Milica & Avian is an upcoming American 3D/hand-drawn animated adventure film written and directed by Steven Spielberg. The film will feature an extensive ensemble voice cast, featuring the voices of Jennifer Lawrence, Ryan Gosling, Ben Affleck, Melisaa McCarthy, Mark Wahlberg, Alicia Vikander, Jonah Hill, Natalie Portman with Tom Hiddleston, and Mila Kunis.
Set in Moscow, Russia in which imps are timid troublemakers and common enemies to the human beings. The film follows five local imps—Avian, Vlada, Radovan, Masha and Pavel . They are fed up with their isolated existence until a surly imp named Milica ventures to thier small village to help them find a better home in the human's place. The colony receives her help and they will protect their species from the human authorities who have come to terminate them!
- Jennifer Lawrence as Milica, a bad-tempered and unfriendly imp.
- Ryan Gosling as Avian, a mature and responsible imp.
- Melissa McCarthy as Vlada, a quick-witted imp who has a crush on Radovan.
- Ben Affleck as Radovan, a charismatic and haughty imp.
- Mark Wahlberg as Gleb, a young snobbish imp.
- Alicia Vikander as Masha, Pavel's maternal and overprotective mother.
- Jonah Hill as Pavel, Masha's young and rebellious son who befriends Milica.
- Natalie Portman as Mother Zora, the leader of the imps.
- Tom Hiddleston as Elmir, a dimwitted and lovable imp.
- Nia Vardalos as Magdalena, a charismatic imp who is in love with Gleb.
- Mila Kunis as Tonya Bortnik, a intelligent and spoiled tennager who attemps to terminate the imps.