"Little Wonders" is a song featured in Disney's 2007 animated feature film Meet the Robinsons after Lewis' invention is a hit at the science fair. During the song, images of the Robinson family buying the Anderson Observatory, as well as Lewis working in his journal, coming up with new inventions are seen.
After the Memory Scanner was a success at Joyce Williams Elementary School, everyone else is impressed that Lewis' invention was successful at the science fair. After looking at the images of his family, Lewis bids a farewell to the orphanage and finally decides to get adopted. There, the Robinson family sells the Happy Realtors property to the Anderson Observatory to which Lewis feels satisfied of himself that he gets to have a better future as he continues to build his future with the Observatory bought. The song ends with a quote said by Walt Disney before the credits.
Let it go
Let it roll right off your shoulder
Don't you know?
The hardest part is over
Let it in
Let your clarity define you
In the end
We will only just remember how it feels
Our lives are made
In these small hours
These little wonders
These twists and turns of fate
Time falls away
But these small hours
These small hours
Still remain
Let it slide
Let your troubles fall behind you
Let it shine
Until you feel it all around you
And I don't mind
If it's me you need to turn to
We'll get by
It's the heart that really matters in the end
Our lives are made
In these small hours
These little wonders
These twists and turns of fate
Time falls away
But these small hours
These small hours
Still remain
All of my regrets
Will wash away somehow
But I cannot forget
The way I feel right now
In these small hours
These little wonders
These twists and turns of fate
Yeah, these twists and turns of fate
Time falls away
Yeah, but these small hours
And these small hours
Still remain, yeah
Oh, they still remain
These little wonders
Oh, these twists and turns of fate
Time falls away
But these small hours
These little wonders
Still remain
Another Believer • To the Future! • Where Is Your Heart At? • Give Me the Simple Life • Little Wonders • The Future Has Arrived • The Motion Waltz (Emotional Commotion) • Kids of the Future • There's a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow
Sixth Street Orphanage • Joyce Williams Elementary School • Inventco • Anderson Observatory • Robinson Industries • Jacoby's Junk • Playtime Planet
Time Machine • Memory Scanner • Lewis' Journal • Mega-Doris