Mickey Mouse Funhouse features The Sensational Six - Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, Daisy Duck, Goofy and Pluto, going on adventures revolving around Funny, an "enchanted talking playhouse who leads the Sensational Six on imaginative adventures." The group travels to Funny by calling special cars with a rollercoaster-like attachment called the "Floaty Coaster" that Windy Weathervane (who also acts as an attachment to Funny) winds up to fly over to the Funhouse Forest where Funny and his doghouse-like pet named Teddy live. Funny also has a slide compartment that the gang uses to land after their flight. After the group arrives, Funny presents multiple doors that go to different locations and provide unique journeys. Funny can also shapeshift to match with the current setting of the adventure (for instance, a pirate ship during a pirate adventure) and project his face in certain places to help the group with their situations. At the end, Mickey and his friends return to the funhouse to recap on the morals that they have learned throughout their adventures.
The cars that the Sensational Six use to go to the Funhouse Forest resemble their race cars from Mixed-Up Adventures.
Mickey's garage and Hot Dog Hills both appear at the beginning of the first episode.
This series' first episode was the last program to premiere on Disney Junior in South East Asia with the channel closing by the end of the same day (September 30, 2021).
When Tress MacNeille got too busy with other projects, she decided to not voice Daisy and Chip in the second season where Debra Wilson and Jan Johns took over her roles, respectively.
The second season marks the first project since 1999 in which someone other than Tress MacNeille voices Daisy Duck.
This is the third Disney animated series in which Bill Farmer and Kaitlyn Robrock appear together, after Amphibia and Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures.
Season One: "Mickey the Brave!" • "Homesick/Goldfish Goofy!" • "Spaced Out!/Treasure, Ahoy!" • "Is There a Plumber in the House?!/A Fish Tale" • "Minnie Goes Ape!/Dino Doggies" • "Troll Trouble!/The Sunny Gulch Games!" • "Minnie's Big Delivery!/The Wandrin' Warbler!" • "Mickey and the Cornstalk!/King Mickey" • "Bottled Up!/Minnie's Fairy Tale!"