Revenge of McLeach is a 1993 animated adventure film produced by Walt Disney Animation (co-produce with Walt Disney Feature Animation). It is the third installment to The Rescuers and The Rescuers Down Under , and the animated feature film in the Disney Animated Canon film directed by Hendel Butoy and Mike Gabriel, produced by Thomas Schumacher, and was released by Walt Disney Pictures on June 25, 1993 in the United States. It is the first Disney animated film produce with Walt Disney Animation.
Continuing where we left off in "The Rescuers Down Under", the meanest man in Australia, known as Percival C. McLeach has survived the waterfall and now, he's out for revenge! Can Chloe help her son Cody get over his nightmares and protect him from the ruthless poacher? Most importantly, will the local rangers be able to bring McLeach to justice before it's too late? Things get really romantic when Cody goes to karate class and meets a certain girl from America, named Penny, who finds him very handsome. Prepare yourself for this concluding adventure full of returning characters and incredible animation in this insightful and powerful delight you'll never forget!
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