finds himself standing in his mastodon robes and dinosaur headdress in the middle of a large metropolitan radio station.
Carl (Ethan Slater): Mom?
Carl's Mom: Son?
Dynamite Watkins: This just in for the reveal of the killer on Action News 52,
Carl (Ethan Slater): Now what's going on here?
Gork Actor #1: So, this all started with Ruffles, who got poisoned with his own hooch.
Carl's Mom: Who's Ruffles?
Bud (Camp Halohead): Can't you follow anything?
Gork Actor #1: Next come Marvin Acme, man who wear animal pelt on head.
Gork Actor #2: Then useless founder, RK Maroon. At this point, it seemed like a rabbit caught him.
Gork Actor #1: But then Dexter, the announcer, was kidnapped by his microphone.
Gork Actor #2: That was a cruel one.
Gork Actor #1: Finally, laughing gas meant for Bernie King and disguises meant for kidnapped are, Charles Dastardly, Dexter, Sofia Vergara, Salma Hayek, Ariel Winter and Kathryn Hahn.
Gork Actor #2: I knew it. So, the elevator was a last-minute change of plan.
Liam: Exactly!
Byron: And what do they say about the victims?
Gork Actor #1: Victims all worked together before along with one more person, the killer. Only one person had know-how to put mystery recordings on air and pearl-handle pocketknife he always carry.
Lucius: I'm be your killer, twerp
Gork Actor #1: I point to him with club... The killer is our father of Shan Yu, Wacky, Doom.... Jr.!
Wacky Doom Jr.: I always like Lucius' plans! He takes chances!
Gork Actor #2: Nice!
Hawkeye: Who's Wacky Doom Jr.? (yelps)
(Krissa panickily screams)
Wacky Doom Jr.: Get... GET OUT!!!
Gork Actor #3: It was me Wacky Doom Jr., and he wants to destroyed the toons
Krissa and Jade Wilson: Destroy the toons?
Krissa: Why?
Wacky Doom Jr.: Because those people destroyed me. Because they destroyed me. they all lied to me! I could have had the patent. I could have had the patent, but I needed their money to prove that my ideas worked. I believe I came up with the greatest single invention of the 20th century. Do you believe that? Well, tell me, do they own me? Do they own this audience? Do they own Chicago? The world?, Well, do they own this? (destroying and the lights flickered, yelling)
Dynamite Watkins: we'll be right back, folks. Boop
(soft music playing, puppy barks)
Part 33: Daniel's Speech/Characterville Assemble and The Biggest Fight[]
Daniel's Speech[]
Daniel: All right guys, i have a speech to share.
*hologram appears*
Characterville Assemble and The Biggest Fight[]
Lucius DeGeraldson: What the heck is that?
Muscleslayer: I think it's the weak element, sir.
(Daniel has broken through the surface where Lucius and the Toon Patrol wait for them to be drowned)
Daniel Valiant: Gimme... Gimme a hand!
Lucius DeGeraldson: Daniel! You?! Get off me! Don't you understand?! It's for the good of Charactervile.
Daniel Valiant: Wha-What are you saying? We are Characterville!
(All of the characters from Characterville stampeding and ready to fight)
Wacky Doom Jr.: (spotted them) No, No, No, No,
(Lucius DeGeraldson is about to hit Daniel... when suddenly, Greasy and punch Lucius DeGeraldson in the face)
Lucius DeGeraldson: Guys, what are you doing?
Greasy: Something I should've done a long time ago.
Stupid: This is for the good of Characterville, sir.
(extends his hand to the other weasels)
Wacky Doom Jr.: SIXERS!!
(Sixers appear)
Shan Yu: Go stop these goofy eyeball. (a giant ice ball lands on the forcefield)
Daniel Valiant: (gasps) Look out!
(explodes the forcefield)
Characters: FIRST TO THE EGG!
("We're Not Gonna Take It by Twisted Sister playing)
TTG Robin: (To the audience) Alright everyone! This final battle will contain cheap smoke bombs, Magic spells, Random Characters jumping at you and even an explosion! And it's all gonna be in 3D! Here we go! Start the countdown! 3, 2, 1... Put on your 3D glasses!
(characters battling the the Sixers sequence begins from Ready Player One and after that...)
Luan Loud: (holding a package) Hey, Lucius! Look what came in the package!
Sixer #1: Oh, boy! What is it? (he opens it and a boxing glove with a spring on it pops up and punches him) Ow!
Luan Loud: (laughing)
Ash: Charizard, I choose you!
