The Dragon City Movie is an upcoming Spanish-American computer-animated feature film produced by Socialpoint. It will be based on the Spanish video game Dragon City.
- Sam Rockwell as Frederick Flamedragon
- Danny Pudi as Eddie Electricdragon
- Troy Baker as Terrian Terradragon
- TBA as Roderick Ragnordragon/King Ragnor
- TBA as Vincenzo Volcanodragon
- Sainty Nelsen as Natalia Naturedragon
- TBA as Hundiliren High-Devastationdragon
- TBA as Shelby Stardragon
- TBA as Lindsay Lovedragon
- TBA as The Nevergrow Triplets
- TBA as Jeg Jellyfishdragon
- TBA as Collins Chickendragon
- TBA as Nathaniel Norsedragon
- TBA as Silas Scientificdragon
- TBA as Peyton Primaldragon
- TBA as Bennett Blackingham
- This is Socialpoint’s first animated feature film.
- This film doesn’t exist yet. But it will exist in the future.
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