Great Barrier Reef is an American animated television series that premiered on Disney Channel and Disney+ on August 6, 2023, as part of the Finding Nemo franchise. The series takes place after the events of the sequel Finding Dory, showing the many misadventures Nemo, Dory, and Marlin have with their friends - old and new - from their home in the reef, to the big blue and beyond.
Despite retaining the charm and traditional concepts of the original movies, the show often has comedic moments, varying from slapstick to random moments. Unlike the two movies, the show is 2D-animated rather than CGI.
Main characters[]
Nemo (voiced by TBA, replacing Hayden Rolence and Alexander Gould) - An adventurous young clownfish.
Dory (voiced by Jennifer Hale) - A friendly and helpful, yet forgetful and silly blue tang.
Marlin (voiced by Albert Brooks) - Nemo's uptight, yet caring father, who is best friends with Dory.
Hank (voiced by Ed O'Neill) - A mostly grumpy Pacific red octopus, or "septopus", due to him having lost one of his eight tentacles.
Destiny (voiced by Kaitlin Olson) - A nearsighted whale shark who is Dory's other best friend - first in her life, and second to Marlin. She can be described as cheerful, helpful, awkward, panicky, and occasionally sassy.
Bailey (voiced by Ty Burrell) - A carefree, excitable, slightly dimwitted, as well as neurotic and panicky beluga whale who is Destiny's other best friend besides Dory. He uses his echolocation to find things far away, and help guide his near-sighted friend Destiny around the ocean.
Jenny & Charlie (voiced by Diane Keaton and Eugene Levy, respectively) - Dory's supportive parents.
Supporting characters[]
Mr. Ray (voiced by Bob Peterson) - Nemo's stingray teacher.
Tad (voiced by TBA) - Nemo's obnoxious butterfly fish classmate.
Sheldon (voiced by TBA) - Nemo's seahorse classmate.
Pearl (voiced by TBA) - Nemo's flapjack octopus classmate.
Kathy (voiced by Katherine Ringgold) - Nemo's buck-toothed classmate who speaks with a lisp.
Crush (voiced by Andrew Stanton) - A sea turtle with the mannerisms of a surfer dude.
Fluke and Rudder (voiced by Idris Elba and Dominic West, respectively) - Two sea lions who used to live at the Marine Life Institute until they got released back in the ocean, where they moved to the Great Barrier Reef. They are mostly lazy, but enjoy adventure.
Gerald (voiced by Torbin Xan Bullock) - A peculiar sea lion who often unintentionally annoys Fluke and Rudder.
Becky (voiced by Torbin Xan Bullock) - A peculiar loon who used to life at the Marine Life Institute until she followed the three sea lions to the reef. She has a particular fondness for Marlin.
Bruce (voiced by Jess Harnell, replacing Barry Humphries) - A somewhat intimidating, yet friendly great white shark, who swore off eating fish.
Anchor (voiced by Eric Bana) - Bruce's hammerhead shark friend.
Chum (voiced by Bruce Spence) - Bruce's mako shark friend.
Bubbles (voiced by Stephen Root) - A yellow tang who has an obsession with bubbles.
Deb (voiced by Vicki Lewis) - A damselfish who thinks her reflection is her twin sister, Flo.
Gurgle (voiced by Austin Pendleton) - A germophobic royal gramma.
Jacques (voiced by Jerome Ranft) - A French-speaking Pacific cleaner shrimp.
Nigel (voiced by Geoffrey Rush) - A brown pelican.
Seagulls (voiced by Andrew Stanton, Jan Rabson (archival), Bob Peterson, Jess Harnell, and Aaron Fors) - A flock of greedy seagulls who only say "Mine!".
Otters - A group of sea otters that hang near the reef.
The Barracuda - The main antagonist of the series.
Video Games:Finding Nemo • Finding Nemo: The Continuing Adventures • Finding Nemo: Escape to the Big Blue • Disney Universe • Nemo's Reef • Finding Dory: Just Keep Swimming • Disney Crossy Road • Disney INFINITY: 3.0 Edition • Disney Emoji Blitz Soundtrack:: Finding Nemo • Finding Dory • Finding Nemo - The Musical Books:Little Golden Book • Disney's Wonderful World of Reading • Big Golden Book • The Art of Finding Nemo • The Art of Finding Dory
Nemo Egg • Let's Name the Species • Just Keep Swimming • Beyond the Sea • O, We're Going Home • What a Wonderful World • Unforgettable • In The Big Blue World • Go With the Flow