(Mother Goose at her desk, writing in her book, Goosey-Goosey Gander sitting next to her)
Mother Goose: There's got to be something new I can write.
(Goosey-Goosey Gander honks)
No, Goosey, I did that already.
Old MacDonald: Here's my suggestion, MG.
(Mother Goose turns to see Old MacDonald and the Rhymesters out her window)
You could write about how young'uns can play as us in our greatest adventure. That way they can always have us around.
(The other Rhymesters all agree)
Mother Goose: About how we defeated the Ill Wills?
Old MacDonald: You bet.
(Scenes of the Rhymesters doing many great things)
Announcer: In Mother Goose: Rhymes to the Rescue, join all your favorite nursery rhyme characters as they set out to save Mother Goose and her rhymes from the ruthless Ill Wills. Use different abilities, collect neat items, defeat Wills, and restore Rhymeville through multiple fun levels. From Old MacDonald to Mary had a Little Lamb to Hey Diddle Diddle, all the Rhymesters are willing to make the Ill Wills come with a whoop and come with a call, come with a goodwill, or come not at all.
(Mother Goose is finished working on a cover for the video game case, she presents the entire project)
Available now from Disney Interactive Studios, "Mother Goose: Rhymes to the Rescue" the game. Rated E for everyone. Get it before it's gone.
(Mother Goose to her Rhymesters)
Mother Goose: Thanks for the suggestion. If you have any more ideas for me, let me know. I'll be more than happy to write them down.
Rhymesters: Anytime, Mother Goose. Anytime.