(Charizard come out of his Poke' Ball.)
Charizard: Char!
Ash: Charizard, use Flame Thrower!
(Charizard uses Flame Thrower on Team Rocket.)
(Pinkie Pie throws cupcakes at The Storm King.)
Pinkie Pie: Surprise! Weeeee!
(Twilight Sparkle and Tempest Shadow use their magic to defeat The Storm King.)
(Fast Lane from F9 with Porky's Rap playing)
(Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader have a light saber duel.)
Princess Skystar: Shelly! Shelldon! Go get them!
Blythe Baxter: Come on, Pets. Let's fight!
Zoe Trent, Pepper Clark, Vinnie Terrio, Sunil Nevla, Russell Ferguson, Minka Mark and Penny Ling: (Cheering)
(Zoe Trent bites him on the butt)
Wacky Doom Jr.: (screams in pain)
Liam: Come on, Krissa. Let's do this!
Krissa: This is going to be so awesome!
(Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup are fighting Mojo Jojo.)
Blossom: Not!
Bubbles: So!
Buttercup: Fast!
All Three: Mojo Jojo!
(The Flock uses a slingshot and shoot themselves on The Minion Pigs.)
(Krusty the Clown and Luan Loud are throwing pies at some Storm Troopers.)
Luan Loud: Looks like they're good at keeping occu-pied! (laughs)
Orange: (Babbles tongue)
(Kong, Sker Buffaloes, the Monarch, and a Spore Mantis battle with Ramarak, Skullcrawlers, Psychovultures, Mother Longlegs, and a Mire Squid)
Wacky Doom Jr.: Will you shut the hell up? Release the hounds!
(The hounds attack OG and TTG Beast Boy. They transform into hound dogs and barks at them scaring them away.)
(Sandy and Aki (P+C/HunterRisesAgain) karate chops Strongy.)
Sandy Cheeks and Aki: Hi ya!
Strongy: Ow!
(Peter Griffin is fighting with Ernie the Giant Chicken, Hulk is fighting with Abomination, Lynn Loud are throwing dodgeballs at the Sixers)
Lynn Loud: Dutch Oven!
(Toretto's Crew are ramming into the zombies)
(Snowball is fighting Little Sergei, Fetcher and Nick are throwing eggs at Mrs. Tweedy, Lance Sterling and Walter Beckett fighting with Sergei and Pennywise, Buzz Lightyear is fighting with Emperor Zurg)
(Vanellope von Schweetz is running from a carnotaurus and baryonyx while glitching as the baryonyx attempts to kill her and she is eventually cornered. She glitches just before baryonyx can eat her in one bite.)
Ralph: Are you okay?!
Vanellope: I'm fine.
Clyde: Come on, you candy asses. Join the fight!
Zach: Hey, what do you think? Should we do it?
Stella: Come on, guys! It's us or them!
Mr. Knack: As my Granny Tunsdela used to say... "No fight, No friends!"
(Mr. Knack and Stella scream as they crawl back in fear as Cy-Bug King Candy, Pennywise/It, Lizzie, Ralph, Mind Flayer, Demogorgon, Demodogs, and Indoraptor attempt to kill them)
TTG Robin: Two can play at that game! Titans go!
(The TTG Titans attack Pennywise/It, Lizzie, Ralph, Mind Flayer, Demogorgon, Demodogs, and Indoraptor, saving them. However, Indoraptor rips TTG Cyborg's leg off)
TTG Cyborg: (screams) MY LEG! MY ROBOT LEG!
Wendy: Thanks, guys.
Lola: How could we repay you?
TTG Robin: Happy to help.
TTG Raven: Don't mention it.
(TTG Cyborg arrives hopping with his left leg)
TTG Cyborg: Alright, I'm gonna need my right leg back.
Jade Wilson: Get in!
TTG Robin: Okay,
Jade Wilson: More weapons! Anti-personnel ordnance canon!
TTG Robin: Rail gun!
(He blasted the Sixers in the line)
Jade Wilson: Get rid of it! Get rid of it!
Sixer #13: It's the f**king Chucky!
(at prison)
TTG Slade: No, this can't be! I'll save you (bangs the steel prison walls) It can't. I'm trapped!
(at the stage)
Daffy: Show you really are Notorious P.I.G.!
(Porky stares at them)
Porky Pig: Oh... Oh, boy. Here goes nothin'. (stuttering and mimicking record scratching) (rapping) What up? It's Porky Pig! They call me P Double! Al G. step to me! He don't want no trouble ♪
Daffy: Off-beat!
