The Poppy Cat Movie: Poppy's Big Extraordinary Adventure is a 2021 American/British family animated feature film produced by Walt Disney Pictures, based on the books by Lara Jones and it stars Haley "Cake" Charles, Katie Leigh, Alicyn Packard, Donald King, Stephanie Darcy, Rick Zieff, and Teresa Gallagher. It was narrated by Cindy Robinson (aka Gigi Sarroino) as Lara. It was about to be released in theaters, Disney Digital 3D and IMAX 3D. Featuring songs performed by Joanie Bartels.
A young neckerchief-wearing kitten named Poppy and her friends, Alma the bunny kit, Zuzu the puppy, Mo the mouse and Owl, (except Egbert, a villainous badger who wears different costumes) go on a big adventure anywhere to different locations by every vehicle they need to find Alma's little brother, Chester, who is lost and in trouble.
Films:The Poppy Cat Movie: Poppy's Big Extraordinary Adventure • The Search for the Poppy Cat Mystery • Poppy Cat's Big Royal Adventure • Lara's Kitten: The Lara Jones Story • Another Poppy Cat Adventure! • Happy Summer, Poppy Cat! Television:Poppy Cat
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