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Full transcript of Timmy's Tiger Wagon's Brave: The Movie.

The Parody of Raiders of the Ark[]

(Opening: The second half of the Jungle theme song plays in a small rectangle in the center of the screen. Captions "Walt Disney Presents" "A Lightstorm Entertainment Production" fade on and off on top of this rectangle. At the end of the intro, where Timmy fastest inside of the Tiger Wagon. The streams of Tiger Wagon and crashes cover the entire movie screen, then crashes down with a stereophonic crescendo to reveal "Timmy's Tiger Wagon's Brave: The Movie" and changes "The New Adventures of Timmy Brisby V" logo. Fade to black.)

(The camera is in a jungle and moves in the direction of a mountain in which there is a hidden temple surrounded with Tiger statues. The Wild Kids climb the cliff and are at the cave's entrance. The temple is dark and gloomy inside, as we are there, looking towards the outside, as the Wild Kids race in. Once in the cave, Timmy stops.)

Timmy: Ahh! This place give me the goosebumps!

(A group of bats fly out of the mouth of one of the Lion statues.)

Phillip: Maybe we should go back!

Lillian: Very back!

Timmy: No, We can't go back now, you guys! Okey-Dokey Jones never goes back! (The Wild Kids move near a door-shaped like Hook's head. They act surprised. Inside the "mouth" is a bright, blue-colored light.) Hang on to my adventures, kids, we're goin' in!

Timmy: (voice over) That's Cinderella. She's the greatest adopted mother I ever knowed! (As Timmy talks, Timmy races toward the door. As he gets there, the door slams, while he raced in there once it's open, and after he enters, it slams shut again. Phillip and Lillian look surprised.) And that's Phillip and Lillian. Uh, uh, well, they--they like warms. (Phillip and Lillian hold hands and rush in through the door, which closed behind them.) And I'm Timmy. Uh... I'm was so brave. (Timmy is hesitant to enter, but is gets in by himself.) But that's okay, 'cause I got Prince Charming, and he's my bestest adopted father. (giggles)

(The Wild Kids run to a tower on which is perched an tiger wand. They climb the tower to reach the tiger wand. While trying to take the statuette, the tiger wand becomes a fairy godmother's wand and a trap is released, which causes a boulder to roll towards them.)

Timmy: Watch out!

(The Wild Kids starts to shout while running like the wind to try escape the boulder.)

Timmy: Keep moving! It's right behind us!

(Suddenly, the floor opens itself in front of them. Timmy, Phillip and Lillian make the jump, but Timmy misses his, hanging on the brink.)

Timmy: Lillian! Help me!

Lillian: Come on, Timmy!

(Back to reality: The boulder was Timmy breaks the floor; and screams and falling to his death, as the screen on nightmare's to Timmy's mouth and screams!)

Timmy: (screaming) We gots to keep looking!

Beast: Timmy! (All the wild kids are screaming at the Beast) The wild kids cannot scared them all.

(The Wild Kids run away at full speed.)

Timmy: (voice over) We thought the fun times would last forever. (The Wild Kids run face-first into glass patio door, then fall over.) But we was wrong!

The Tiger Wagon Goes Away[]

Prince Charming: Timmy... let's say I give you a little turn with the pocket watch, huh? (Charming picks up Timmy) Hey, champ, why don't you come with me for a minute? I got something to show you that's even better than your own pocket watch. (Charming picks up Timmy and takes him to his workshop. After setting him on the workbench, Charming gives Timmy a pocket watch.) We weren't going to give you this until you were a little bit older, but I think now's the right time. (Charming holds out a pocket watch and gives it to Timmy.) Shiny, huh? (He opens the watch to reveal a taped photo of Timmy and his adopted parents inside.) And my dad put your picture inside. (Timmy looks at it, intrigued.) I know it's hard, Timmy. You have no siblings right now, and that's a big change. (Timmy scowls and puts down the watch.) Uh, you can be pretty tough to get along with, huh? But sometimes, little brother, they aren't everything you'd hoped they'd be. (Charming opens a drawer, then pulls out a picture of himself and Timmy, when they were kids.) That's why little brothers have got to have faith. And one day, you'll see... he'll change. After all... (He puts a chain on the watch) you've got responsibility now. I know I can trust that you'll stick but you was side and be a swell little brother. (Charming hugs Timmy)

(Charming puts Timmy on his lap. Timmy looks at the watch in his hands.)