Porky: ♪ From beginning to the end ♪
♪ I’m here for all the smoke ♪
♪ Your squad ain’t all-star Your squad is all jokes ♪
Daffy: All jokes!
♪ End this with one bar Most famous of all quotes ♪
♪ This battle is now over ♪
♪ That… That… That’s all folks ♪
(mic thuds)
(Fast Lane from F9 continues)
Bumblebee: Summon the Gundam form.
(Gundam appear and fights with Mechgodzilla and the thing smushes the Sixers)
Wacky Doom Jr.: What the...?
Lucius: What is happening?!
Dick Dastardly: I do not wanna hear it!
Grand Guignol:
Wacky Doom Jr.: Listen to the steps
(Snaggle, Roscoe and Jimmy and the Monstars appearing)
Wacky Doom Jr.: Step 1!
Wacky Doom Jr.: (he uses a thing that wiped out) Step 2!
Lucius: No No NOOO!! (slows and stops)
Unknown Weasel #1: What…what’s that? What’s that supposed to be?
Sixer #14: That’s the signal!
Unknown Weasel #2: If that’s the signal, somethin’ must have gone wrong!
Should we have ourselves some sport, chill'ens?
l likes it when they run.
Unnamed Toon #1: Maybelle Give the Holler!
(Maybelle hollers: "Yee-Haw Bedeha Bedeha Bedeha Bedeha Bedeha")
(Every Cartoon characters hollered correctly sents back to Characterville except Characterville's Super Legion, and then... The Villains and Enemies even the Sixers erased excepts the Weasels)
Roger: So uh, What should we do now, Daniel?
Daniel: Let's go to the Superweapon.
Everyone: (Cheering)
High on the Balcony of the Superweapon/the Demise of Wacky Doom Jr./Everything turns Back to Normal[]
(at the balcony of the Superweapon)
Wacky Doom Jr.: Move!
Scarlett: Okay.
Gork Actor #1: Gork make ultimate sacrifice. And send for help on prehistoric tom-tom. Gork not so sure Gork like idea.
Gork Actor #2: Hang in there, Gork.
Wacky Doom Jr.: Go on! Move! Okay!
Daniel: What is all this?
Wacky Doom Jr.: I've been creating the future.
Come on, where'd he go? Penny!
Which way... Penny!
Where is he?
What's that?
I created it over 25 years ago.
Oh, I know everybody's working on it now, but my design is still the best.
They wanted to destroy it, so I hid it.
They'll never find us in here.
Roger! Penny!
Don't, don't, don't, Max! Don't do it.
You're not going anywhere, Applewhite.
You just told 50 million people that you're the killer.
Well, you won't get me. Back out!
Come on, Max.
I'll kill her!
Well, take me, Max. Take me instead.
Wait, listen to me. We both love Penny.
We don't wanna see her get hurt.
And you probably don't even like me, right?
So it'll be easier for you to kill me.
What am I saying?
What are you saying? I don't know. Come on, Max.
No, Max. It's okay. Come on.
Thanks. This will be easier.
Always glad to help.
No. No!
Max, Roger's afraid of heights.
I'll remember that.
Well? I sent for reinforcements.
There's nobody left. Shut up.
Go! Okay, okay.
You know, Max, I'm not so sure this is the best way out of here, but where are we going?
To heaven, Roger. We're going to heaven.
It's quite a climb. Yes, it is.
Let's go.
You know, Max, it's kind of brisk up here. Why don't we just go back?
I can't go back! Why not?
Because I've seen the future.
What are you talking about?
Television. Come on.
Up! Okay, okay.
Up, up, up!
Okay, okay.
Max, what is that?
Run for it, kid!
What? What do you mean, "Run for it"?
Part 34: Back to Characterville/Liam Finally Proposes Krissa/Wedding Day/True Heroes/Smile Darn Ya Smile[]
Back to Characterville[]
Coming Soon...
Liam Finally Proposes Krissa[]
Liam: Finally. Will you marry me?
Krissa: Yes. And will you sing me a song?
Liam: Mm-hmm. (starts singing) And the one closest to my heart. I don't want to wait For our lives to be over Will it be yes Or will it be Sorry? Oh, no. Doo, doo, doo Doo, doo Doo, doo, doo Doo, doo You are so beautiful. Yeah.
Krissa: (sighs happily)
Wedding Day[]
Dr. Rivera: cue the organ!
