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Mo’s Mother: Hey, Mo! Did you like the movie, sweetie?
Mo: Well, there was a scene in the trailer that wasn't in the movie. And that makes me sad.
Mo’s Mother: Oh, that's too bad! Maybe playing your game would cheer you up.
Mo: Okay!
She starts playing a mobile game that involves feeding pancakes and milkshakes to a white bunny and a blue kitty.
Mo: Pancake. Milkshake. Pancake. Pancake. Milkshake.
Ralph suddenly appears inside the game.
Ralph: Ooh! Ooh, ooh! I wanna try, I wanna try, I wanna try! My turn, my turn. (feeds the corresponding food to the characters)
He starts feeding the large platefuls of pancakes to the bunny.
Ralph: Pancake. Milkshake. Milkshake. Milkshake. Pancake. Pancake. Milkshake. Milkshake. I'm starting to understand why people like this game! Very zen!
Vanellope enters the pancake-milshake game with a tray full of pancakes.
Vanellope: (wheels in a lot of pancakes) Hey, everybody! Look what I found! More pancakes!
Ralph: Sweet! Let's speed it up! (feeds tons of pancakes to the bunny) Pancake, pancake, pancake, pancake, pancake, pancake, pancake, pancake, pancake, pancake, pancake, pancake, pancake, pancake. Eat, little bunny. Eat, eat, eat!
Vanellope: (notices something) Ralph, you might wanna try feeding the kitty for a little while.
Ralph: No, the kitty gets the milkshake! The bunny gets the pancake!
Ralph puts another plate of pancakes in front of the bunny, the bunny forces the pancake in its mouth, we see the bunny explode as Baby Mo screams into louder volume.
Voiceover: WHAT THE FU―?!
Cut right then and there to the credits