Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures (originally titled Mickey and the Roadster Racers, retroactively titled Mickey Mouse Roadster Racers) is a madcap car-racing adventure for preschoolers featuring the Sensational Six, Mickey, Minnie, Pluto, Goofy, Donald, and Daisy as the main characters. It is the successor to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, but this series is not interactive. Also, instead of a full-length 22-minute story, this series contains two shorter 11-minute stories per episode.
The show premiered on January 15, 2017,[2] on Disney Junior and programming blocks around the world so the series takes the Sensational Six and their uniquely personalized vehicles on humorous high-spirited races around the globe, including hometown capers in Hot Dog Hills.
On March 15, 2017, it was announced that the show had been renewed for a second season.[3] The show was renewed for a third season in 2018[4]. With the third season, the show was renamed to Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures (with the past seasons being renamed to Mickey Mouse Roadster Racers) and re-introduces "The Hot Dog Song" interactivity from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
Bill Farmer as Goofy, Pluto, Horace Horsecollar, Uncle Goof, Mr. Bigby, Mayor McBeagle, Mr. McBilly, Mutsy, Chef Beagle, Officer Copper, Garth, Hawaiian Beagle, Additional voices
Jim Cummings as Pete, Colonel Pete, Pancho Pete, Pau Hana Pete, Piston Pietro, Pu Pu Platter Pete, Sir Lord Pete, Beefeater Pete, Peteroni Leone, Pau Hana Pete, Pineapple Patty, El Toro Pete, Hunchback Pete, Captain Peterson, Lord Beaglethwait, Officer Schnauze, Dr. Fozz, Bigfoot Best, Mr. Beaglegish, Mr. Thunderboom, Grandpa Kai, Additional voices
Official music video from Disney Junior's YouTube channel
Tony Anselmo was replaced by Daniel Ross as Donald Duck for unknown reasons, though possibly due to Anselmo being too busy with a lot of other projects that feature Donald. However, Anselmo did Donald for clips of the show used in Disney Junior Dance Party.
Mickey's race car number is 28, a reference to his debut in Steamboat Willie, which was released in 1928.
Morty McCool's race car number is 36, yet another debut reference, albeit to Mickey's Rival, which was released in 1936.
In the first two seasons, The Toon Car from the Clubhouse in the last series is the only tie to it aside from the characters. The Clubhouse itself will re-appear in a crossover special dedicated to the late Russi Taylor.[5]
This is the only Mickey Mouse TV series to be re-named.
This is the final series that Russi Taylor starred in as well as her final performance as Minnie Mouse. She was replaced by Kaitlyn Robrock starting in July 2020.
Home media[]
The first few episodes of Mickey and the Roadster Racers were released on DVD on March 7, 2017.[6]