Shorty McShorts' Shorts is a Disney Channel animated anthology series, which consisted of three shorts in every episode. The first episode aired on July 28, 2006, Then got bigger on July 19, 2009.
The series also aired on Toon Disney for a short period of time. In Latin America, it was on Jetix (now Disney XD)
Season 1
- Gravity Falls/Looney the Clown in Circus Slapstick/Mike
- Gothic Supreme/Parasetics/Dog & Mailman
- Gary The Happy Gator: Petsit a Cockroach/Dudley and Nestor Do Nothing/Johnny in: Freaked Out
- My Mom Married a Yeti/Bozzlebags' Zip/The Phabulizers
- Claire and Her Popular Gossip/Junkyardigan Runnage/Stickson
- Fairy Tales from the Crypt: The Killer Wolf/Monster Boys in Sewerland/Bobby Bakes
- Cartoonist of Wonder & Hope/A Bully and His Nerd/F.B.I. Government
- The Stupidly Hillbillies/Johnny in: Alien Future/Earl Easter: Egg Thieves on the Loose
- Puggy the Hipster Dog/Antlerodd Says: Back from the Ice Age/Snuggles VS Pumpkin
- Alvin the Robot/Mechannabelle/Say What?
- Gravity Falls: Candy Monster/Fairy Tales from the Crypt: Alice in Screamland/Pop Dudez
- Claire and the Sweet Spalon/The Lunchbox Trio/Pill-Grimm
- Boyz on Da Run Pts 1-3
Season 2
- Gravity Falls: Stan's Tattoo/Huggy Bear: Misery Hatred/The Stupidly Hillbillies: The Big Cow Stampede
- Fairy Tales from the Crypt: Evil Rump/Jackie Jackson's Magical Adventure/Gary The Happy Gator: Bongo-Riffic
- Gravity Falls: Mailbox/Too Many Robots!/Skeletony in Dead Free
- The Stupidly Hillbillies: Get the Fiddle/Troy Ride/Fairy Tales from the Crypt: Jack and the Terrorstalk
- Gravity Falls: Lefty/The Zack Zapperson Show!/Skeletony in Reaper's Delight
- The Stupidly Hillbillies: Squawk Freak/SheZow!/Gary The Happy Gator: Gone Coconuts
- Mike in Chemicalized Danger/Mascot Prep/Skeletony in Ravens
- The Stupidly Hillbillies: Carnival Craze!/The Imperfect Duplicates of Dodger Dare/Fairy Tales from the Crypt: Killer Bears and the Kid
- Gravity Falls: Tooth/Flip-Flopped/Star vs. the Forces of Evil
Season 3
- The Stupidly Hillbillies: LumberJacked/The Curse of the Were-Spider/Gary The Happy Gator: Swimming
- The Zack Zapperson Show!: Doom 2000/Hoagie's Hoagie/Earl Easter: Duck's Gold
- Earl Easter: Pesky at Poaching/Purr & Pill: Yarned Away/Fairy Tales from the Crypt: Dragon Heck
- The Stupidly Hillbillies: Range on the Home/Harris High: Dr. Doomsday Strikes Back/Gary The Happy Gator: Hula
- Earl Easter: Nature/Toby Tough "N" Strong/Huggy Bear: Plushy Personality
- The Zack Zapperson Show!: Robosauraus Rex/Widdle Wizard/Gary The Happy Gator: Caved
- The Stupidly Hillbillies: Hunting is Horrible/Goofball and Goony: Bananagrammed/Fairy Tales from the Crypt: The Dangerous Witch of Darkness
- The Zack Zapperson Show!: Pure Energy of Love/The Farm Friends/Skeletony in Humanized Way Enough