Disney Fanon Wiki

Wallace Michael Shawn is an American actor, voice actor, comedian, playwright, and essayist. He is well known for several film roles, such as Vizzini in the 1987 film adaptation of The Princess Bride.

For Disney, Shawn is well-known for his role as the voice of Rex in the Disney/Pixar Toy Story franchise and various other characters listed below.

Disney filmography[]

Video Games[]

Disney Roles[]



  • He was originally going to voice Boomer in The Fox and the Hound, but dropped out.
  • Shawn was also considered for the role of Eddie Valiant in Who Framed Roger Rabbit, along with several other actors that were considered as well.[1]
  • As of now, Shawn has voiced three Disney principals; Principal Mazur, Principal Fetchit, and Crosby Strickler. Incidentally the first two are dogs, while the latter is a human who hates dogs.

