"The Wonderful Autumn of Mickey Mouse" is the fourth special of The Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse. It is based on the season of Fall/Autumn. It is the fourth and final special to be based on the four seasons after previous ones in Winter, Spring, and Summer.
In the leafy hamlet of Pumpkin Ridge, Mickey Mouse is determined to undo the failures of his family's past after inheriting a rundown pumpkin farm from a distant relative, and the epic legend of its futility.
This special completes the series of the four seasons
Pluto was absent in this special, like the previous ones
This was originally supposed to air in October, but it was delayed for undisclosed reasons.
The special was originally going to be titled The Wonderful Fall of Mickey Mouse.
This was released on the same day as both Mickey and Minnie’s birthdays and their anniversary of their debut in Steamboat Willie, alongside the documentary film, Mickey: The Story of a Mouse.
In the Trailer, the music played in the background is "March of the Toreadors" by George Bizet. It was also the main music for some episodes of the Disney Junior series, Little Einsteins.