Toon Earth is an alternate Earth that resembles Earth-Prime, but operates under what its inhabitants call the "rule of funny." Most cartoons and comic strips (at least the ones in America) take place here. It is sometimes chaotic and can be unsettling for new visitors. The laws of physics may change unexpectedly. Many beings, because of their "humor factor", are immune to serious injuries and diseases unless stated in a cartoon short's script. The residents of Toon Earth believe that it is their sense of humor that drives their life force, and tended for centuries to look down on universes that have more serious laws of narrative causality, though they have formed alliances with and even visited some of these universes during interdimensional travel.
Other names for Toon Earth include the Tooniverse and Toonrealm (the latter created by Shao Kahn, Sheeva and Sindel).
The inhabitants of Toon Earth are called Toons. An abbreviation of Cartoon Character, they are simply animated characters or creatures. In Who Framed Roger Rabbit, they are presented as sentient beings made of a magical ink and paint who, notably, can physically occupy space and interact outside of their animated universe and into, say, the real world. They are also called Toonrealmers.
The heart of a Toon is made of pure, positive energy, and like a Toon's flesh it cannot be eaten. However, it can be touched, as the energy takes on a crystalline form.
Most toons tend to have exaggerated, usually anthropomorphic, appearances and characteristics based on real animals or objects. Toons can be humans, realistic humans, anthropomorphic animals, realistic animals, robots, objects, anthropomorphic objects, extraterrestrial creatures, mythical beings, and other unidentified, newly-imagined creatures, monsters, or abstract, surreal characters. Their appearances can range from grossly caricatured with odd physical features (e.g., four-fingered hands, floating eyes, and/or eyebrows, etc.) to extremely realistic.
Almost all toons (depending on their personality) have an innate sense of comedic and/or dramatic timing. Most toons also have (also depending on their personality) an intense focus on a single-minded goal, such as hunting, catching prey, having selfish needs, being hungry, or capturing the object of one's romantic feelings; generally with comedic and/or dramatic results.
Because of their interdimensional origins, most toons possess amusing abilities that contradict laws of physics in the real world; usually disregarding the physical laws that govern the real universe when traveling inside the real world (and a reciprocal disregard of those laws for them). Toons can also accomplish feats and possess powers which were impossible for anything or anyone in the real world to imitate. All toons are also completely immune and nearly indestructible to any serious injury (e.g., being crushed, shot with bullets, decapitated, eviscerated for long, stabbed, suffer from blood or energy loss (that is, they can regenerate their blood or life force after it is taken from them), frozen or burned for long, stretched, etc.). Therefore, Toon flesh has the capability to heal from these injuries at a much faster rate than humans suffering from them. The mechanics of the Tooniverse and their way of life are based entirely on humor, seriousness and drama; nearly anything can happen only as long as it's humorous, serious or dramatic in some way. This is especially seen in animated characters like Looney Tunes, Tom and Jerry, or the Tex Avery cartoons. However, toons use these unique abilities to entertain humans on Earth Prime or in any other Earth or Earthlike location (such as Edenia and Outworld).
Toon flesh, also, cannot be consumed by beings such as the Kytinn of the Arnyek Islands, but their blood, energy and/or souls can be easily extracted.
Along with soul extraction, the only way to permanently kill a Toon is to dip it in "Dip," because the chemicals that make up Dip are paint thinners (though Eddie Valiant defeated most of Doom's weasels by making them laugh to death with a vaudeville comedy act).
Toons (at least the adult ones like the Sensational Six, Betty Boop, Bugs Bunny and a few others) also never age, no matter how long their cartoons last. Many long-running theatrical shorts, television series, and comic strips often feature characters in both present day and moments of history. And in both examples, they don't appear to age. It is said that whenever certain animated characters appear to age according to time, there exist different versions of that character playing the part of that particular age, though this is not proven very clearly. Toons also don't appear to suffer from many of our world's diseases and illnesses unless the script calls for it. They can also change their height and muscular structure to adapt to any particular situation. As Goofy and Oswald the Lucky Rabbit have demonstrated (with them being in relationships and with children of their own), toons can also procreate if they so choose. Thanks to something called "rubberhose animation", the muscular system of most Toons is really rubbery and stretchy, enabling them to, say, reach for things at great distances and perform more complex gymnastics and martial arts techniques that most humans cannot perform. In addition, it is implied that Toons have the ability to shapeshift, at least into different versions of themselves, as Tweety is shown in both his classic design from the 1940s in one Toontown scene and reappears in his modern design in the final scene at the Acme Corporation gag factory.
The color of Toon blood is black like ink, and tastes very sweet.
Some toons also have the ability to produce certain things to show their feelings and emotions (e.g., hearts floating over heads or eyes forming into hearts when in love, explosions in eye pupils and/or steam shooting out of ears when angry, stars or birds orbiting heads whenever dizzy and/or in a daze, etc.). It is not confirmed how this is possible but it is speculated that, in some instances, they can do so with a mere thought. Comic strips are produced by photographing toon characters that speak in word balloons, which appear above their heads whenever they talk.
If we believe the original film, with the exception of the characters appearing in or created specifically for Who Framed Roger Rabbit, all animated/cartoon characters ever created (ranging from the early 1900s to the 2000s and beyond) are Toons.
Towns and cities[]
Although the Toons have created many urbanized settlements, their main choice of residence is a enormous megacity aptly named "Toontown". Back in the year 1947 it was visited by a detective named Edward "Eddie" Valiant (before that, however, he and his brother were tracking a criminal there who killed Teddy, forcing Eddie to leave).
Coexistence with beings of other realms and dimensions[]
Although anthropomorphic animals, robots, flowers, etc. are the dominant species, many humans co-exist with them. Historically, they have been second-class citizens but in recent decades, that has changed for the better.
During the 1900s, portals made of light opened connecting Toon Earth to cities in an alternate version of Earth-Prime, including Angel Grove, Berlin, Orlando, Anaheim and Tokyo. Its inhabitants were dubbed "toons" because of their resemblance to people depicted in cartoon pictures. Many toons became hired in Hollywood as actors in comedic short films. Later, Toon Earth and Earth-Prime merged via an unknown means, without the aid of the Outworld emperor Shao Kahn (as he was unaware of this Earth's existence until recently) nor the Elder Gods.