Mickey's Fun Songs is a children's sing-along video series created by Peter Montgomery, somewhat similar to Disney's Sing-Along Songs, except it mainly stars Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Goofy and Donald Duck, and hosted by several child actors and the kids from Kidsongs. It also features Huey, Dewey and Louie, Pluto and Chip and Dale. It began in 1994 and ended in 1995.
In early 1996, the three videos were reissued under the Sing-Along Songs name.
- Melanie Atmadja
- Mario Bailey
- Sancha Baucom
- Mika Boorem
- Christian Buenaventura
- Tiffany Burton
- Brendon Clark
- Toby Scott Ganger
- Ryan Gay
- Bobby Gibson
- Brandon Hammond
- Jessica Lewis
- Spencer Liff
- Michelle Montoya
- Tahj Mowry
- Nicole Pitts
- Shira Roth
- Shari Lynn Summers
- Caitlin Wachs
- Diễm Liên
- Tú Quyên
- Minh Tuyết
- Như Loan
- Trish Thùy Trang
- Hạ Vy
With the Voice Talents of[]
- Wayne Allwine as Mickey Mouse
- Tony Anselmo as Donald Duck
- Bill Farmer as Goofy and Pluto
- Russi Taylor as Minnie Mouse, Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck
- Tress MacNeille as Chip
- Corey Burton as Dale, Captain Hook and Mr. Smee
- Jim Cummings as Tigger
- Peter M. Klimes as Big Al
- Dave Durham as Liver Lips
- Harry Middlebrooks as Shaker
- Bill Cole as Wendell
- Jodi Benson as Ariel
- Brad Kane as Aladdin
- Lea Salonga as Jasmine
- Chris Steele as Peter Pan
Guest stars[]
- David Larible - Lead Clown
- Eric Michael Gillett - Ringmaster
- Ku'Ulei - Polynesian Hula Dancer
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