Stanley Griff is the titular protagonist of the 2001 animated television series of the same first name. He is an imaginative young boy. He has a few pets: a goldfish named Dennis, a dog named Harry, and a cat named Elsie. He has an older brother named Lionel, who enjoys playing his electric guitar, a father who stays at home and draws cartoons, and a mother who is a dentist.
Physical Appearance[]
Stanley appears as a six-year old boy. He has light skin with freckles and brown hair (albeit only 6 strands) on the top of his head. His casual attire mainly consists of a red polo shirt, dark brown shorts and a pair of white and dark blue sneakers. During the cold winter season, he wears the same colors and shoes, but his shirt and pants have longer sleeves.
Other outfits[]
At night, he wears orange two-piece pajamas with black stripes, resembling a tiger.
His swimsuit consists of dark blue swim trunks with yellow on the hem of the sleeves and waist. In episodes like Sunburn Stanley and Pearls of Wisdom, he is also seen wearing brown sandals and a red T-shirt with a sun on it.
Powers and Abilities[]
Whenever Stanley enters his book, he transforms into any animal he can change into with amazing skill and ability. Even though he can speak to animals, the animals rarely talk back, the general exception being his pets Harry, Elsie, and Dennis, with whom he converses freely. When Stanley explores animals that live underwater, he is in his scuba gear when he enters the book.
Dennis is Stanley’s best friend and his favorite fish in the whole world. Whenever Stanley has a problem or doesn’t understand something, Dennis is always there to lend a fin, whether it’s giving him advice or encouragement.
Lionel is Stanley’s older brother. As such, the two of them have a half and half relationship. Generally, Stanley gets annoyed with Lionel whenever he bothers him and messes with his stuff. On the other hand, Lionel has been seen helping him out with things, such as logging onto the computer. While they have their differences and argue a lot, they still care for each other.
In Stanley’s Great Big Book of Adventure, Stanley tries to bond with Lionel by helping him write his song, but ends up losing it in the Great Big Book of Everything, resulting in Lionel taking it. This makes Stanley upset, thinking that Lionel doesn’t like him or want him around. But once he finds out that Lionel fell into the book, Stanley becomes very concerned and goes in with Dennis to bring him back. In the end, the two make amends and make it back home.
Lester is another one of Stanley’s friends. While Stanley doesn’t hang out with him as much as he does with the twins, he still enjoys Lester’s company and the two get along very well. However, there are times when the two boys can have their conflicts, such as when they argue over dragons being real or not or when Stanley gets annoyed with Lester copying everything he does. Regardless, they are still good friends and are always there for one another.
Disney Parks[]
Stanley appeared as a meet-and-greet character during the time of the show's release, but is now considered retired.
Stanley appeared in the stage show Playhouse Disney: Live on Stage, but was removed in 2008 during the re-imagining of the show.
- It is shown in the episode "Look Who's Helping" that Stanley has a paternal cousin named Max, who owns a Golden Retriever named Molly.
- It is also shown in the movie Stanley's Dinosaur Round-Up that he has a great-uncle named Stew, who owns a dude ranch.
- In the pilot, Stanley had 4 fingers on each hand and eyebrows. In the actual series, he has 5 fingers and his eyebrows are only shown when he’s either surprised or angry.
- Just like Doug Funnie (the star of another Jim Jinkins production), he has a few strands of hair on his head.
- Stanley is one of fewer male characters in the series to be voiced by a female, counting a friend of his named Lester and his cousin Max.
- He has grown an estimated 1 Foot and is 3-and-a-half feet tall (not counting his hairs).
- His family name originates from the author and illustrator of the original Stanley picture books, Andrew Griffin, who was normally credited as simply Griff.
- In the original books, Stanley’s PJs were patterned with red and white checkers, whereas in the TV series, they are orange with black tiger stripes.
- Stanley almost always accompanies his friends when they go inside the Great Big Book of Everything. The one instance where he didn’t was in Jackrabbit Hide-and-Seek, in which Lester goes into the book by himself with Dennis.
- He initially had a fear of singing, as revealed in A Whale of a Song. However, after the episode, he became more comfortable with singing and does it in more episodes onwards.