The Bobcat Brothers was a flash-animated series of animated shorts created by Disney Television animation. It stars three anthropomorphic bobcat brothers, Bobby, Benny, and Billy, as they prowl the grasslands in search of things to do.
The third season focuses on the three traveling the globe and visiting places such as Spain or France.
Voice Cast
Bobby Bobcat (Michael Adamthwaithe)- He is the oldest bobcat brother who wears a red T-shirt. He is an eccentric comedian, trying to create a comedy act that will split his audiences sides.
Benny Bobcat (Keith Ferguson)- He is the middle brother who wears a blue collared T-shirt. He is a hopeless romantic.
Billy Bobcat (Logan Grove)- He is the youngest brother who wears a green hoodie. He is the most hyperactive of the three, who can run up to speeds at 190 miles per hour.
Supporting Cast
Sluggish the Bear (Clancy Brown)- He is a well-meaning, slow talking bear who unintentionally sometimes gets in the brothers' way. He is nicknamed "Slug"
Venus Bunnie (Gail Matthius)- She is a loud valley-girl type anthropomorphic bunny and Benny's unrequited love interest.
Violet Bunnie (Tara Strong)- She is a shy nature loving anthropomorphic bunny and Venus' younger sister.
Chester Cheetah (Dee Bradley Baker)- He is an anthropomorphic cheetah who's one of the fastest animals on the grasslands and Billy's rival.