Disney Fanon Wiki

Nocturno Perros (roughly translated as Night Hounds) is a Mexican-American animated television series created by Reynoman, airing on Disney XD. The series takes place in the fictional city of Los Sabuesos, which is populated by anthropomorphic dogs. The titular protagonists are a team of motorcycle-riding vigilantes who protect the city from an army of monsters based on those from Mexican folklore.


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  • Sandalio "Sandy" Perez (Jake T. Austin): Leader of the team, a Calupoh. 
  • Frederico "Freddy" Leal (Adam Irigoyen): The smallest and most fierce of the team, a Chihuahua.
  • Isaac "Ike" Funesto (TBA): The calm though eccentric and unpredictable of the team, a Xoloitzcuintli. 
  • Maddox Torres (John DiMaggio): The biggest and strongest of the team, a Chamuco. 
  • Wang Lopez (TBA): The oldest and the wisest of the team, a Chinese Crested. 


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  • The idea for the series was inspired by the 90's animated series SWAT Kats & Dante from the Disney-Pixar film Coco.
  • Like Gargoyles, this series may be a little bit dark for a children's series.