Timmy: (thinking) Responsibility...

(Cut back upstairs, where the King was still asleep on the rocking chair. The Wild Kids stand and look at the Tiger Wagon.)

Phillip and Lillian: Wow!

Jake: What is that, you guys?

Lillian: Tiger!

Phillip: On wheels!

Jake: What do you think it's for?

Phillip: I don't know.

(Lillian climbs into the wagon.)

Lillian: I bet it could take us to the baby store.

Phillip: Great idea, Lillian. We could take to the hospital and get Timmy's money back.

(Lillian climbs out.)

Lillian: Yeah, it's money back bearanteed.

Jake: Guys! Guys, Timmy's not gonna be happy about this.

(Phillip and Lillian towards the wagon and places him in there.)

Lillian: Well, he's sure not happy now.

Jake: Well...

Lillian: You watch. Once goes back to the store, Timmy will be happy here.

Jake: I don't know about this.

(Timmy enters the room.)

Timmy: What are you doing?!

Phillip: We, uh, actually, Lillian was, uh...

Lillian: We're taking me back to the hospital, Timmy. We're gonna get your money's back.

Timmy: What?! You can't do that! But Cinderella and Charming wanna keep them! See?! See?!

Phillip: Why? All she does is cry and poop.

Timmy: Well, so do you.

Phillip: I don't cry that much!

Timmy: Well, you keep an awful lot!

Phillip: Look who's talking, Mr. Chocolate Tiltipants!

Timmy: I am not a cookie monster!

(Bartholomew is in the living room, watching "Sherlock Holmes", it's about to go to a commercial, when the title sequence for that show is displayed.)

Announcer: ..."Sherlock Holmes, Human Boy Detective", right after these messages.

Lillian: Cookie, cookie, cookie.

(Disturbed by the kids' noise, Bartholomew goes and ask them kindly to make less noise...)

Phillip: We thought you'd be happy, Timmy!

Timmy: Well, I'm not!

Bartholomew: Yes, he is not!

Phillip and Lillian: Pretty good.

Timmy: Be nice, Bartholomew. I didn't mean it.

(Bartholomew asks and grabs Timmy by himself.)

Bartholomew: You wanna ride in a wagon? I'll give you a ride... (drops Timmy into the wagon) to outside space! (He kicks the Tiger Wagon, hurting his foot.) Ow! (Hopping while holding his foot in pain, Bartholomew hears on the TV that the show is out of commercials.) My show! Next commercial, you kids are in big not trouble.

(Bartholomew slams the door.)

Lillian: All aboard!

Timmy: (to himself) Just walk away, Timmy. Walk away. (to the Wild Kids) Ooh! Wait for me! I'm driving!

(Timmy climbs into the moving Tiger Wagon, which has now left the house, down the street.)

Phillip: Which way to the hospital?

Jake: We're not going to the hospital!

Timmy: Well, we're going somewhere!

(Cut back to house, the goat is eating the foam peanuts. A delivery boy for United Express arrives to pick up the create. the King is still asleep.)

the King: (half-asleep) Take it away, take it away.

Bartholomew: Pipe down, Spike! Timothy are watching them... (He notices that Timmy Brisby is missing) Timothy? (Bartholomew proceeds to the living room.) Nice try, guys. Now gimme back my... (gasps) (Bartholomew sees that the Wild Kids and the Tiger Wagon are gone. He only sees Timmy's missing poster on the welcome mat.) TIMOTHY-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y!

(Pull away from front door and pan to the Wild Kids watching, as Timmy continue drive the Tiger Wagon on the street. They zoom past a car, causing it to veer out of control and crash. The wagon flies down a wooden staircase, nearly hitting an elderly woman, who leaps out of the way. It bursts through the railing and lands back on the street, swerving away from another car, which also crashes with the sound of glass smashing.)

