Special Agent Oso is a Disney Channel series created by Ford Riley. Special Agent Oso debuted on April 4, 2009 with a six episode block, and the companion 15-episode series "Three Healthy Steps" first aired from February 14 to February 27, 2011. The program was originally part of the Playhouse Disney block intended for preschoolers. The series aired from April 4, 2009 until February 13, 2011 when it was moved to the Disney Junior block that served as Playhouse Disney's replacement and aired from February 14, 2011 until September 16, 2016.
The colorful special agent teddy bear who helps children perform tasks such as blowing bubbles, making a card or cleaning their rooms; he is the main character of the series. Oso and his animal friends work for U.N.I.Q.U.E. (The United Network for the Investigation of Quite Unusual Events). The show was designed for encouraging and educational purposes.
Oso's computerized assistant who guides Oso through the "three special steps" he needs to accomplish his current mission. Her name is a reference to the Palm Pilot series of handheld computers.
A blue stuffed wolf; one of the special agent animals that regularly oversee Oso's training.
Special Agent Dotty
Amber Hood
A spotted orange stuffed cat with a Southern accent; the other special agent animal that regularly oversees Oso's training. It's hinted that she may have feelings for Oso.
A slightly clumsy and excitable Italian-speaking buffalo who is the inventor of Oso's gadgets. Introduced in the Season 2 episode, "From China with Love".
Special Agent Musa
A silent, dark brown squirrel ninja, the "master of stealth and speed." Introduced in the Season 2 episode, "Table Manners are Forever".
Oso's talking bird-shaped autogyro, who takes Oso to wherever someone needs help. He doesn't hear very well and often misunderstands what Oso tells him, which usually leads to Oso's ejection at inopportune moments and places.
Oso's French-speaking train. Though his French accent would suggest a TGV, he is likely a reference to the Fastech 360, based on his shape and retractable speedbrake ears.
A ladybug-shaped robotic camera, who keeps an eye out for children who need help. Appears only in the English version.
The Three Special Steps are the steps that Paw Pilot gives Oso to follow when he is on his special assignments. Oso has a matter of time to finish the three special steps. The third step is usually timed.
The training exercises are Oso's training task. They are given by Wolfie or Dotty. Oso usually fails on the first try, but in the course of completing the special assignments he remembers something about the training exercise, thanks to the person he is helping. He tries a second time and completes the training exercise, then earns a "Digi-Medal" (except Series 2).
The special assignments are missions that Oso is requested to complete by the mysterious Mr. Dos, in order to help a child in need. Oso tries to complete the Three Special Steps that Paw Pilot gives him. Then he earns a "Digi-Medal".
Audience participation or interaction with Oso. Sometimes, Oso will ask the audience to help him find something hidden or missing on the screen. Other times, Oso will ask the audience to try something physically demanding that he is doing.
The show has 60 episodes; 24 in the first season and 36 in the second. The first season has finished, while the second is also finished. The episode names are always references to the movie names (and occasionally the opening songs) of the James Bond franchise, such as "Three Wheels Are Not Enough" and "The Boy with the Golden Gift".
Three Healthy Steps[]
Special Agent Oso: Three Healthy Steps is a short series that airs in the United States and the United Kingdom during the Disney Junior programming block. It encourages children to use "three healthy steps" regarding eating, being healthy and exercising.
Characters that are featured in the short series are Special Agent Oso, Paw Pilot, Special Agent Wolfie, Special Agent Dotty, and Professor Buffo.
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