Lost Dog is a 2020 Disney Animated short. It was paired with the movie Eska.
The story starts showing the short's title, Lost Dog, on a flier attached to a telephone pole. The camera pans from the pole to a rainy evening in the suburban area. A sheepdog named Blue sleeps in an alleyway under an awning to keep dry from the rain. A teenage boy named Marshall finds the dog while walking in the rain and takes Blue into his home.
While at Marshall's house, Blue is fed and groomed before he is taught how to live in a house. He gets into sorts of mischief, but Marshall is patient with the alley dog.
As time passes, Blue learns to love Marshall and treat him like his old master. However, while playing outside with Marshall, Blue starts to whimper in sadness. Marshall soon finds out that Blue misses his master, and wants to go home. Marshall takes Blue around the city to find his master, but have no such luck.
Just as they were about to give up, Blue spots something that makes him bark and run to it. Marshall tries to keep up while holding onto his leash, but gets pulled on by Blue. When he finally stopped, he is thrown below the feet of a girl named Lola. The girl stares at Marshall for a while, then looks at the dog. Her eyes fill with tears as she hugs the dog close while Blue licks her cheek. She was the original master of Blue. When she stopped hugging Blue, she looks Marshall in the eyes, and thanks him for finding her dog by hugging him. Marshall blushes as Blue smirks at him. When she stops hugging him, he asks her if she wants to have coffee with him. Lola agrees and the new friends get acquainted while Blue trails behind him.