(Cut back to the Wild Kids and the wagon, as they tear through the streets. During the course of their run, they knock over some garbage cans and a garbageman. As the wagon shakes, Jamie's cheeks puff up and he vomits on Tiger Wagon's Open-Top. They head up a ramp into a moving truck where they smash trough a box of wine glasses. The wagon barrels into a play park. It scoops a kid off a swing, then zooms across the tops of monkey bars like a roller coaster. It goes down a slide and lands on a see-saw. The kid from the swing set lands on the opposite end, launching the wagon. It rolls through a restricted area and approaches an overpass that's still under construction! Timmy quickly hits a button and a robotic arm grabs a post, and swings around the pole, sending looking out of the wagon in the process. They narrowly miss a huge truck. The Wagon rolls into a into a mattress factory, toppling mounds of mattresses like dominoes. It lands in a "Nighty Night Mattress" delivery truck, and the driver loses the back door. While all this happens, Busta Rhymes' "On Your Marks, Get Set, Ready, Go" plays in the background.)

(Cut to Belle and Beast speeding on the road.)

Belle: How could you fearing failed when you were supposed to be watching the kids?! (Beast gets fearing in the passenger seat. The mattress cart is right in front of Belle and Beast. The back door opens with the Wild Kids in view, jumping on a mattress. However, Belle isn't watching the road at that moment, as she's talking to Beast.) We'll never find the kids with this jerk in front of us! (The truck's back door closes shut just as Belle returns her attention back to the road. Trying to pass, Belle yells her voice.) Whoa! (Belle narrowly misses an oncoming cart and inadvertently cuts off the mattress truck, causing it to swerve and crash through the guard rail and plunge into the forest. The truck driver leaps out just in time. The oblivious Wild Kids are still inside the truck, having fun.)

Phillip: This is more fun than picking noses!

Lillian: Or making bubbles in the bathtub!

Timmy: And that's what I said, when I fell off, or I fell down! (Timmy opens the door, and Timmy's friends' screams!)

(The truck driver looks down as he wipes his brow, then runs off.)

Final Battle[]

Cinderella: (sobbing) Oh, we'll never find them. Can't you do something?

Prince Phillip: Come on, Samson. Come on!

Maurice: (on radio) Sky Maurice to Ground Service.

Belle: (grabs the radio) papa, papa, is that you?

(Cut to Maurice, now flying in his Dactar glider over the woods.)

Maurice: Roger that, Deed. We have aerial search!

(As Maurice flies, he crashes through a flock of migrating geese, but continues flying on as one goose flies into and gets stuck in his face.)

(Back to the forest; the armies gang up on Jamie and Jake.)

Jake: Oh, no. Nice armies. Ohh.

(Out of nowhere, Phillip and Lillian come to Jamie's rescue.)

Phillip: Not so fast, you armies!

(Phillip and Lillian kill 2 armies away by their knives. Eliza runs over excitedly and hugs the friends.)

Eliza: Lillian! Phillip! You came back! Oh, but--but where's...

(They hear a roar, as Timmy makes a savage entrance from out of nowhere, driving the Tiger Wagon at full speed. The armies get out of the wagon's way.)

Tiger Wagon: I am a tiger, the perfect children's toy!

Eliza: Timmy!

Timmy: Hi, Eliza!

(Timmy reaches for a bone of chicken in the wagon, and opens the lunchbox.)

Timmy: Hey! armies?! You want status?! I'm on it! come on!

(Timmy runs with the chicken, with the armies following him.)

Lillian: Gosh, I never knowed he was so brave.

Phillip: Yeah. We're gonna miss him. Well, we better get in the wagon and get outta here.

Eliza: No! You guys goes Timmy and go look for the godmother. I gotta go help my bravest lover.

(Eliza starts walking around with Timmy's watch.)

(Cut to Bartholomew, who's at the site of the train wreck, still being towed by Spike.)

