Disney Fanon Wiki

The Power of Three is an 2024 animated television series created by Owen Dennis, previously a writer and storyboard artist on Regular Show and Infinity Train, and Tetsuo Yajima.


Season 1: Elektra, a Pikachu, Caramel, an Eevee, and Starlight, a Clefairy, go on a quest to evolve and face each of their own destinies. Along their way they make enemies, develop genuine friendship, and even come face-to-face with forces that will change their world forever.


  • Ashley Johnson as Starlight, a trustworthy and brave Clefairy who generally does not harm other Pokemon, with some exceptions. During season 6, she evolved into a Clefable.

Season 1:

  • Tara Strong as Elektra, a pride-filled and ambitious Pikachu who dreams of being like a powerful Pokémon, with a desire to grow stronger, and to evolve.
  • Haley Tju as Caramel, an pleasant and gullible Eevee who wears a severed Caterpie head as a backpack.
  • Sarah Stiles as Leader Caterpie, the leader of a Caterpie army she created to avenge her brother’s death.
  • Catherine Taber as Whiskers
  • Lauren Tom as Leonard


Season 1:

Season 2:
