The Ghost of King Candy is a animated short film based on the first Wreck-it Ralph film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios and Walt Disney Pictures and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, with John C. Reilly, Sarah Silverman, Jack McBrayer, Jane Lynch and Alan Tudyk.
This is another day in Litwak's Arcade, all kids are playing video games in the arcade, Mr. Litwak mentions to the kids to go home in this afternoon and close the arcade in the night. In that same night, in the arcade game House of the Dead, King Candy (Turbo)'s ghost (Alan Tudyk) kidnaps and tortures Pac-Man (character of the same name), Amy Rose (from Sonic the Hedgehog) and the Ducks (from Duck Hunt) for information on the whereabouts of Wreck-It Ralph (John C. Reilly) and Vanellope von Schweetz (Sarah Silverman). Pac-Man, Amy Rose and the Ducks noticed a group of characters from the arcade video games who was in front of them after they are trapped inside their cages. They asked Mishaela (character from Shining Force) to help the group of people to know what's going on. Mishaela uses her magic crystal ball and then tells to the people of Wreck-It Ralph's backstory of what happened before.
In that same night, in the arcade game Fix-It Felix, Wreck-It Ralph and Fix-It Felix Jr. (Jack McBrayer) are really poorly because the arcade is close at night and the kids will not play arcade games anymore. Ralph had an Idea, visit Vanellope in the game Sugar Rush. Ralph and Felix arrives to Sugar Rush and found Vanellope. Vanellope is also poorly because the arcade is close at night and the kids will not play arcade games anymore, Ralph can make her happy in the good old time. Ralph tells to Felix he finds a short cut. The reunion stops when Vanellope is captured by one of the Cy-Bugs. Ralph and Felix chases the Cy-Bug named Buggy (Grey DeLisle) through the game House of the Dead in a big candy pickup truck and the Surge Protector was on surveillance in the Game Central Station while Buggy the Cy-Bug with Vanellope inside is heading straight to the game House of the Dead and Ralph and Felix continues chasing him.
However, the duo lose the Cy-Bug and Vanellope and wind up in the Dead End Graveyard. While Ralph is teasing Felix by pretending to be a zombie and scaring him, they stumble upon King Candy (Turbo)'s grave. Soon, King Candy (Turbo)'s ghost arrives and Felix remarks that he saw him die in the first movie, breaking the fourth wall. King Candy (Turbo) then brings the stone Hybrid Cy-Bug on his grave to life and makes it destroy Ralph and Felix in revenge for making Ralph's idea to send him to the Diet Cola Lava's light. Felix rans for Sergeant Tamora Calhoun (Jane Lynch) and she shows up sweeping Ralph and Felix off the ground with her combat airship. The stone Hybrid Cy-Bug chases them through the sky and blows fireballs made of magma at them. Ralph lands on the stone Hybrid Cy-Bug's back and crushes in its face, causing it to drop him onto Calhoun's Battle airship back. Calhoun then flies into a canyon in a homage to Star Wars: A New Hope. She then creates a tunnel through a dead end in the canyon with her missile, and after going into the tunnel, the stone Hybrid Cy-Bug follows and its wings break off in doing so. After exiting, the animated statue falls to it's watery grave, terminating the chase. Calhoun, Ralph and Felix then rush off to rescue Vanellope.
King Candy (Turbo)'s true plans for Vanellope is to kill her and make her into a glitch again so he can be the king of Sugar Rush again. Buggy the Cy-Bug puts her on a raft going toward a waterfall known as Niagara Falls (close in the Canada), but forgets to get off. Vanellope gets free and knocks him out with her glitch powers, and then Ralph and Felix jump onto the raft. It goes over the falls and the trio is temporarily grabbed by Buggy the Cy-Bug. However, they fall again due to the branch Buggy was holding breaking. Luckily, Calhoun saves them (except Buggy the Cy-Bug) before they all die and obliterates King Candy (Turbo) by blasting a Diet Cola Lava in the bottle (created by Calhoun) at him. However, Pac-Man (character of the same name), Amy Rose (from Sonic the Hedgehog), the Ducks (from Duck Hunt) and other arcade game characters are free from King Candy (Turbo)'s kidnapping and back to their own games. Calhoun gives Ralph, Felix and Vanellope a ride back to the Sugar Rush game, and she, Ralph and Felix ride off to their own arcade games, saying goodbye to Vanellope and other Sugar Rush characters. Next day in the morning in another weekend, Mr. Litwak opens the arcade once again and the kids back to the arcade to play with the arcade games. Everyone celebrates after Ralph says "Let The Arcade Begin Once Again!", and the short ends with all of the kids playing games in Litwak's Arcade.
- John C. Reilly as Wreck-It Ralph
- Sarah Silverman as Vanellope von Schweetz
- Jack McBrayer as Fix-It Felix Jr.
- Jane Lynch as Sergeant Calhoun
- Alan Tudyk as the Ghost of King Candy (Turbo)
- Grey Griffin as Buggy the Cy-Bug, Mishaela
- Kristen Bell as Amy Rose
- Rich Moore as the Ducks, Sour Bill
See also[]
- The Ghost of King Candy/Gallery
- The Ghost of King Candy/Gallery/Comic Book
- The Ghost of King Candy/Transcript
- This short is based on DreamWorks Animation short film Shrek 4-D (also known as Shrek: The Ghost of Lord Farquaad).
- This is second and last Wreck-It Ralph film with the original cast together, including King Candy (still voiced by Alan Tudyk), who would not return in Ralph Breaks the Internet.
- This is the second time when Rich Moore reprises the role of Sour Bill during the two films.