Bartholomew: Ohh! Aah! Ooh! Good wolf. There's a Wild Kids around here? Aaghh! (Bartholomew crashes into Timmy.) There you are! Hand over my best friend.....Uh... Timothy!

Timmy: Run, Bartholomew! The armies is coming! The armies is coming!

Bartholomew: Huh? RUN!! (Bartholomew runs on and goes away from Timmy.) Hey! Ohh! STOP!

(Spike finds Timmy and licks him.)

Timmy: Spike! You found me! (Timmy looking at Spike goes on.) Go! Spikey, Go!

(Timmy runs from the armies. He trips on a rock and slides across the grass. Lying at the edge of a cliff, he gasps. The camera pans away to show the rickety bridge and waterfall below. On the other side of that bridge, the wolf stalks off. Cinderella rides the Magic Carpet towards Timmy, who is cornered by the armies. Timmy being shooted by his slingshot and falls to his death into the valleys, but the wind slops onto his face, making him poored. The armies look on in horror as the compenty cliff. But Timmy hits on and rips his shirt on his shoulder and wounded into the empty river below and dead, Timmy seeing to hearing on to see Butch approaching him. They surround him.)

Timmy: Don't you think about it! (The armies into farthest into the valleys onto Timmy and after he falls off. Eliza and Butch come to the rescue, being bandaged by Eliza now.) Eliza! Thank goodness!

(Butch licks Timmy.)

Eliza: Come on, Timmy!

(Eliza helps her lover friend onto Butch. Timmy pulls out his pocket watch at the direction of a lookout tower on the other side of the river.)

Timmy: Um... Is this? Um...... Uh. Right there? Um... Is this? There! It is our town!

Eliza: Let's find the others! We gots from the godmother's to see!

(Timmy and Eliza ride on Butch's back. Camera pans in the air to the Tiger Wagon, parked at a distance.)

Timmy: Oh, hey, hey, hey, hey. Ohh! Ohh! I can't look! I can't look!

(A low branch Eliza being bowled her head by Timmy. Timmy jumps on.)

(Meanwhile, back at the Tiger Wagon, Timmy plays with the brakes, thinking that its round handle is a ball, The brakes disengage, and the wagon rolls off.)

(The twins pull Jake and Eliza in as the wagon rolls by.)

Tiger Wagon: Hang on to my adventures, kids!

Phillip: Good one, Tim!

Jake: Thanks, Tim!

Eliza: Timmy, you're my hero! (kisses Timmy on his lips) Bye-bye, armies!

(Meanwhile, Bartholomew is still being towed by Horned King's army, his clothes now torn and tattered from being dragged around.)

Bartholomew: Aahhhh! Oh! Stop it! (He kills the Horned King's Army's stomach. The army screams off in death, leaving and he not find him behind.) Timothy. (He sees Tiger Wagon passing by.) Hey, you adventure kids! Wait for me! (Bartholomew hops on while Phillip and Lillian fend off 2 armies.) Dumb armies! (The wagon bounces onto some railroad tracks but eventually reach the end of the line. It smashes through a "Do not Enter" sign into many pieces and going through a tunnel, then clatters on the the rickety old bridge over the river.) Wait, I know that the animal wagon Now, everything asks-- (The Tiger Wagon hits a missing board on the bridge. Bartholomew, who was sitting on the Tiger's tail, catapults off into the air.) WHOA-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A!

Phillip: I didn't know he could fly.

Lillian: I think it's 'cause he's a witch.

(Bartholomew dangles on a broken board by a strap on his jumper.)

Timmy: Hang on, Bartholomew!

(Fade to Trixie's helicopter. A pilot is flying the chopper over the forest while Trixie is both reporting and videotaping with her camera.)

Trixie Pester: A truckload of kids and their pet wolf lost in the woods. Our hearts go out to their grief-stricken parents...

Pilot: Look out!

(Jasmine's Magic Carpet glider suddenly appears and crashes into the chopper, making it violently spin around by the tail, and making Trixie drop her camera. Cinderella shrieks in panic.)

