The Magical World of Disney was the 1988-1990 incarnation of the long-running Disney anthology TV series. Shifting focus from the original series hosted by Walt Disney to a package of made for TV specials and movies, the new series was hosted by Michael Eisner, occasionally interacting with cast or characters from that night's program (including the Muppets).
On September 23, 1990, the series moved to The Disney Channel, and became a Sunday night showcase for Disney films and specials. On December 1, 1996, The Magical World of Disney became a nightly showcase for movies that would air on the channel, even some that were not made by Disney, including All Dogs Go to Heaven 2, The Secret of NIMH II: Timmy to the Rescue, Double, Double, Toil and Trouble, The First Snow of Winter, and The Pebble and the Penguin. Later, the block was ended in 2000, and it replaced by Zoog Movie.
- The Poland version of The Magical World of Disney, known as "Walt Disney Przedstawia", used the 1988 intro as the 1995 intro, but with slight modifications.
- Saturday Disney, an Australian program that aired Disney shows, originally used the 1988 theme as its theme before using the instrumental version of the Disney Afternoon Theme.