Tobiah Malakin is the protagonist of Disney's 2026 animated feature film Conjuration. He was just an ordinary teenage boy who discovered a serious threat and sorcery along with his best friends Mordy Gilead, Lewis Benaiah and his support Preston Gillmore after his death.
Tobiah was born in West Virginia among his parents Jeffrey and Eliana Malakin, and his two older brothers Blaise and Calvin Malakin. At the age of 10, he befriended Gavin Felonus, thought they had a strong friendship, until he fell in love with Native-American girl named Iara Nayati, and then met Mordy Gilead, much to Gavin's jealousy by running the relationship between the two of them, which made Tobiah betray Gavin and end their friendship.
Physical appearances[]
At age 15, Tobiah resembles Tom Holland's appearances. Tobiah's physical appearance varies between adaptations, but in most cases, he is a Caucasian teenage boy with a slim, yet muscular physical build, after being an Amazing teenage boy going to the gym every time. At age 18, he resembles Andrew Garfield's appearances being at 1.79 m tall and still muscular.
Tobiah Malakin makes his first appearances in the first movie of the franchise, where he discovers the dark magic of Anker Cajetan. To stop him, he has his best friend Mordy Gilead, the new kid in town Lewis Benaiah and his former support Preston Gomer to stop Cajetan's evil schemes.
Conjuration: Part of Counter[]
Few months after the death of Preston Gomer and the defeat of Anker Cajetan, Tobiah, Mordy and Lewis faces of with Kenal Helmutt who seeks to make evil counterparts of themselves, Yale Zavad, Cain Nimrod and Pyrs Kalman
Conjuration: Fallen Harmony[]
Tobiah has become 18 along with Mordy and Lewis where they are preparing for Valentine's Day. After his friends got their lovers, Tobiah reunites with his childhood love interest Iara Nayati, and must face of with his former friend Gavin Felonus.
After the events of Conjuration, Tobiah, Mordy and Lewis learn that Olympian Gods that gone rogue, seeks to end life of all mortals which makes trio need to do the twelve tasks of Hercules but with different ones, only for his father Zeus disproving mortals being able to do what gods can.
Live-action appearances[]
Rogue Warlock[]
In the live-action TV shows of the Conjuration franchise which is titled from novel of the same name, Tobiah Malakin is portrayed by Andrew Garfield.