Trixie Pester: Princess! Now look what you've done! (Cinderella grunts. She and the chopper pilot fight over their aircrafts' controls.) Are you out of your mind?! Get out!

(Trixie uses both her legs to push Cinderella and Magic Carpet out of the chopper--but Cinderella accidentally rips out the helicopter's control stick in the process, sending the chopper into a violent tailspin and causing it to crash-land into the forest below.)

Cinderella: Whoa!

Trixie Pester: (sobbing and screaming as his chopper crashes) AND I NEVER WON AN ENEMY!

(Cinderella is flying again on Jasmine's Magic Carpet, through haphazardly.)

Cinderella: Oops. (drops the chopper control stick and continues flying) I'm coming, Timmy. I'm coming, Tim. Oh! Ah!

(A carpet come tightly, through. but Cinderella still flies.)

(Meanwhile, back on the bridge, the Wild Kids are still trying to rescue Bartholomew.)

Timmy: I could need somebody HELP!!!!!!!

Bartholomew: Hurry guys! Hurry!

The Wolf's Return and The Wolf and Timmy's Death[]

(The armies return.)

Timmy: Don't let them take me!

Bartholomew: Don't let them take us!

Lillian: I don't think they're gonna take anyone.

Timmy: Look!

(The armies flee.)

All: Yay!

Lillian: Yeah! Go home, armies!

Timmy: Hooray! you dumb armies!

(The cheering stops when the Wild Kids hear a roar behind them. They turn around and screams in horror. The huge vicious wolf is at the foot of the bridge! He slowly stalks toward the kids!)

Timmy: SCAR SNOUT!!!!!!

(The wolf gets closer, snarling. The kids cling to each other, ready for the end.)

(Timmy arrives to the rescue. Fearlessly, he lunges at the huge wolf and highed-sponks him to the grass!)

All: Yay!

(Timmy continues fighting the wolf. Timmy removes his jacket and sponks on the wolf's tummy. Timmy pins the wolf again, but the wolf forcefully swats him with his paw, sending him to the edge of the bridge, hanging for dear life!)

Jake: Oh, no, Timmy! Timmy!

Lillian: You gotta get outta there, Timothy!

Bartholomew: You stupid evil wolf!

(Bartholomew blows a blueberry, in an effort to distract the wolf from killing Timmy. The wolf turns his attention to Bartholomew and starts to go toward him! Timmy leaps up and grabs the wolf's tail and the wolf's jaws slam shut inches from Bartholomew as Timmy drags him down as they both slowly go through a hole in the bridge.)

All: TIM!!!!!!

(Timmy continues dragging the wolf down the hole. The wolf loses his grip, and both children's plummet into the river below, and Timmy screams and falling to his death.)

Cinderella: Nooooooooooo!

Prince Charming: Timmy?

Cinderella: Oh, Timmy. (she hugs him.)

(All the kids and adults they begin to cries over the loss of Timmy.)

Eliza: My friend. (tears fill up her eyes) Why'd you have to go and... (crying)

(Cut to Maurice and Dactar. Maurice is flying by the ranger station when he suddenly spots the kids and the Tiger Wagon on the bridge)

Maurice: Deed, I found them! They're over by the ranger station! I'M GOING IN-N-N-N!

(Maurice crash lands Dactar into the ranger's station shed, which disintegrates into a pile of rubble from the impact. Maurice, all woozy, gets up on his feet, "wearing" Dactar's remnants, and walks towards the bridge.)

Cinderella: Please, Godmother, we wish we could go... (Cinderella stops and looks at Timmy's jacket, then at the others who are still crying over Timmy) No...... We wish we had our kid back.

(All the kids fearing and who's knocking the bridge, Hubert roars loudly and Timmy safes! Timmy screams on and he loses his glasses again, he picks it up and he wears in his little eyes.)

Jake: Timmy!

Phillip: He's alive!

(All the kids when looking at Timmy, but Hubert did it.)

Lillian: Thank you, Hubert!


(Horses screech and flashlights shine. The other princesses and princes run towards the kids. Then, their princesses and princes pick up their kids and embrace them.)

Jasmine: My babysitters! Oh, kids! My darlings!

