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Ride A. Cockhorse is a nursery rhyme character to appear in Mother Goose: Rhymes To The Rescue.


Ride a cock-horse to Banbury Cross,

To see a fine lady upon a white horse;

Rings on her fingers and bells on her toes,

She shall have music wherever she goes.

Ride A. Cockhorse, or Ride for short, is the news reporter for Rhymeville. He loves reporting the news, though he's not much help. With the troublesome Ill Wills on the loose, all that Ride can do is hope for the best. If any Rhymester ever needs to know the news, Mr. Cockhorse will be there.

Ride is a living brown hobby horse with a dark brown mane, a blue bridle, a gray fedora with a black band, and a navy blue stick with a black base. He uses his reins to hold a red microphone which he uses to announce the news.


In the movie, Ride is greeted by Old MacDonald who is riding a real horse of his own named Marshall. Ride even sings his rhyme as part of "The Nursery Rhyme Medley".

As soon as the Ill Wills take control of Rhymeville, Mr. Cockhorse reports what's happening while Old MacDonald watches it on television.

The next day, Ride announces that Rhymeville is going back to normal thanks to everyone believing in themselves and acting out their rhymes again; although Ride doesn't know that it's the work of the Cow, the Dish, and the Spoon, he reports that the hero should be wished luck as well as the fact that Mother Goose is still nowhere to be found.

During the final battle at the Ill Wills' paper fortress, Ride announces the Rhymesters fighting the Ill Wills to see who will triumph without even helping.

As soon as all the Ill Wills are gone, Mother Goose decrees that and she her Rhymesters shall continue to do their rhymes. Mr. Cockhorse is about to continue his news report, but Old King Cole tells him that he can stop now. Ride is even seen at the celebration party in Old King Cole's castle; after the party, Ride and his friends return home to continue acting out their rhymes. In the end, Ride and the other Rhymesters wave goodbye to the viewers.

Video Games[]

Ride appears in the video game as a non-playable character. He is seen announces the news.


  • Ride is one the Rhymesters who doesn't get captured by the Ill Wills.
  • He is the only Rhymester who is a toy and one of a few living toy characters.
  • The way he reports the news is similar to Kermit the Frog on Sesame Street.
  • He uses his reins to hold things.
  • In most versions of the nursery rhyme, he is seen as an inanimate toy without any gender.