"When She Loved Me" is a sad song from the 1999Disney/Pixar animated film, Toy Story 2 written by Randy Newman and sung by Canadian musician Sarah McLachlan from the perspective of Jessie about how she was once loved by a young girl named Emily, but eventually forgotten as she grew older. Woody is then moved by the story. Jessie ends the tale by saying, "You never forget kids like Emily or Andy...but they forget you."
This song was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Song in 2000, where McLachlan performed it at the awards ceremony, but the award went to Phil Collins for another Disney song "You'll Be in My Heart" from Tarzan, which was released on the same year as Toy Story 2. It did, however, received the Grammy Award for Best Song Written for Visual Media at the 43rd Grammy Awards. It is listed as Track 2 on the Toy Story 2 Soundtrack.
When somebody loved me
Everything was beautiful
Every hour we spent together
Lives within my heart
And when she was sad
I was there to dry her tears
And when she was happy, so was I
When she loved me
Through the summer and the fall
We've had each other, that was all
Just she and I together
Like it was meant to be
And when she was lonely
I was there to comfort her
And I knew that she loved me
So the years went by
I stayed the same
But she began to drift away
I was left alone
Still I waited for the day
When she'd say,
"I will always love you."
Lonely and forgotten
I'd never thought she'd look my way
And she smiled at me and held me
Just like she used to do
Like she loved me
When she loved me
When somebody loved me
Everything was beautiful
Every hour we spent together
Lives within my heart
When she loved me
This is the first Pixar song not to be sung by Randy Newman; however, he does play the piano.
Tom Hanks[1] and Tim Allen have admitted that the flashback sequence featuring this song made them cry during early Toy Story 2 screenings.
This song is similar to "When We Didn't Get Along" from the Phineas and Ferb episode "It's About Time!", "Love Builds a Garden" from Gnomeo & Juliet and "Our Town" from Cars.
This song where Jessie outgrows her owner in a flashback is very similar to "I Will Go Sailing No More" from the first Toy Story, where Buzz realizes he's a toy and can't fly.
During the song, when Jessie watches the cowgirl-themed items in Emily's room change to typical girl related items, it is similar to when Woody watched the cowboy-themed items in Andy's room change to spaceman-themed items during the song, "Strange Things" in the previous film.
Deleted:The Fool • Plastic Spaceman Miscellaneous:Midway Mania • Hot Potato • My Unexpected Friend
See Also
A113 • Black Friday reel • Toy Story (Original Treatment) • Toy Story 3 (Circle 7 Screenplay) • The Science Behind Pixar • Pixar in a Box • Astro Blasters Robots • Star Command
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