Maroon Cartoons is a fictional animation feature production studio located in Los Angeles, California from the film Who Framed Roger Rabbit. It was owned and operated by studio executive R.K. Maroon (before his death) and produces many cartoon features daily. Among their most popular cartoons made are shorts starring Baby Herman and his costars Roger and Jessica Rabbit.
Among the most venerated production facilities in Hollywood, it is well connected with the industry's top studios (i.e., Disney, Warner Bros, etc.) and employs hundreds of animated characters and humans as well.
In the spring of 1947, Maroon once tried to sell the studio to Cloverleaf Industries in what was considered one of the biggest real-estate deals in California history. Cloverleaf, (revealed to be owned by Judge Doom who Murdered Maroon) however, hatched a scheme to profit from monopolizing transportation in Los Angeles. They attempted to acquire and dismantle the Red Car Trolley Line and the property of Toontown to build a freeway over it. However, once Marvin Acme's will was successfully retrieved, Toontown was safe from demolition.
The filming location for the Maroon Cartoon Studios is RED Studios Hollywood (formerly Desilu Productions and later, Ren-Mar Studios during the time of filming) .
Comics:Sunshine • Nightwing • C.B. Maroon • Rick Flint Deleted:Captain Cleaver • Voltaire Other:Lenny the Cab • List of cameos in Who Framed Roger Rabbit