Rocket's Firebird Rescue is the final episode of Little Einsteins.
Rocket shares his favorite story with the quartet: "The Firebird." The storybook contains animated illustrations showing the Firebird's spreading of music in Russia wherever it goes. However, a wicked ogre, Katschai traps the Firebird and silences all music in the nation. The team wants to save the Firebird so they set off on a mission to rescue the Firebird from the ogre's clutches and bring music back to Russia before Katschai strikes.
DVD Description[]
Before you can say "Blast Off!" the Little Einsteins are zooming through the sky in a new movie that's jam-packed with action, music, magic, and fun. Besides Rocket, what's big, red and can fly? Meet Rocket's new friend: the mysterious Firebird! She sprinkles magical music power everywhere she flies, filling the world with beauty and joy.
But when a mean ogre captures Firebird, it's up to Rocket, Leo, June, Quincy, and Annie to travel all the way to Russia to set her free and bring music back to the world. Soar over the golden spires of a Byzantine palace. Discover St. Petersburg, and explore snowy Siberia, where you'll meet a freshwater baby seal and much more. Remember, only with your help -- singing, dancing, and playing instruments -- can the Little Einsteins complete their mission and save the day. Inspired by the music of Igor Stravinsky's "Firebird" ballet and filled with messages of teamwork, friendship, and compassion.
This is the second full length special and the series finale.
Since there is no season 3, it is heavily implied that the Little Einsteins might gain their music powers which could have been used in future episodes. It’s also unknown if they’ll ever use Rocket to travel back in time to meet the composers or continue to solve missions, as the show's nature is about art and music, not science-fiction.
The film was aired on television 3 years after its initial DVD release.
This special has higher-quality animation due to having a larger budget.
Unlike a regular episode, this special is the length of two 22-minute episodes.
Recurring characters such as Big Jet don't make any apperance.
This is an only episode/special of Little Einsteins to use a different credits song.
This special uses a 5.1 track.
This page uses Creative Commons Licensed content from the Little Einsteins Wiki. The list of authors can be seen in the page revision history (view authors). As with Disney Wiki, the text of Little Einsteins Wiki is available under the CC-by-SA Free Documentation License.
Season One: "Ring Around the Planet" • "I Love to Conduct" • "Hungarian Hiccups" • "Whale Tale" • "Pirate's Treasure" • "The Birthday Balloons" • "The Legend of the Golden Pyramid" • "Dragon Kite" • "Go West, Young Train" • "Farmer Annie" • "A Little Einsteins Halloween" • "Annie's Solo Mission" • "The Mouse and the Moon" • "The Good Knight and the Bad Knight" • "The Christmas Wish" • "How We Became the Little Einsteins: The True Story" • "Jump for Joey" • "The Northern Night Light" • "O Yes, O Yes, It's Springtime!" • "A Tall Totem Tale" • "The Incredible Shrinking Adventure" • "Duck, Duck, June" • "Rocket Safari" • "Knock on Wood" • "A Galactic Goodnight" • "The Birthday Machine" • "A Brand New Outfit" • "The Missing Invitation"
Season Two: "Quincy and the Magic Instruments" • "Brothers and Sisters to the Rescue" • "The Glass Slipper Ball" • "Annie's Love Song" • "Melody the Music Pet" • "The Puppet Princess" • "Super Fast!!" • "He Speaks Music" • "Hello, Cello" • "Annie and the Little Toy Plane" • "Carmine's Big Race" • "The Great Sky Race Rematch" • "Sleeping Bassoon" • "Rocket Soup" • "The Blue-Footed Booby Bird Ballet" • "Little Red Rockethood" • "The Puzzle of the Sphinx" • "The Wild Goose Chase" • "Annie and the Beanstalk" • "The Wind-Up Toy Prince" • "Mr. Penguin's Ice Cream Adventure" • "Annie, Get Your Microphone" • "The Treasure Behind the Little Red Door" • "The Secret Mystery Prize" • "Animal Snack Time" • "The Great Schubert's Guessing Game" • "Quincy and the Instrument Dinosaurs" • "Build It, Rocket!" • "Melody and Me" • "Music Monsters" • "The Song of the Unicorn" • "Flight of the Instrument Fairies" • "Silly Sock Saves the Circus" • "Go Team!" • "The Music Robot from Outer Space" • "Show and Tell" • "Fire Truck Rocket" • "Rocket the Bug" • "Little Elephant's Big Parade"