The Fox and the Hound 3 is a Disney animated feature film and the second sequel to the 1981 animated film, The Fox and the Hound. The story takes place one year after the events of the first film, as Copper journey to the woods to finally reunite with Tod after Amos Slade and Chief were killed after a run-in with an extremely dangerous hunter and his pack of violent dogs.
- Copper - a hound dog; main protagonist (voiced by Corey Feldman)
- Gryffin - a stray golden retriever; Copper's love interest (voiced by Tara Strong)
- Tod - a fox who is Copper's best friend (voiced by Keith Coogan)
- Vixey - Tod's mate (voiced by Kath Soucie)
- Tod and Vixey's children
- Big Mama - an owl who accompanies Copper to the woods (voiced by Leslie Jones)
- Amos Slade - Tod's owner who was murdered by another hunter
- Chief - Amos Slades' other dog who was mauled to death by the hunter's dogs
- Widow Tweed - Tod's former caretaker who abandons her house after a house explosion that killed Amos