"Sing, Sweet Nightingale" is a song featured in the film Cinderella. It is sung by Cinderella, Drizella, and Lady Tremaine. Anastasia plays the flute during it. At first, it is being warbled off key by Drizella during her music lesson. A distressed Lucifer leaves the room only to hear Cinderella's lovely voice singing along while she scrubs the floors of the château's entrance hall. The song ended when Anastasia gets her finger stuck on her flute and accidentally hits Drizella in the chin repeatedly while trying to get her finger unstuck from her flute. Drizella then calls her sister clumsy and hits her on the head with her flute until Lady Tremaine breaks their fight.
Lady Tremaine: The pear-shaped tone
Sing sweet nightingale
Sing sweet nightingale
High above me
Oh, sing sweet nightingale
Sing sweet nightingale
High above
Oh, sing sweet nightingale
Sing sweet nightingale, high
Oh, sing sweet nightingale
Sing sweet nightingale
Oh, sing sweet nightingale
Sing sweet
Oh, sing sweet nightingale, sing
Oh, sing sweet nightingale
Oh, sing sweet
Oh, sing
Oh, sing sweet nightingale
Sing sweet nightingale
Deleted:Dancing on a Cloud • The Cinderella Work Song • The Face That I See in the Night • The Dress That My Mother Wore • Sing a Little, Dream a Little Twice Charmed:All Because of a Shoe • It's Never Too Late • In a Moment • Believe in Me