(the organ player cracks her knuckles while she plays Wedding March by Felix Mendelssohn as everyone in Characterville gathers for the wedding in fancy outfits, vehicle characters just wear bow ties)
Annie: I've never been to a wedding before, Clarabel.
Clarabel: Oh, okay, Annie, who's getting married again?
Daniel: Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today because of these six bridals. Not only because they're being joined in holy matrimony, but also because one of them tried to destroy our islands for her own selfish reasons.
Cyborg; Oh, It's such a beauitful wedding.
Lotta: It Really is!
Daniel: But Zach swooped in at the last second and got all the credit for stopping her.
Diving Belle: Yes, you did, baby.
Daniel: I pronounce them, husbands and wives!, you guys may now kiss the brides.
(the bridals kiss as everybody sings Chi mi frena in tal momento by Gaetano Donizetti in its original Italian)
(Fireworks start blasting off from the sky)
Carl: From All of us here at the wedding ceremony courtesy of WACKY, Goodnight!
The True Heroes/Smile Darn Ya Smile[]
Scarlett: Attention Everybody! I would like to propose a toast to the man who made all of this possible. (chuckles) Our hero, Daniel.
(everybody cheer)
Lincoln Loud: Give it up for Daniel!
Everybody: (chanting) Daniel! Daniel! Daniel! Daniel Daniel!
Daniel: Thank you everyone!
Lynn: Speech, speech, speech!
Daniel: Um, okay, well, you know, I'm... I'm honored, everybody, And for all the support and love. You know, it means... Well, it means everything to me. But, um, I don't deserve it. They does. They is the one who came up with the plan to stop the super-weapon and ultimately saved all our lives. Red, I didn't do this all on my own. Right. Because we're a team. We couldn't have done anything without you guys, You see, these guys are the real heroes. They're the ones who deserve your love, not me. We love you even more now., Agent Coulson, Garry, Now!
Garry: Okay!
(they reveals at monument of Characterville's Super Legion)
Ed: Let's Sing A Song
Everyone: YEAH!!
(Everybody singing Smile Darn Ya Smile)
(Everybody singing Disney Chorus "Smile Darn Ya Smile")
Porky: O-k-k-k, m-m-move along. There's n-n-nothin' else to see. T-t-that's it. T-t-that's all, folks. Hmm, I l-l-like the sound of that (Porky faces the audience). Eee-ba-da, eee-ba-da, eee-ba-da...t-t-that's all-?
Sonic: NO YOU DON'T!
Porky: Huh?!
(Sonic pushes Porky out of the way and Porky runs out of the picture)
Sonic: (to the audience) Sorry about that everyone, that ending with his famous phrase from the 1988 film was enough. (Merrily We Roll Along playing) So...Th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th that's all, folks! (Laughs) Bye! (Sonic zooms out of the picture as the screen fades black and the Scrat cutaway begins)
Scrat Cutaway[]
(This Cutaway shows Scrat, TBA)
TTG Robin: Hey little guy... WHOA!! (Scrat chases him and he uses a grappling hook towards and comes close to the camera) Kids, Don't try this at ho-
(After all of that, Scrat and Robin scream loudly)
(the dedication card appears. The end credits begin to roll)
End Credit Madness[]
(the thing that the credits crawl appears while Otto the Minion appears to
Grenda: Hey, pull the rope!
Wakko: Oh, right. This cast is really heavy. Yakko, come here. Come here, come here.
Yakko: what do you got there?
Wakko: Take this. You should have negotiated,
Yakko: I believe I may have something that could help.
Tango (Camp Halohead): Woa-ho-ho Whoo! this is fun! (laughs)
Dr Cockroach: Dr Honeydew, What are you doing?
Dr. Bunsen Honeydrew: This is my automated end-crawl operating machine. All I have to do is push this button and it will crawl all by itself.
(He pushes the button, while the credits crawl faster and Wakko flies up)
Dr. Bunsen Honeydrew: Let's try this. (goes back to reverse and normal) Another qualified success.
(end credits still crawling)
King Julien: Hey, Check this out eh? (puts his crown on "Sound")
(after the credits and the logos, the screen went black, Terry appears)
Terry: Hey! Movie is over! Go...
Jade Wilson: Execuse me Terry!
Terry: What are you doing?
Jade Wilson: Sorry, about that guys, The movie's over, you could could all go home now. (giggles) Until they see them again, because there are no other audiences watching. At all. But thanks so much for coming in. And I promise not to keep you in mind for future projects.
(End of Who Framed Roger Rabbit 2)