Aladdin: Oh, you little rascals!

Cinderella: Timmy! you're safe! Thank goodness! My boy!

(Timmy reunites Cinderella when Cinderella and Timmy embrace.)

Cinderella: Timmy, sweetheart, everything's going to be okay!

Timmy: Oh, Cinderella, oh, Charming!

Cinderella: Did you miss me, sweetie? You okay?

Timmy: Mm-hmm.

Cinderella: Aww. He is okay!

(Bartholomew and Jake pulls Maurice up with a rope.)

Jake: You've got the Linonio spirit, brother. Maybe not the brains, but the spirit!

Belle: Oh, papa, you did it! You found our kids!

(Cinderella and Charming picks up Timmy. Timmy drops his watch; Timmy picks it up, and smiles at it still in perfect shape.)

Timmy: Yeah, I guess I did.

(Timmy and his adoptive parents embrace each other.)

(We look through the viewfinder of a reporter's video recorder.)

Reporter: Kids and monkeys, both lost. Now both found!

Trixie Pester: This is my story, pal! (An injured Trixie shoves the reporter out of sight.) I'm Trixie Pester. Stay tuned! (The monkeys gang up on Trixie and harass her. Camera cuts to static.) Aagh! No, not the toupee! Noooooooooooooooooooo!

Jake: (laughs) Go get her, you little simians!

Eilonwy and Taran: Hey, Trixie, time for your close up!

(Jake, Bartholomew, Aladdin, Jasmine, Cinderella, Prince Charming, Timmy, Eilonwy and Taran join in laughing.)

Cinderella: Oh, dear, too bad! (laughs)

(Cut to Timmy's location, as Timmy gives Cinderella her locket and she smiles at it still in perfect shape's heart.)

Cinderella: Thanks, Timmy.


Jake: I'm sorry about all this, Bartholomew.

Bartholomew: It's all right, little brother. For a nincompoop, you're not half bad.

(Everyone walks away from the bridge and talks amongst themselves. Timmy pulls the Tiger Wagon.)

Bartholomew: Honestly, Prince.

Prince Ferdinand: Remember there was Reptar?

Jake: Oh, yeah, I remember that. Got blood all over...

(Fade back to the Okey-Dokey Jones sequence, where the Wild Kids with Cinderella and Charming enter the temple.)

Timmy: (voice over) And that was my big adventure. The kids founded their princesses and princes and we all gots to go home and have. But, Cinderella and Charming embraces me! Expect with us, 'cause we gots so bravest us.

(Cinderella, wearing a Knight, she holds her hand on Timmy's little hand. They climb and grab the tiger wand as before, but this time, Timmy gets ahold of it.)

Timmy: (voice-over) But if you think thing went back to the way they was before, you're right, 'cause now, thanks to my adoptive parents, they was even better! (laughs)

(After Timmy grabs the tiger wand, they all start to topple. Before they hit the ground, we go back to reality in the forest with a fairy godmother's wand. After the fall, Timmy rolls to the woods with the wand, when he hit the woods, the wand remains intact. Timmy smiles as he holds it above his hand. cut to the Wild Kids cheering.)

All: Way to go, Timmy!

(Freeze frame, then fade out.)

(Fade to closing credits, when stills of the movie's scenes flash in the background while the credits are seen in the foreground. Credits from "Directed by" to "Additional Music by" are flashed on and off, with one background per credit. From "Production Manager" on, credits scroll, with different lettering and fonts, while the background changes. During the credits, portions of "Waiting On A Miracle", "Disarm You (Illenum Remix)" and "I Throw my Toys Around" be heard. Fade out.)

(After the closing credits, there is a bonus scene where Cinderella and Charming returned, planting flowers while Timmy goes in the Tiger Wagon. Cinderella accidentally but she bumped her head and pushes the wagon with Timmy inside, leading to a wild goose chase as Cinderella and Charming tries to rescue Timmy and Bartholomew watching. "Astronaut in the Ocean" plays as Timmy rides and the pedals rolls in and rolls down the hill. fade out.)
