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Hannah Montana: Mystics in Narathiwat is a 2007 anime-influenced Western animated supernatural horror film directed by Simon Helberg. The film stars Anna Maria Perez de Tagle, Melissa Fahn, Samuel Vincent, Yuri Lowenthal, Edie McClurg, and Gwendoline Yeo. The film focuses on dark magic and borrows from Maritime Southeast Asian folklore and Mainland Southeast Asian folklore, specially the Krasue and the penanggalan, a blood-sucking creatures that appear in the form of a flying head with organs and entrails still attached.


Ashley Dewitt (Anna Maria Perez de Tagle) is a middle school student from Malibu, California who goes to small town in Southern Thailand called Narathiwat to write a book about voodoo and dark magic. She learns of Krasue magic from her lover named Dustin Raven, who says that it is the most powerful form of dark magic and it can be used to kill. After attending a ceremonial ritual, Dustin agrees to help Cathy study magic, and they share a kiss as a mysterious man watches from afar. The next night, after a brief thunderstorm, the two meet the cackling leader of the Krasue cult, an old witch with long fingernails known as the Queen of the Krasue.

The Queen of the Krasue shows the two her face, but says that her face changes every time she makes an appearance. Before leaving, the Queen shakes hands with Ashley, and her severed arm is left in Ashley's grip. She drops it in fright, and the arm crawls a short distance and stops. The following night, Ashley and Dustin bring bottles of goat's blood to quench the Queen's thirst. The Queen, revealing herself only as a prehensile tongue, orders Ashley to take off her long pants, and carves a spell into Ashley's left upper leg. The Queen demands that Ashley return the next night, and that Dustin Raven is not to join her side.

The next day, Ashley asks Dustin to read the spell on her left upper leg, but he can only decipher the word "Krasue". At midnight, wearing a long skirt, Ashley ventures into the graveyard. The Queen appears, cackling, and Ashley laughs maniacally and dances with her, and they transform into a pair of female Dobermanns. Later on, Dustin's mother Miranda Weatherly, teaches him mantras which can counteract Krasue magic. Ashley tells Dustin that she and the Queen could communicate telepathically, and that she envisioned destroying a wall of fire, which Dustin says means that she killed someone somewhere. Ashley feels ill, but tells Dustin that the Queen will cure her illness that night. In her meeting with the Queen that night, Ashley's head, organs, and entrails detach from her body. Now a floating vampiric head under the control of the Queen, Ashley's head flies into the home of a pregnant lady and sucks out the unborn baby from the mother's womb.

Ashley's head returns to her body, her illness is cured, and the blood she devoured invigorates the Queen's youthfulness and power. They transform into a pair of female reticulated pythons as Dustin watches in shock from the bushes, and Ashley awakens as a human and vomits tokay gecko in the toilet, leaving Dustin speechless and gasps in horror. During the night, in the form of fireballs, the Queen and Ashley defeat one of the Queen's enemies. The mysterious man named Peter Oliver witnesses Ashley's head flying, and he tells his cousin-in-law Miranda Weatherly (his father-in-law's niece), who informs her colleagues of the evil and retreats to meditate. The Queen appears to Ashley as a teenage girl and detaches her head again. Miranda finds Ashley's headless body, and the townspeople attempt to ward off the flying head. Miranda tells her youngest son Dustin that Ashley is no longer the girl he knew and loves, and they bury her body to prevent the head from reattaching. Dustin dreams of Ashley, who pleads for her body to be exhumed.

That night, the Queen and the flying head appear to Miranda and her youngest son Dustin in the graveyard. The Queen, revealed to be an old nemesis of Miranda, uses her powers to disinter Ashley's body. The head reattaches, and the Queen electrocutes Miranda and slashes her neck, seemingly kills her. The mysterious man named Peter Oliver, who reveals himself to be Miranda's cousin-in-law, tries to attack the Queen with a wooden baseball bat but is killed by her in the process. Dustin's mother Miranda appears and angrily attacks the Queen as revenge for killing her cousin-in-law Peter Oliver (her paternal uncle's son-in-law). The Queen transforms into a humanoid boar, which Miranda stabs in the heart with a holy dagger. Becoming a masked figure, the Queen shoots a purple-colored energy blast at Miranda, who projects a blue-colored energy blast in return, causing a huge explosion. The Queen and Ashley are killed by the sunrise.

Voice cast[]

  • Anna Maria Perez de Tagle as Ashley Dewitt
  • Samuel Vincent as Dustin Raven, Miranda's youngest son and Dennis Raven's younger brother.
  • Melissa Fahn as Miranda Weatherly-Raven, Dustin's mother and Peter Oliver's cousin-in-law.
  • Yuri Lowenthal as Peter Oliver, Miranda's cousin-in-law.
  • Edie McClurg as the Old Queen of the Krasue
  • Gwendoline Yeo as the Young Queen of the Krasue