- “I am a tiger!
I am a tiger! Hear me roar!
I am a tiger, the king of the Animals!
I am a tiger, the Perfect Children's Toy! Hold on to your adventures, kids! RRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aqua Tiger, engage!”
- ―Tiger Wagon's voiced by Gary Oldman
Tiger Wagon is a hand-made Tiger-shaped wagon that Timmy Brisby built in the 1998 animated movie, Timmy's Tiger Wagon's Brave: The Movie. It also appears in some of the Season 6 episodes as well.
Meanwhile, Timmy and his adoptive father, Prince Charming carry the completed Tiger Wagon up from the basement to the front door, ready for pick up. Later on, The Tiger Wagon was first seen in Timmy's Tiger Wagon's Brave: The Movie where Timmy intended on entering it into a contest that was being held by the Animal Corporation. However, the babies ended up driving it through the city and into the woods, where it became their means of transportation.
- The Tiger Wagon's aqua mode is only seen in the movie.
- In the movie, the Tiger Wagon was voiced by vocals Gary Oldman.
- The Tiger Wagon makes a quick cameo and flashbacks in The New Adventures of Timmy Brisby IIII: Brave on the Jungle. Reveling the kids used it as the jeep they used in their fantasy at the beginning of the movie.
- The Tiger Wagon appears in Disney+ 2022 as an item.