Scab and Scraw are two vultures who act as Kazar's avian minions in Disney's 2006 animated film The Wild. They were voiced by Jonathan Kimmel and Eddie Gossling.
They are first seen in a tree, when they spot Ryan in the lower branches and quickly fly off to the volcano to tell Kazar, while arguing over who gets to tell him. Once they arrive, Kazar is angry with them for interrupting his audience with "The Great Him", but when they tell him that they found a lion cub, Kazar is very pleased and orders them to retrieve him and the two vultures quickly take to the skies. The two vultures, along with a third vulture find Ryan in the same tree and quickly attack him, when all of a sudden his father Samson hears his son's call and scares off the vultures. The vultures are not seen again throughout the film.