Robot-Ghost & Zeke is an American animated television series created by Reloaxa and produced by Disney Television Animation, which first aired on Disney XD on November 1, 2019. The show stars Jaleel White, Nick Offerman, Christy Carlson Romano and David Walliams. The series follows Zeke, a 24-year old who recently lost both his job and his childhood girlfriend Cassandra. He then befriends Robot-Ghost, who originates the ghastly Planet Untoten as a ghost, but after finding his way to Earth, finds a robot suit and ends up becoming embodied in it and he and Zeke go on crazy adventures. Throughout the series, Robot-Ghost needs Zeke's help to get home. Reloaxa has described the show as "Casper meets Rick and Morty meets Ren and Stimpy". A year after Weird World: The TV Show was cancelled, Robot-Ghost & Zeke became Reloaxa's second-longest running TV series, only behind Reloaxa's Avid Animations. It's also the first animated series created by Reloaxa to be considered an "Avidation" (Avid Animation), despite not originating in the show. The series was originally meant to be cancelled after its second season, but due to high ratings & critical acclaim, it continued.
The first two seasons were acclaimed for their story development, humour and sci-fi elements, as well as the voice performances of Offerman and White. However, some critics and fans feel that after "the first quarter" of Season 3, the series had a slight downfall and was considered not as funny, charming or action and emotionally packed as it originally was. The fourth and fifth seasons were met with mostly mixed-positive reception and the sixth season, which saw Reloaxa's return, was met with rave reviews.
Reloaxa's announced Seasons 7 and 8 would be coming soon with a possible 9th season in development and if so, it would most likely be the last, ending the series after nearly 20 years.
The series was very controversial and even received occasional criticism for it's creepiness and graphic content. In fact, one episode (The Chainsaw Factory) caused Reloaxa to quit the series and he wouldn't return until the sixth season.
Voice cast[]
- Jaleel White as Zeke Chalcroft
- Nick Offerman as Robot-Ghost
- Christy Carlson Romano as Sandra Yorke
- Doug Bradley as Professor Madness