The Core is the main antagonist from Disney's 2023 TV series WRIST Bandz. He is voiced by Sean Bean.
- Unlike other villains, The Core doesn’t kill his victims. He instead tortures them mentally until they die from dehydration, starvation or even a heart attack.
- As revealed in an interview, Reloaxa explains what happened to The Core following his defeat and the end of the series - he stated that he isn't dead and is permanently being guided and kept an eye on by The White Spirits to pay for all the torture and pain he caused.
- This would make him one of the few Reloaxa villains (that never redeems himself) to not die in his respective series.
- He's also the only main antagonist of a Reloaxa creation who never dies or redeems.
- This is ironic, given he is played by Sean Bean, an actor who’s characters (particularly villains) are always dying in any movie he stars in.