Prince Oliver is the main protagonist of The Little Mermaid III: The Legend of Oliver.
Prince Oliver is a charming young boy who felt a connection was trying to me made when be made his way out of Majorca, and made his way all to Denmark with the help of Sebastian, sent by King Triton, to Eric's castle. There, it took them a while to remember and connect, but they finally did. His fear was understandable by them after Cobra was revealed, but he had help from Triton to cope with his fears and with the help of the merpeople and the humans (both Majorcans and Danes) to defeat Cobra.
Oliver was captured and being held prisoner in Majorca from his people of Denmark by Lord Ariah's wife, Adriana, thinking she was a stolen Majorcan child. Lord Ariah (who was in reality the Lost Sea Warlock Cobra in disguise) was enraged at first, then he killed her. The real Lord Ariah heard it and confronted the imposter, but was put in a dungeon for years.
Through the years, after heated arguments with the Lord Ariah in disguise, Oliver's safest harbor was the Palma Cathedral of Majorca, which at the time, was the only place he felt was his home.