Disney Fanon Wiki

Kaleidoscothic: The Series is an American animated horror anthology series created by Reloaxa and produced by Thirty-8 Animations (formerly Disney Television Animation), which first aired on Disney XD on June 20, 2036 and ended on February 26, 2038. It is based on the Kaleidoscothic film franchise. Like the films, the series is an anthology with each episode focusing on different characters in different situations, all of which are presented by Eris Redwine and Bella Esposito, the protagonists of the first film.

The series received mixed reviews overall, with many critics stating the first series had writing that was incoherent a lot of the time, that it lacked emotion and character development and they simply didn't feel it was a worthy follow-up of the films. But there was praise for the animation, creative ideas and humour. The second and last season was better received than the first one, with praise going to the improved writing and occasional emotional moments, but many were still critical at the lack of character development.

Voice Cast[]

  • Chloë Grace Moretz as Eris Redwine
  • Keke Palmer as Bella Esposito