Jillian Marie "Jill" Andersen is a supporting character in the 2015 Disney/Pixar animated feature film, Inside Out, its upcoming sequel, and the franchise of the same name. She is a 50-year-old mom (later 51) Riley's mother and Bill's wife.
Mrs. Andersen is very kind and motherly, acting as the support center for her family when they get through tough times, like moving to San Francisco. There are times when she isn't patient with her husband because of his oblivious personality (believing she shouldn't have turned down her chance to marry a handsome Brazilian copter pilot), but she still loves him. She also loves Riley and does her best to understand Riley, especially as their move negatively affects Riley's personality.
Since Sadness seems to be the leader of her emotions (but is not a weeping mess like Riley's Sadness), it is possible this is where her understanding and compassionate nature comes from as sadness represents the ability to empathize with others or that she might've had a rough past.
Physical appearance[]
She has fair skin, brown eyes, noticeably wide hips and stout posterior, and long brown hair, usually in a low ponytail. She wears red-framed glasses and likes to wear long-sleeved shirts and sweaters.
Inside Out[]
Mrs. Andersen first appears at the hospital where she gives birth to Riley. Shortly after Riley's birth, Mrs. Anderson and her husband welcome their newborn daughter into the world, immediately falling in love with their baby girl.
Inside Out 2[]
Mrs. Andersen will appear in the upcoming sequel.
- Her full name is given in the Inside Out: The Essential Guide. Her credit card and Disney.com profile also state that her name is Jill Andersen.
- It appears her Sadness is the leader of her emotions as she is in the center of her control panel, similar to how Joy is the leader of Riley's emotions as she is in the center of her control panel.
- An image of her can be seen as a queen in Imagination Land's house of cards.
- On two occasions in the first film, she was seen wearing a beige cardigan with multicolored bands, whose colors are the same as those of emotions; and in addition to having the colors of the basic Emotions; red (Anger), yellow (Joy), green (Disgust), blue (Sadness) and purple (Fear). Additionally, orange (Anxiety), aquamarine (Envy), indigo (Ennui) and pink (Embarrassment) are also included, of course foreshadowing the new Emotions in Inside Out 2.