Teenagers is an American adult animated sitcom produced by 20th Television, 20th Television Animation, NicThic Productions, Sharpness Knight Studios and Naughty Bear Animation and distributed by Disney-ABC Domestic Television. It will premiere on FX in 2021.
The series follows the adventures of C.J., his brother Pip, and his family (including their dog Plaqueo), located at 720 in Derekville, New York.
- C.J. Hemple (voiced by Dax Shepard)
- Pip Hemple (voiced by Timothy Simons) - CJ's brother
- Spike Hemple (voiced by Bob Odenkirk) - CJ's father
- Marlene Hemple (voiced by Jill Talley) - CJ's mother
- Plaqueo (vocal effects by Frank Welker) - CJ's puppy
- Aunt Grace (voiced by Jane Lynch) - CJ's aunt
- Deniz (voiced by Judy Greer)
- Lilly Crumpington (voiced by Kathryn Hahn)
- Billy Lopez (voiced by Rob Huebel) - CJ's best friend
- Unnamed Shadow (voiced by Peter Serafinowicz)
- Albert Harouna (voiced by Kevin Michael Richardson)