Disney Fanon Wiki
Piston Revenge New Poster Pose

Piston Revenge is one of the secondary antagonists of the Disney Cinematic Universe.

He serves as the minor antagonist of the 2000 animated film, House of Mouse, the secondary antagonist of the Disney's 2011 animated film, Brick Like Me, and the main antagonist of Disney's 2021 animated feature film, Chicken Little 2.

He was the prime minister of UK and International, who releases his colossal squad robe to become the villain for darkest path.


Piston Revenge is really cruel, calculating, corrupt, sly, evil and wrathful. He was the Leader of the Colossal squad, he and his octopus army killed thousands of soldiers. In Chicken Little 2, he and Black Zero with his Fox guards are still searching for The Goldreef Land under the sea. He also has an enemy called Chicken little, because of Chicken Little has a prophecy to defeat him.


Brick Like Me[]

Chicken Little 2[]

Chicken Little: The Future[]


Piston is a small slender humanoid with peach skin, thin black eye brows, blue robe with black belt with dark blue stripes, dark blue hat with red ball, white shorts, purple eyes.



I have come here to seek revenge!

