General Li: "The Huns have struck here, here, and here."
General Li: "You will stay and train the new recruits."
Shang listening to his father
"Captain Li Shang. Leader of
China's finest troops."
"No, the greatest troops of all time!"
Soldiers: "
He started it!"
"I don't need anyone causing trouble in my camp."
Mulan/Ping: "Sorry."
"I didn't ask for his name, I asked for yours!"
Chi-Fu: "I can see why. The boy's an absolute lunatic."
"Okay, gentlemen. Thanks to your new friend Ping..."
"'ll spend tonight picking up every single grain of rice!"
"And tomorrow, the real work begins."
"Thank you for volunteering."
"You seem to be missing something."
"This represents discipline..."
"...and this represents strength."
"You need both to reach the arrow."
"We've got a long way to go."
"Let's get down to business..."
"You're the saddest bunch I've ever met..."
"...before we're through"
"Mister, I'll make a man..."
Shang walks out of his tent as the arrow is thrown to the ground.
Shang impressed at Mulan/Ping's progress
Mulan/Ping: "Hey, I'll hold him and you punch."
"I don't understand. My father should've been here."
Chien-Po: "The General."
Chien-Po shows the General's helmet to Shang.
Shang mourning over his father's death.
"You just gave away our position! Now we're--"
"You are the craziest man I've ever met."
"From now on, you have my trust."
Ling (off-screen): "Let's hear it for Ping!"
"He's wounded! Get help!"
...and is surprised to see that "he" is a woman, Mulan.
Shang unsheathes Mulan's sword
Shang advances on Mulan...
...and hesitates to execute her
"I said move out."
Shang in Chi-Fu's face.
Mulan: "Shang, I saw them in the mountains. You have to believe me."
Shang notices Shan Yu on the palace roof...
...then the Huns burst out of the dragon costume behind him
Watching the Huns capture the Emperor
Mulan (off-screen): "Hey, guys."
Shang agrees to follow Mulan
Shang rushes to stop Shan Yu and rescue the Emperor
Shang knocked out by Shan Yu
Shang temporarily knocked out
Chi-Fu: "What a mess! Stand aside!"
Shang grabs Chi-Fu for ranting about Mulan
Watching the Emperor rebuke Mulan
Watching Mulan hug the Emperor
The Emperor walks up to Shang
"Does Fa Mulan live here?"
"You forgot your helmet."