Disney Fanon Wiki

Straw Berry: Gangster Spy is an American animated television series created by Reloaxa and produced by Disney Television Animation, which first aired on Disney Channel in 2025. The series is a spin-off of the Weird World franchise, focusing on the characters and environments of George Jacqueline's favourite TV series of the same name. Bruce Campbell and Ron Perlman return to respire their respective roles as Straw Berry and 2CE, while there are many new characters and cast members introduced.

Just like Weird World, the series received universal acclaim. It was praised for it's humour, character development and clever writing.

Despite it's praise and popularity, the series was cancelled in 2026 after only 18 episodes because the show had low ratings, it didn't have enough toys connected to it and Reloaxa was focusing on some of his bigger projects. In 2028, the show was written off by Disney, but Reloaxa has said he'd love to buy the series' rights off Disney and revive it someday, even stating in a 2029 press conference about The Weird World 4nale (Part 2) "you never know when the Berry could rise his pistol again". In a 2032 interview, he's said he's still open and willing to revive Straw Berry: Gangster Spy, despite the end of the Weird World franchise a few years prior, as he feels the series can stand on it's own without the need of Weird World to be enjoyed.

As of 2033, it's the only Disney production created by Reloaxa (alongside The Small Adventures of Tacky & Gummy) that hasn't been released on any form of physical home media. So far, the only place you can view the show in it's entirety is on Disney+.

​Voice cast[]

  • Bruce Campbell as Straw Berry, a crime fighting hero.
  • Ron Perlman as 2CE, Straw Berry's superior and supposed best friend.
  • Sarah Michelle Gellar as Blue Berry, Straw Berry's fiancée.