"Mickey Saves Santa" is the twentieth episode of the first season of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and also the series' Christmas episode. It was originally released directly-to-video on the DVD Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Mickey Saves Santa and Other Mouseketales on November 14, 2006, and later aired on Playhouse Disney on December 16th of the same year.
Mickey and Donald dash off to rescue Santa Claus so he can deliver everyone's presents.
A pair of skiis
A spotlight
This is the first of two episodes where Minnie, Daisy, Pluto, and Goofy say goodbye to Mickey and Donald when they ride the Toon Plane. The second was "Donald's Ducks".
This is the first Christmas episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
When Mickey and Donald arrive at the North Pole, it is daytime. It makes no sense for it to be day at the North Pole during Christmas since during winter, the North Pole is tilted so far away from the Sun that daylight can not reach it, thus giving it a perpetual night.