Little Bo Peep is one of the nursery rhyme characters to appear in Mother Goose: Rhymes To The Rescue.
Little Bo-Peep has lost her sheep,
And doesn't know where to find them;
Leave them alone, and they'll come home,
Wagging their tails behind them.
Little Bo Peep may lose her sheep once in a while, but she sure knows what to do. She doesn't let the Ill Wills stop her from doing what needs to be done. Her friends are always there for her whenever she's in need. This shepherdess is surely not so sheepish. Whether her sheep are lost or found, Little Bo Peep is a good friend to have around.
Little Bo Peep is a slender black haired woman with red lipstick and silver star earrings. She wears a sky blue stocking cap, a red-orange top, a purple skirt, orange socks, and pink heels. She carries a shepherd's crook so that she can herd her sheep.
In the movie, Little Bo Peep waves to Old MacDonald who waves back while riding on his horse, Marshall. Bo Peep even sings her rhyme as part of "The Nursery Rhyme Medley".
As soon as the Ill Wills take control of Rhymeville, Little Bo Peep has her sheep sticking with her at all times, much to her dismay. When Old MacDonald and his gang realize that they need to believe in themselves, the Cow, the Dish, and the Spoon spread the word throughout Rhymeville, which allows Little Bo Peep to lose her flock again.
But then, by order of their Commander, the Ill Wills capture Wee Willie Winkie, the Crooked Man, Peter Piper, the Butcher, the Baker, the Candlestick Maker, and Little Bo Peep as well as imprison them in their paper fortress.
Fortunately, Old Mac and his gang come to set them all free. But before the Rhymesters can escape, the Ill Wills trap them refusing to let them continue their rhymes since the Wills hate rhymes and children. While Mother Goose goes after Commander Will, the Rhymesters take on the other Wills. Little Bo Peep attacks the papers with her shepherd's crook like a samurai warrior.
As soon as all the Ill Wills are gone, Mother Goose decrees that she and her Rhymesters shall continue to do their rhymes. Little Bo Peep is even seen at the celebration party in Old King Cole's castle; after the party, Little Bo Peep and her friends return home to continue acting out their rhymes. In the end, the Three Men and the other Rhymesters wave goodbye to the viewers.
Video Games[]
Little Bo Peep appears in the video game as one of playable characters once she is freed from imprisonment at Bo Peep Glade. Her abilities are to fight with her crook and send her sheep to stampede.
- In the movie, Little Bo Peep imprisoned in the paper fortress; while in the video game, she is imprisoned at Bo Peep Glade.
- In the movie, Little Bo Peep is separated from her flock while being imprisoned; in the video game, she can call her sheep everywhere she goes.