In the opening of the film, Cinderella and Prince Charming are celebrating an entire year since they fell in love with the help of Fairy Godmother, Jaq and Gus. However, at the same time, Anastasia discovers Cinderella's Fairy Godmother gains possession of her wand to make her own dreams come true.
Cinderella: What a perfectly perfect life It's a fairytale come true I'm a princess and a wife All because I fit a shoe When I dreamed of love, who would've guessed I'd end up here At the end of a perfectly perfect year!
What a wonderfully perfectly perfect year!
Anastasia: Why should we have to do the chores? Drizella: I would rather rot in jail Anastasia: Washing dishes and scrubbing floors Drizella: Oh, that's just great, I broke a nail!
Anastasia and Drizella: Cinderella's in the palace, living a life of luxury And we've not once been invited to a ball Drizella: Or even tea
Anastasia: Why don't I get a happy ending? Where's the prince who'd marry me? Anastasia and Drizella: When will this horrible nightmare disappear?! Lady Tremaine: (spoken) Pathetic. Anastasia and Drizella: Oh, what a perfectly miserably awful year!
Anastasia: Somewhere there must be someone who'd love me He'll show me a world that I never knew He'll ask for my hand and I'll say I do Oh wouldn't it be finer than fine If that perfectly perfect love were mine
Fairy Godmother: He's a perfectly charming prince She's a charmingly perfect lass Jaq: They've lived happily ever since she fit the slipper Gus: Made of glass
Fairy Godmother: Take your places everyone The time is drawing celebrate Fairy Godmother, Jaq and Gus: A perfectly perfect year!
Jaq and Gus: A perfect anniversary party that we planned for you Fairy Godmother: And I throw in some magic with a bibbidi bobbidi boo
Fairy Godmother, Jaq and Gus: On this perfectly perfect day, there is magic in the air Anastasia: Gee, I wonder if that old lady has a wand that she can spare Cinderella and Prince Charming: What can ever come between us Anastasia: I would gladly volunteer Fairy Godmother: And as for the future well it's perfectly clear
All: It's sure to be another magically... Anastasia: Tragically... All: Perfectly perfect year!
Anastasia: (spoken) Perfect!
Another sign that this took place before the second film, Drizella and Anastasia mention they haven't been invited to a ball, despite being invited to one in "An Uncommon Romance". However, in the previous two segments, they aren't invited to the Royal Banquet in "Aim to Please", or the carnival in "Tall Tail", which possibly means that only the third segment was after the events of Cinderella III and the other two probably took place before.
Deleted:Dancing on a Cloud • The Cinderella Work Song • The Face That I See in the Night • The Dress That My Mother Wore • Sing a Little, Dream a Little Twice Charmed:All Because of a Shoe • It's Never Too Late • In a Moment • Believe in Me