Sorita the Lonely Sea Girl is an American animated miniseries created by Reloaxa. It was produced by TAIKO Studios and premiered on Disney + on November 16th 2026, concluding on November 20st 2026. The series tells the story of a young girl who departs her old home in her great grandfather's boathouse and ends up being lost at sea. She spends the series trying to find new civilization and survive at sea all alone.
He was inspired to come up the story after finding out the meaning of his real name, Morgan, which is Welsh for 'sea chief' and he decided to start writing up a concept surrounding a character at sea.
Reloaxa intended this to be a miniseries, as he felt only 11 episodes were needed to fully tell the story.
The series received universal acclaim for it's writing, tragic tone, visual storytelling, realism, score and development of the title character. It has been considered as being one of Reloaxa's greatest works and one of the greatest animated series of the 21st century.
Voice cast[]
- Billie Eilish - Sorita